All the shittyness of indie software at 10x the price. Truly the worst of both worlds.
All the shittyness of indie software at 10x the price. Truly the worst of both worlds
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Funny thing is Unreal is free
what's 10 times cheaper than unity and does the same?
Godot is infinitely cheaper and is better.
> have no skills
> produce shit games
> no matter what engine
this is the reality of it.
>no argument
>attack the person instead
just say "have sex" you reddit
godot has less features than unity
doesn't run on every platform you can imagine
has never been used to create something more complex than an infinite runner
it's performance is subpar compared to unity
uses some shitty DSL, bindings to other languages have been in the work for years but none of them works
Wouldn't say completely free.
"If you sell your game, then you must pay a 5% royalty if you make more than $3,000 a quarter(a quarter meaning a quarter of a year), if you make more than $3,000 a quarter then you have to pay 5% royalty on any amount above $3,000. So if you make $4,000 then you would only pay 5% royalty on $1,000. And again, that gets counted each quarter of the year."
If you want something truly free use Godot.
what is the attack? if you have no skills (can't in2 C#, python, whatever other scripting language, can't draw, can't make 3d objects, couldn't compose a song to save their own lives, etc.etc.), the engine you use isn't going to somehow make your game and your garbage abilities better.
>Godot is infinitely cheaper
>and is better.
no, godot still has no features and there is only 3 full time devs with only one that know advanced rendering with differents APIs. Some core devs hate anything newer than C++03 and the main dev had to push for C++11. It wouldn't surprise me that a lot leave the boat once C++11/vulkan is the default as this kind of hating_new_things retards are unable to learn things once they leave school.
unreal is the saner alternative right now until godot get in better shape.
He is right tho.
99.999999% indie games are utter trash, positive reviews are from people that don't want to hurt you but they absolutly don't think one word they write.
You forgot "godot isn't a fucking spyware botnet like unity" which is all that really matters.
Godot can't even do 3D properly
No experienced programmers give a shit about what version of C++ you're using
They don't make your product better
People who make games aren't insane schizos who care about being spied on like the average Linux-using Jow Forumstard
I dont need to buy from an asset store to implement things like enemy AI(basically a bunch of if and then statements), path finding a* algorithm which is available for free, multiplayer which is a implementation which is also available for free, corgi engine which isnt even sonic tier physics, 3d models which you should be doing yourself to tailor to your games specific needs so it doesnt look like generic garbage...
Id agree with something like advanced 3d physics cause not every game designer should need to know that shit but that isnt even available in the asset store cause unity developers are a bunch of n00bs.
Bunch of jews charging money for stuff that should be given away for free.
Ive been looking at blenders armory engine and it seems fine to me.
>Bunch of jews charging money for stuff that should be given away for free.
learn to program and you can do it yourself!
>godot has less features than unity
That doesnt always equal bad. Are those features something you need?
>doesn't run on every platform you can imagine
neither does unity
>it's performance is subpar compared to unity
dont know about that, unity performance is already garbage
>uses some shitty DSL, bindings to other languages have been in the work for years but none of them works
most of them work. godot now even has version with c# integration on their download page
>That doesnt always equal bad.
lol yes it does
you want as many features as possible in a game engine for everyone to use
>No experienced programmers give a shit about what version of C++ you're using
Wrong, godot is still niche and will not bring devs in if the stack is outdated.
>They don't make your product better
They make programming better and this is massive in a complexe free and open source project when you struggle to have devs and money.
Also we already had this thread when a dev forked godot to add better data structures and algorithmes to the engine, we now know godot can improve a lot in a lot of areas and this will happen once the transition to newer technology is over.
it's the games themselves that spy on people. Yes, if you make a game in Unity and distribute that game, your game spies on users and sends that information TO UNITY.
If you think this shady fucking shit is fine, you're a moron.
Only beginner hackernews types are the kids who care about using the latest versions of everything
"adding better data structures" has nothing to do with the version of C++ you're using
>If you think this shady fucking shit is fine, you're a moron.
It's fairly harmless telemetry
Oh, so you're a Unity shill. Got it. Fuck off. You and your fucking spyware shit software that's infested gaming and encouraged every amateur pile of shit to make shit games.
>Only beginner hackernews types are the kids who care about using the latest versions of everything
Surely C++11 is the latest new toy in the C++ world...
>"adding better data structures" has nothing to do with the version of C++ you're using
better and **WAY** faster stl
Godot is aiming at indie devs which are usually student or freshly graduates, C++11 is what is taught and there is absolutly 0(ZERO) reason to still use C++03 in 2019 anywhere that is not embedded and even there C++11 can produce smaller and faster binaries in some cases.
Also vulkan implementations usually requier C++11 so the discussion is meaningless...
I've never used Unity in my life, I write my own game engine, my games have their own telemetry in them, crying about that is such a typical internet kid thing to do
You're fucking retarded
The thing you're talking about is someone who replaced a linked list with a vector/array
Guess we need to upgrade to C++2077 to do that right
you're should be ashamed of yourself, you're even worse than webdevs, gaymen are the lowest of all developers
Ok you're retarded. Are you one of these shitheads devs afraid of new things?
I've never said we should always use the newest things, there is a middle ground and godot is aiming for it, end.
If you can't understand this then you're most likely "that one guy" at work, always giving his unwanted opinions about things he does not understand just to show off his knowledge (which amount to reading blogs).
Godot NEEDs C++11 to attract new devs AND to use fucking vulkan AND better stl structures, deal with it or open an issue on their tracker telling them why it's a bad idea to upgrade.
you know how I can tell you're a webdev
except that I am not
>Godot NEEDs C++11 to attract new devs
No it doesn't
Nobody fucking cares at all
Most people using these game engines don't even know what C++11 even means
upgrade to C++11 is a common issue in their tracker that keep reappearing all the time for the past years, to the point the main dev had to use twitter to explain why it's still C++03 and that he would lose his team because they hate C++11 especially if they have "no reason" to upgrade.
C++11 is what is taught and graduate students know its features, no reason to unlearn threads, stl, constexpr, etc just for fun.
C++11 is mature and works great, no reason not to upgrade now that it's technically needed.
It's neither gratis nor libre. UE4 has a tax system built in
>performance is subpar compared to unity
Excellent made up benchmark, retard.
Game design is an art.
Programming should be kept at simple as possible to make it more accessible so game designers can worry about what actually matters.
Game design.
This way game designers dont have to rely on programmers that want to charge 50 an hour because they dont have time to collaborate for free on someone elses idea.
Things like undertale or mine craft would not be possible if that wasnt the case.
What programmers think of people who use game engines is irrelevant.
Well thanks for the sales pitch dude but it still doesn't matter, you don't need C++11 to replace a linked list with an array, maybe if you need to it to support Vulkan, but seeing their 3D engine barely even works in the first place it can't be high up on the list of priorities
What are you trying to say?
Homophobia has no place on Jow Forums.
>Excellent made up benchmark, retard.
Performance is literally the major drawbacks acknowledge by the dev themselves.
There is a current project at unity that literally rewrite big chunk of the engine to a faster sublanguage of C#.
>but seeing their 3D engine barely even works in the first place it can't be high up on the list of priorities
Vulkan will be default render option in 4.0 so it's top priority right now :
The fun part of game programming is writing your own graphics stack. Interacting with the hardware and shit.
Maybe in a first time but doing the same low level stuff all the time is boring and you start building your own engine or use a mainstream one.
What's fun about interacting with the hardware through a mysterious, abstracted API with unpredictable behaviour that's impossible to debug?
Yes, you build your own engine and on the next game you use what you learned from the previous one to make it better.
nice larp, boyo
Hardware is always almost impossible to debug. Ask people that do system programming, like kernel debugging or embedded programming. It's always been that way. To me, it's more fun than
>load this model here
>move it there
But to each his own.
whats fun about something thats impossible to debug?
gpu programming is not embedded programming
its just a pain in the ass
some free as in cost (in freedom if you care) software and your imagination
Figuring out things is fun. Hand-holding is not, neither is not knowing how your system works.
It is an engine, you can create great games with it and create terrible games with it.
You can create free games with it you can create expensive games with it.
It is not "free" and you can't even use it commercially without paying.
In what world is it free?
Not knowing how the system works is the problem
you dont deal with hardware, you deal with an abstraction around hardware that behaves differently based on the hardware and you'll never know why
what im trying to say is that game design is an art and demanding that somebody knows everything to design games is unreasonable.
Its like mocking people who use illustrator because they cant code their own vector graphics.
At some point you have to prioritize what is it that youre going to specilize in.
And as a game designer what makes the most sense is to prioritize art and game design/story telling as opposed to physics and programming.
Yeah I think you misunderstood my post as programmer elitism, I said that people don't give a shit what version of the language the engine is running, Godot users dont even program in C++
Sorry, people, but is there any game engine which is good enough to be in one list with UE 4, Unity and Godot? Because it looks like Godot is a good choice for alone novice which plan to make a trivial 2D game. UE 4 looks like a great engine for full-scale 3D game but for more experienced developers in small team. And Unity is something in middle and since it feels more universal it hasn't strong parts of UE 4 3D and Godot 2D. Is it like that?
Godot isn't comparable to Unity or UE4
Cryengine kind of, stingray used to be really good but autodesk probably fucked it up.
> Godot isn't comparable to Unity or UE4
Well, I know, since Godot is indie game engine but it's still one of most famous game engines somehow.
Game maker 1 and 2
I've seen teams of less than a dozen people make amazing games with Unity, but if you don't know what you're doing...
Urho3D is more free than that bloated shit
and it has both real 2d and 3d support and isn't a children's toy engine
This urho3d's source is beautiful. I only wish the docs were better.
the wiki and samples cover what the docs don't. The source is also great and easy to understand.
Other than that you can trust that your question is answered somewhere
>the wiki
This has been attempted lots of times. Has a particular location been settled on yet?
There's also the documentation on the website itself but that's more low level than this wiki
ignore the wikia one that's old and wierd
I tried to help with the wikia one... I was in HS at the time.
why would anyone recommend an engine which doesnt even have any released games
Games don't care about pretty or correct code as long as it looks right in game. See for example the fast inverse sqrt function that is not precise but is good enoughâ„¢ and ugly as fuck.
same reason people recommend godot
Urho3D has Clinically Dead released, which is actually neat
just because its an approximation doesnt mean its not correct
many things in math are
people shouldnt recommend godot either
3 is 3 not 2.99.
sure, but 2.99 may be close enough to be correct for the purpose
but 3 is 2.99... at least if you're not an ultrafinitist retard
Exactly my point. Games don't care.
computers dont care in general, thats why floats exist
Please don't go into engineering
pi = 3