Be windows 10 cuck

>Be windows 10 cuck
>Have a "registry" process eating your RAM
>Registry process is the new svchost

Attached: Screenshot_10.png (941x53, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine being a ramlet

Attached: stop being poor.png (192x58, 1K)


>imagine needing 70GB of RAM for Windows to work normally
somebody pays for this crap

I couldn't imagine not having 28MB free RAM

I have Windows 10 and that process isn't there.

> year of our Lord 2019
> 27.8 megs of ram are an issue of life and death

Look deeper

I can have an entire OS run on that, modern one.
Kys niggerfaggot

>28 M of ram
>""""eating your ram""""
then firefox that's using almost half-gb what's doing, being an american?

>1.5 MB of ram
>eating ram

Attached: rQ8QevY.png (394x21, 1K)

Pajeets shilling for microshit are out in force today.
Just because a process is 40 MB on ram, doesn't mean there are no child sub-process beneath it actually eating your RAM, your brainlet.
>Post your RAM, or go to resource monitor for details.

Attached: g_shills.png (735x881, 131K)

Why do you waste so much money for hardware if you don't know how to fucking use it properly?

Attached: a.png (1367x768, 76K)

Did you even read the OP


What do you ever need this much RAM for? I have 16 GB and it works perfectly without any issues. This is just a waste of money.

not win10 cuck and I'm not gonna install it to prove a point

>1% CPU usage

Might as well turn it off, famalam.

Bragging rights.

That and heavily modded minecraft.

>Pajeets shilling for microshit are out in force today.
>Just because a process is 40 MB on ram, doesn't mean there are no child sub-process beneath it actually eating your RAM, your brainlet.
except the Registry "process" is just a pseudoprocess like many others, there is no code running or amything like that

I also have 16 GB and keep running out of it
Main resource hogs are Firefox (4-8 GB), Visual Studio (1-1.5 GB per instance), VMs (2 GB per instance usually). When compiling cl/clang can sometimes eat up to 600 MB per instance (that is one per core) which often forces excessive swapping

>700MB usage
This is what Winblowsfags call minimal


Running VMs of 5 GB each leave me with 6GB RAM and that is barely enough for playing vidya. 32 GB is the right spot, anything higher is autismo

Use pale meme for a lightweight browser, its comfy imo

Have fun closing it and open it back up every other hour

lel. The configuration manager is no more a process than the executable loader or your video driver.
"Those who don't understand Windows are condemned to troll about it - poorly".

Attached: 4553820.jpg (430x327, 39K)

Look at this stupid pajeet shill, le don't understand windows bla bla, it is a windows process you colossal pretentious cunt.
>"minimal process whose address space is used to hold data on behalf of the kernel"

Microsoft has been splitting things out into separate processes for a long time now.
Windows always had the registry open at all times, now it's just in a separate process.

Still, mine is only using 220K, so I don't know what is going on with your system.

So it's a cache? Then call it a cache, NEETboy.

>system idle is a real process!
>system is a real process!
>*NEW* registry is a real process!
I love Jow Forumsentoomen. Don't ever change.

Attached: 1477500690651.jpg (151x233, 11K)

I've had a single Houdini sim that wasn't even very dense (VDB resolution at just 512) and it was using 54GB of RAM.

What do you even use your PC for?

Don't forget
>system interrupts is a real process!

Yes because it actually has a functional OS running, unlike your text only trash riced loonix garbage.

No, minimal is Windows 2000.
It's just like Linux in a lot of ways:
>20 years out of date
>no working drivers
>only the most basic software runs
And it can do this in 60MB RAM.

>have used ebay laptop
>constantly get interrupted by lack of RAM
>make fun of people with more RAM as a defense mechanism
Why do you poor people do this? This gay, bitchy, cynical altitude? Especially anti-mac fags.
Elitism over being poor, what a homo.

Attached: peter_yes.jpg (750x918, 70K)

>What do you ever need this much RAM for? I have 16 GB and it works perfectly without any issues
Uhh, hey aspergurs , not everyone uses their computer for gays like you

Bro, just use DWM and terminal programs only like me?
Working on a computer is a botnet, society is a botnet, just detach from reality bro.

>im poor: the post

whatever, i have a 1999 thinkpad running win2000 and it's laggy as shit

A lot of CAD projects wont even open with less than 50gb of ram.

Attached: you're a fucking liar, anon.gif (385x332, 1.15M)

>Poor people
My machine is twice the price of a Macbook, but I'll prefer to use my RAM in useful work instead of it goes all the way to an OS that only purpose is to act as a layer between the hardware and my programs.