Almost no difference

>Almost no difference
>People paid $699 just for this


Attached: RTX.jpg (1965x1050, 201K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1349128970482.jpg (245x280, 14K)

>paying more than next to nothing for a fucking videocard because you like fucking garbage storyshit non-games with garbage gameplay and all fucking story

get a job

are you crazy?

at least 1 game shows massive difference.

Lmao it looks exactly the same. What a fucking joke.
The more you buy the more you save.

Gee willickers, I sure am glad I stopped kvetching and just bought it. How ever would I manage to play all these console ports without the latest in RTX technology.

Even if there was a difference, what would be the point?
Graphics don't make a game better

Sour grapes AMD nigger.


holy fucking shit. the fuck. reminds me of

yes they do. I don't play shit on low

Perfectly rendered area shadows are a dream compared to the shitshow of shadow mapping. I can see how people who aren't interested in graphics tech wouldn't see the difference though.

As a qualified, certified, card carrying AMD shill, I can at least admit that the tech behind ray tracing vs shadow mapping is at least pretty interesting.

The performance is going to be very good compared to other RTX games as well. RT shadows are cheap compared to GI and reflections. Tomb Raider was a very hard case for RT shadow performance because of the extreme amount of foliage. UE4 already has some cases where RT shadows are faster than CSM.
Looks pretty cool, I'd be fine with only having 60 FPS and RTX enabled in this game and play it with a controller to feel less input lag (I'm used to 90+ on my 2080 ti), it's just sad that the 2080 ti is probably the only card that will play it at constant 60 fps with ray tracing.

At 4k maybe. Battlefield with the newer updates runs pretty well and this will probably be more optimized than that.

>in other news, Johnny the smack-dealer says living without heroin in your veins is crazy

I don't know, I'm using a 1440p monitor so I hope to have constant 60 FPS on that game with RTX on, 90 would be better but considering how dumb real time ray tracing is I don't think that will be possible. I don't know about battlefield since 30 minutes in and I was already bored but the game didn't run well at all with RTX on.

>the wet road at night trick
god dammit not again

Attached: 1542380403591.jpg (192x246, 10K)

It's a Ubisoft game, so it won't look anything like that when they release it.

Right, I won't buy it anyway as I only buy games on steam

>t. top goy

People enjoy different things user and as adults, are entitled to do what they want to do. It seems to me that your interests concist of bashing other people to try and make yourselves look intelligent/interesting. Of course you are allowed to do that but I feel like it is having the opposite effect of what you're trying to achieve. Instead you come across as bitter because you have no actual interests apart from jealousy and sadness

It does not. Shadows are somehow gone with rtx on.

Who predicted we'd go from garbage shadows/reflections to photorealistic shadows/reflections in less than 5 years?

Attached: comfy.jpg (409x409, 41K)

>buying games
good goy moralfag

I only buy games I know I will like and I only do so because of the achievements, I still pirate most of my games.

Games are goyim infantilisation tools.

Just me or does this look worse than that mod?

I honestly don't see enough of a difference to be significant. Things such as completely smooth animation aren't here yet so it's hardly like RT is the difference between photorealism or not.

RTX is for rendering and machine learning

>I'd be fine with only having 60 FPS
> and play it with a controller to feel less input lag
just kill yourself seriously

I bought a 2080ti for the lols I can't wait to sell it when amd makes a 5950xtx cheaper and faster with better dxr implementation
Fuck nvidia their drivers are dogshit as well

It's not a game that requires fast reaction and shit, this and turn based games or jrpg shit I can cope with the low frame rate but any other genre I need at least 90 fps to not go crazy over the input lag and blur, 144 or higher is optimal of course which I my rig does not have any problem getting on most games.
Both the 2080 Ti and 2080 Ti super will be better than it though, it might reach 2080 super in terms of performance but don't expect anything better.

So 6xxx+ then?
Fuck me if amd can't beat a 800usd gpu no way in fuck they are gonna undercut nvidia when and if they do

>we have come to the point where people only like multiplayer only trash

MeAnwhile on an original xbox at 60fps

Attached: 4292019_24531_PM3df1ffoz.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

That's the sad reality we live in, they just don't invest as much money in research and development in GPUs than they do in CPUs. Things might change in the future though.

MeAnwhile on an xbox 360

Attached: 882018_75423_PM.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Yeah aye ah well least I got big epeen bragging rights until amd gpus actually not suck ass

I don't care unless I can comfortably play it on a $400 card.

>a-atleast 1 game!
There are mods that look better than this, faggot

>turn every reflective surface into a mirror
>waow, it looks so real!
Figures. Nvidiaturds never left their parents basement so they don't know how actual reflections are supposed to look like.

They recently I guess unwaxed the floors and will reapply it at work and everything is reflective now. It's pretty cool. It was coming in and RTX was on

slight difference, heroine actually feels good and isn't complete snake oil

Guess what video games do... that's right, they render a scene.

quake2 looked bretty good

Mod has AO, this doesn't.

Seeing a good difference for baking use.

Attached: Crop AO bakers 2019.2.webm (1324x950, 770K)