
Why it makes Jow Forums and boomers so angry?

Its great to have more dev time for real features instead of fighting with C++ to not fuck up everything.

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I only wish they slimmed it down, because I don't like how a Hello World is 50 megs

I want software developers to spend less time on features, because features are usually at the expense of stability and security. also they very much like removing useful features and adding useless ones, so if they were fighting with the compiler instead of doing that, it'd be progress.

I like electron as a dev but the reason it's hated is pretty clear. Every individual electron app is a separate instance of chrome basically. There is no shared resources - if they figured out a decent way to have multiple apps share a runtime environment it'd be fine. But for now every app packages chrome with it (bigger release size), and when running eats a chrome sized bite of memory.

Electron could be cool if there was a way to install the core once then everything else was just application-specific.
But the way it is now, every application requires the Chromium core to be installed. So 4 Electron applications means 4 Chromium installs.

I think this is what Microsoft is up to, if you think about it.
>changes IE to Chromium (Edge)
>buys Github, the maker of Electron
Every Windows system will have Chromium core installed, so all future applications can run using this as the UI "framework" instead of the crap in the WinAPI.

You're giving Microsoft too much credit, user. They don't have that kind of foresight.
Look at how they handled Nokia and Windows Phone.

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The impending javascript/Chrome monoculture (like we're not most of the way there already) is going to lead our industry down a dark, dark path.

It makes JVM look good.

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>running a full web browser for displaying a shitty GUI
No, just no.

>more dev time for real features

We don't care about your "real features" if you can't implement them without using 3GB of ram just to display some buttons and textboxes.

Users are truly like women, they say one thing but want the exact opposite, users love more features if you are not constantly adding more they are going to change your for another Chad app

Electron is fucking great, but for its propourse, it can run complex and big projects usually from business where all your ecosystem runs there. Im using it for example to create data overlays over live video in the local TV with amazing results.
Its no point to do a text editor or shitty small project using it because codebase and dependencies are huge, it spawns several processes, so to use it, like any other thing, you must evaluate if you should use it or not.
Btw, theres a chink project on github you can find by "miniblink49" that is a electron/node drop-in replacement that is barely 8mb in size and only 1 dll (with some obvious limitations) but works really nice, take a look miniblink.net/views/doc/info.html

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>instead of fighting with C++ to not fuck up everything
also i have to say with node/electron you keep tied to work in c++ most of the time if you go off the bounds of hello world code. My tv overlay needs a node binary module to be renderer in the pipeline of comercial graphics mixer, or serve NDI video feed.
Pic related is just few hours ago using some sort of social display module im building

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bout to start doing the same at my station. What are you guys using to throw it on the switcher? Chroma/alpha/luma matte?

New features sell, bug and security fixes don't.

The Web is a pretty shitty and inconvenient platform to develop for, so it's not actually saving development time at all. It's just making applications less responsive and more resource intensive for literally no benefit.

Unless you already made the Web app anyway, in that case you save a shitload of time.

Why wouldnt they just use node as a core if its a javascript runtime outside of the need for a browser

I've integrated it via software APIs with existent graphics renderer thay had, also i have a NDI video source version, but if you need them outside software you could use some blackmagic card to generate a fill/key SDI output.
You will need to compile a node module (ive used NAN, very easy desu) but against electron, not node (electron has inbuilt node with sightly differences), then you can integrate any lib, like ndi or the blackmagic bridge and feed it bgra planes each frame.
Its more sw thing that hw

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>Its great to have more dev time for real features instead of fighting with C++ to not fuck up everything.
I'm going to assume you're a new developer or don't have much experience with C or C++. Electron is great for the developer, at the the cost of being worse for the end-user, while more low-level options are harder for the developer and better for the user. If you're making something for a person project, or working on prototyping, then I think it's fine to use it. Just also know how to make proper end-user applications. It's important because if you stick with Electron for everything you're just teaching yourself to eat with your foot, and it's hard to turn back.
There's also other languages out there with wrappers for everything you would use in C or C++. Go, Rust, etc. You might find dealing with stuff much easier there.
Everyone acts so tribalistic but in reality people need to understand different things are good for different things.

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Enjoy your lawsuit.

>Every individual electron app is a separate instance of chrome
>There is no shared resources - if they figured out a decent way to have multiple apps share a runtime environment it'd be fine
>shared resources
>it'd be fine
you know what would be cool? if we had something like chrome, except it was a standalone program with tabs and multitasking tools, and you could open different apps in those tabs.

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See this pic? It's a whole operating system - graphical, multitasking, and networked - that runs on a mid-1980s machine with 128 kilobytes of memory. This is what happens when good developers have to make the most out of limited resources.

Electron, on the other hand, is what happens when resources are too abundant: incompetent developers show up and and think nothing of squandering well over a thousand times that much memory to run a single application.

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its shameful that a modern machine with 8gb-16gb of ram can run out of memory so quickly, there's no excuse for it to even be reaching half its maximum capacity


you forgot to count some processes it spawns each which uses 50-100 mb

>naruto github avatar

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>the crap in the WinAPI
That crap has given us applications like Photoshop. Good luck trying to do something similar in HTML and JavaScript.

>says this while posting pedophile cartoons

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I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm just saying WinAPI is fucking awful to use.

For a newbie maybe. But most of the awfulness is initial window setup and such, which is boilerplate code that can easily be generated by Visual Studio or copy and pasted. Once you have your window up and running and your WndProc listening, it's not much harder or awful than any other GUI library. For example you can graphically design dialogs in VS. And it will run orders of magnitude faster than Electron apps, and with a fraction of the memory consumption.

Seems to me Electron is nothing more that a way to reuse skills for lazy people.

>every electron app is another chrome instance
>node_packages with hundreds of megabytes of text files, often having the same package multiple times
>giant resource hog

why use it if Qt exist? you can even use python to make a Qt app ffs

Yeah, if you want to make something quickly, with somewhat good performance and with pretty fonts, animations and this kind of stuff, you can use Qt's QML.
If you want something really performant and without these animations and fonts, but a bit more of development time, use Qt's Widgets.

You can also use Golang to make a Qt app.

>Why it makes Jow Forums and boomers so angry?
Because in CS it's ok to waste ressources meanwhile in every single engineering field it's not.
NOT everyone should be able to write code and that's ok.
We now have crappy technical solutions and capitalism is what it is, lowering costs will always be the top priority and so we end up with multi billions dollar companies using side projects of manchildren living with mommy.
Boomers entered CS when it was hard and writing quality code was a technical constraint, now everyone can write a 200MB pong that waste 10% of your cpu ressources to display the same thing they did 47 years ago and some peole will find this ok.

Computers are now a threat to climate so we might see less jit-ed bullcrap and more aot greatness.
I want go and rust to succeed even if they're tranny haven, they bring back good practices at the language level and forbid you from writing unholy code like you can in python/js.

PWAs will deprecate electron

the spurious argument that it's a rapid development environment when, actually, pissing around with html, css and javascript is slower than almost anything else. the fact is that these are just webshits who don't know how to do anything else. ideally webshits would fuck off altogether, but they should at least stick to the web and leave the desktop well alone.

the inordinate RAM consumption depriving me of the ability to run all the programs that i want to run simultaneously in "only" 8 billion bytes of RAM. no i will not buy more RAM just to accommodate your chat application. i should fucking bill you.

the keystroke lag that is roughly equal to sending a packet across the atlantic

the grind when you click anything because it has to do herculean amounts of lookup and modification to the DOM

slow, bloated, fucking garbage. a terrible idea.

>Too poor to buy 8GBs more of RAM: The Post

Why I would even dev apps for poor people lmao

Destroys my battery life, takes too much RAM, takes too much fucking space on my harddrive. Is made by webshits so can be assumed to be insecure by default with 1000s of unaudited npm packages.

I use a $100 chromebook as my primary dev machine with 4 Gigs of RAM. When you ask me to download a note taking application that takes up 280MB and destroys my fucking battery life you need to reevaluate your choices.

I wish the industry would rediscover TCL/TK

no, they won't. not at all. you're an idiot for thinking so. stop commenting on things when you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. thanks.

Not that I don't find his autistic rant funny but he has a point. You shouldn't be developing apps for poor people, you should be developing optimized apps. Electron is good for developing toys, proof of concept, and infrequently used apps. If you're doing anything more important than that then you should prioritize optimization.

You also can make OS in electron, see windows XP.
Can you implement windows XP with your shitty loonix GUI tools? Doubt

I make GUI apps in masm32 and run on WINE.