>still havent win the lottery
why life sucks like this Jow Forums uh?

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You just gotta keep praying the gay away

i just want to play p3p on my bed for the rest of my life basically

domt leave me user, domt be a dick

Hey Elliot, maybe one day you'll win

Canada's right, you just have to drive all night and buy more tickets.

i dont buy ticket, i just want to win a big pile of money out of nowhere

im a big big liar i fake a lot of thing irl i wank with a fake pair of glasses and a badge and i act like im a journalist i also bring an empty laptop case around im very very credible and sometimes i got some works by people assuming im a real journalist but ive been overhelmed by my lies i need money to make this life real otherwise im gonna fucking implode and i cant handle this shit. i wont leave my bad atm how the fuck i cope with this... if only somebpdy ring my bell with a bag of money....

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this is totally unintelligible im sorry

I wank in my uni library restroom

nice, but i mean walk not wank, unfortunatly im not very present atm so it's happens to mispell things

based but greypilled

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sauce of this meme, op. please.

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My dad always told me that there are only three ways to become really, really rich. Either you win the lottery, you inherit the money from someone or they just decide to give it to you, or you work hard at whatever it is you're doing for money and try to be smart with your earnings.

With no rich family and relatives, as well as the overwhelmingly low odds of winning the lottery, you're only left with the last option. I guess you can look at it like a character building experience though. If you were able to become rich just by adeptly managing your money, you could look back on the times when you weren't so wealthy and think about how you've gradually and carefully made your way up to upper class section of society over time.

Biz told me to get some crypto.
THIS YEAR it'll work.

oh that's nice but i dont want to actually do things about my situation, i just want to bitching up bit to trying to cope with my mental breakdown

>why mr moneyman can just walk in and hand me a bag of cash?
life it's not fair

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The public eye has already turned away from cryptocurrencies after the price of bitcoin crashed about a year ago and everyone realised how volatile the worth of cryptocurrencies are. Anyone who was going to try and become rich through cryptocurrencies would have an easier time predicting the weather in Tokyo while being in New York and having no access to internet, TV, radio, etc.

But.. to the moon?

Whsts the sauce of op inage?

That's a dude in the pic


I don't give a DAMN.

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