Where do I start with Bash

Where do I start with Bash

Attached: bash.png (1800x1240, 54K)

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Install bash (if you don't have it already), and then fire up a bash session. There, you just got started with Bash.

You switch to windows and fire up PowerShell

>Where do I start with Bash
xbps-install fish-shell

Just to the right of that little dollar sign.

You already posted the video thumbnail dumbass

at the $

1.open terminal
2.type help
ls /bin/
ls /sbin/


1. mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide
2. gnu.org/software/bash/manual/

Open the manual by typing man bash in your terminal.


downl this book . has anything in it .

Why someone would learn bash scripting while there is a python?

i've been using linux for about 7 years and never tried learning any bashisms, i've been stuck with posix shell as much as i could. what am i losing?

also use yash, it's a properly customizable and posix compliant shell, while being way smaller than all the alternatives, except dash, of course.

true or for that case, any programming language. but maybe bash is better to get a greater understanding of the shell environment

dont forget Perl (masterrace)

never heard of it, is it a good language to learn? what are its implementations?

How new are you?


new apparntly, i'm just trying to get past python and c

you DASH into posix shell reference documentation

Because it's quick and dirty.

>what am i losing?
Arrays, brace expansions, C-like for loops, local variables, case fallthrough and substring removal with */@ off the top of my head. Sure, you can work around these missing features, but they are still nice to have.

because python's dependency hell

Anyone who likes or uses perl should be shot on sight

do bandit

No starch press has a free book called the Linux command line. This will give you a good start on bash and the bash ecosystem.

>500 pages of shell
what the fuck
>even has windows batch shell
What The Fuck

>shitty windows imitation of bash

i will admit its absolutely based for scripting stuff for our windows machines at work though

whatis $(compgen -c)

bash will die once Apple makes zsh the new default shell, everyone in Silicon Valley uses Macs, we can finally but bash to death now

#!/usr/bin/env bash
fixed that for you

This as comfy and based as a shell can get, even more based with omf

Go is better

That site is down

nostarch. com/tlcl2

The second edition is not free though

#go outside

What would you call a shell written in Rust?

.... gash

Attached: shazamdubs.jpg (866x800, 76K)

Fifth internet edition is best edition.

Try the bash.org tutorial website, helpful tutorials.

Perhaps you could start with this one:

You don't learn bash, bash learns you.

Its the only programing language that has a hundreds of valid forms to write a script.
Example: i had to print the Name of a json object, gave zero fucks about json i just removed all that dumb syntax and printed the second column line by line, worked like intended.

Also "libs" are already "instantiated"

This user knows what's up. There's a lot of shitty tutorials being posted, like the "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide", but #1 here is solid and written by people who have more than a working knowledge of bash.

Also, use ShellCheck.

Usually you start in your home directory

Kek but no. TRAnnySHell...trash.

uninstall bash

install fish, a modern shell for the 1990s