I don't get it, it's a bunch of basic reflections barely better than screenspace in movement. Where the fuck is my perfect lighting?
I don't get it, it's a bunch of basic reflections barely better than screenspace in movement. Where the fuck is my perfect lighting?
It's almost like RTX in iits current form is a scam to sell more graphics cards or something, and that the hardware to do most of what it promises at any sort of decent resolution or framerate is years off.
Those screenshots in the post are a nice improvement. Why do you hate progress?
should have swapped the labels to see a bunch of idiots try claiming the wrong one looks better, since they practically can never actually tell.
I always saw rtx as a nice gmimmick , like physx , but here i litterally can't see the fucking difference
Minecraft rtx for the windows store version.
Another feature that will prob never be touched or improved uppon again.
Seus shaders on Java Minecraft are hella more polished.
can't you already run same picture on non rtx cards with normal shaders?
RTX literally does nothing in the OP screenshot because in that game it only calculates bounce lighting and occlusion for the sky and the sun. That sewer has neither so it doesn't make any difference. If you want to see ray traced effects go click on the link and look at the pictures after the article.
minecraft kiddies are going to ask their parents for 2000$ computers to play this
There's a mod that does path tracing in a shader. It runs slow and doesn't render everything correctly though. We'll see if the RTX version is much better when it comes out.