bag technology. Why are backpacks not socially acceptable but a purse is? Do I need to carry a purse inside my backpack so I don't have to leave my shit where it can easily get stolen? What's the best solution?
Bag technology. Why are backpacks not socially acceptable but a purse is...
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Ordered a backpack about a week ago and can't fucking wait for it to get here. Check out the modern Dayfarer backpack.
>backpacks not socially acceptable
whoever told you that backpacks were not socially acceptable was bamboozling you. you should feel free to carry one whenever you're bringing along enough stuff that you need to.
>socially acceptable
nice meme.
no one will even notice your existence for more than 1 second.
>backpacks are not socially acceptable
the absolute state of america
>Why are backpacks not socially acceptable but a purse is?
Since when were backpacks not socially acceptable?
>Ordered a backpack about a week ago and can't fucking wait for it to get here. Check out the modern Dayfarer backpack.
Same, user. Cannot fucking wait.
Are you a 10 years old school boy? A messenger bag is more suitable for an adult.
>Why are backpacks not socially acceptable
they are, point out someone who disagrees and why you regard them as an authority
come to europe brah. everyone wears a backpack here and gives no shits. were not insecure faggots . ciao (that means bye in spanish)
>ciao (that means bye in spanish)
that means hi/bye in Italian, faggot
Where do you live where backpacks are not socially acceptable? I genuinely want to know.
I don't care what you eurofaggots do on your gay continent
OP uses a rolling backpack
que? Unless you're wearing a fucking suit, why would backpacks not be acceptable?
>Why are backpacks not socially acceptable but a purse is
I don't know in what fucking environment you work for where backpacks are not "socially acceptable". At my company even the suits waddle around with backpacks because carrying a laptop in anything else is just pure terror.
A poor urban location in America.
Ironically suit commuters love backpacks.
>messenger bag
>not distributing the weight over both shoulders
>not using the hip to carry the main load
Backpack technology is far superior over some oversized hipster purse and you know it, user.
> Not socially acceptable
What meme is this? . People might wonder if you carry around one 24/7 and on certain social gatherings but they're perfectly acceptable for work/uni and pretty much everyone I know uses one.
Also who the fuck carries purses unless you have a cunt.
any backpack recommendations?
I wear my motorcycle backpack into grocery stores and load it with items before buying them to make sure everything fits
I've never even been questioned before
Probably because I don't look like a poorfag
(Pic is not me but same backpack)
motorcycle backpacks are on par in the aspie department as those razer gayyyyymur ones.
this, people don't give a shit about you, they don't pay attention to you, they will forget you the moment you take the next corner
Ogio mach 5 from wish or Aliexpress
I'd recommend wish because they keep giving me 50% off coupons
They're $200 in stores and like $40 - $60 on wish or ali
well yeah, obviously I'm not talking about commuting, but doing tasks around town without a car which requires you to have a backpack at all times because you never know when you might need to put some shit somewhere.
Do you want me to explain how I know you have no friends?
I got it, really good value for the money, it's water resistant (I would not trust being waterproof) to the point where I don't feel uncomfortable having my laptop in the rain. Comfortable, material quality is decent (it's actually way better than the adidas backpack that has been replaced by it surprisingly), side pockets easily fit a 500ml bottle without poking out. The "charging port" is a gimmick that I've never used but it's there. Hardware is decent quality
I got the dark version, it doesn't stand out from anything at all, it has no logos, no anything. The inside lining has an eyesore color but you're the only one seeing it.
>this, people don't give a shit about you, they don't pay attention to you
tell that to business establishments in poor urban areas.
go ahead lmao
Serious question. Have you been turned down from a job purely because you were wearing a backpack?
I show up to business meetings wearing flipflops and pink socks with yellow pineapples on it and if any one of these retards dared to complain about them in a fashion other than humourful I would walk out the door.
Huh? I'm not talking about getting a job or going to work.
Saddlebags are ugly and usually too much storage space
Soft backpacks flail around in the wind creating drag
A hard shell backpack won't fall apart on you like a fabric bag will either
Probably last a lifetime
Even /fa/ autists have their fashionable backpacks. You might not look as 'cool' around town walking around with a backpack but it's far from socially unacceptable, especially in dense cities where traffic is a nightmare.
I don't get the picture. Is the wallpaper on the kid's screen supposed to be a joke?
/fa/ knows nothing about fashion
The best advice I ever read on /fa/ was a guy who got called retarded for saying to look around at what people who look similar to you are wearing and replicate it
Everybody on /fa/ says to wear pants 1 size too small to show your ankles and wear peacoats in the summer
I don't get it
you would not be able to turn the gears if they where real
Alcohol doesn't affect the baby
12 years later: hes a fucking retard.
>backpacks not socially acceptable
is this an American thing?
I'm american and I've never heard of this shit either.
>Why are backpacks not socially acceptable but a purse is?
Whoever told you this? Backpacks are totally acceptable.
Nice meme
>backpacks are gay
>manpurses are acceptable
Than I'll correct myself.
Is this an American teenager thing?
That generates an uneven weight distribution, I got pains in my left hip after a month of commuting with just a lunch box and a water bottle in one.
>inb4 get more ergonomic bag
>inb4 start lifting faggot
no u
Only reason I don't use backpacks is I'm too paranoid that someone will slash it and take my stuff.
Only way I'd use one is if it's made from unslashable, unburnable material which is then covered in Kevlar
Whenever someone says they use a "messenger bag" I imagine them looking like the macfag from the mac-vs-pc commercials.
I'm a macfag and even I use a backpack though. The only place where anyone ever batted an eye was in the US, but of course they don't appreciate backpacks, they never walk anywhere. To them, clothes don't serve any practical purpose other than being fashionable, since they literally never go outside beyond walking to their car.
I'm American and nobody thinks using a backpack is weird. What are you talking about?
I've been to the US 12 times the last 8 years, and I think that on at least 9 of those times, people have come up to me and made a comment about my backpack or asked why I dress as a 10 year old. It's probably because I mostly go to cities (SF/Bay Area + San Jose, NY, Portland). I'd imagine that if I went somewhere rural, where people actually are used to the outdoors, it would be an entirely different story.
Now I know your story is bullshit. No stranger in any urban area in america is going to walk up to you and comment on your backpack.
>No stranger in any urban area in america
is going to walk up to you and comment
You must really live under a rock then, Cleetus.
Great now I understand
I'm Canadian btw but I might be autistic...
Where the fuck do you live?
Where the fuck do people "slash backpacks"?
I hate being racist but I literally cannot see another possible location besides Africa and Detroit.
Shouldn't you be more worried about getting stabbed?
>i've never met a sheboon or a pack of spics in my life
Not him, but I can confirm that the US has a pretty strange "backpack etiquette"
I actually have a person compliment my backpack just about every week
Maybe because it doesn't look like a kids backpack
This looks like you have a small gas tank attached to your back.
Can you even fit a laptop in that tiny backpack?
Who the fuck uses briefcases?
To be fair when I went with my family to Portugal my mom said she heard people slashed backpacks there.
Other than the OP, that's the ONLY image I've ever seen where people think backpacks are socially unacceptable for some reason.
I mean, it must be some sort of insecurity being projected.
It's a fucking backpack, my 56 year old father carries a backpack to work, it's the most neutral shit ever.
If you're dressed in a suit or some shit, sure, I'll agree a backpack clashes with it badly, but if you're dressed casually? who fucking cares?
Grown men.
Stay childish, soiboi
The virgin fabric bag
The chad no drag
I can put 3 or 4 laptops in just fine
I actually have put a small gas jug inside before on a long trip
Why the fuck do you strap on stealth bombers on your back? Those look tacky as hell. Maybe practical if you ride a bike, but other than that it looks really tacky.
insecure men obsessed with appearing mature
>gas tank
>murder gloves
>extra shoes
You're only missing the obligatory handgun, and you're set for
The people who write this drivel are overpaid idiots. Wear a backpack if you need to carry things and use both straps because the only people who think wearing it correctly is uncool are retard high schoolers.
lolnope, I have literally never seen anyone IRL in an office or other professional setting using a briefcase.
>looks tacky
>stealth bomber
Is it tacky or cool as fuck?
Make up your mind before you post.
Yes they're designed for motorcycles but honestly I would never trust a laptop or anything expensive/delicate inside a fabric bag
Maybe it's like cutting pockets. You know, a small incision?
>i've never set foot in an office or know of any other professional setting
I keep my pistol inside a thigh holster
I think he's talking about niggers cutting bags open to steal laptops/shit
Because people apperently just leave their bags in the open and hope a small $5 lock on the zipper will stop thieves?
Los Angeles here.
Never heard anything about backpacks being "socially unacceptable". The only guy I know who gets looks because of his backpack is this autistic guy thats always in the local mcdonalds - the thing is coated in nintendo, shit and drool.
Maybe a nignog might give you a funny look every once-in-a-while but that's about it.
And to be fair, white guys in their 20's carrying a backpack are sure signs of a shooting here in burgerland.
Also, if carrying things on your back makes you that insecure you should probably just stay inside.
yeah and everyone in the office comes in wearing trench coats and fedora hats too, right? Get with the times, grampa. Nobody uses briefcases anymore.
The laptop pocket is padded extra, and I also usually use a laptop "folder" (don't know the english name for it, it's basically like a small "inside" bag that goes around the laptop, common in all laptop bags), but I get your point if you treat your backpack roughly or ride a bike. I wouldn't even ride a bicycle with a fabric bag only.
>Nobody uses briefcases anymore.
Leather bags and leather laptop bags are extremely popular, wtf are you talking about? Only kids wear backpacks.
Alright so what's a good backpack that packs at least 50L?
Military duffle bag
Maybe try working at a real corporation instead of an SME.
Briefcases that convert to backpacks are where it's at though.
those aren't briefcases
Laptop bags are briefcases of the 21st century. The only difference is that some of them might have a strap.
>ONLY image
>people taking a boomer cringelord seriously
fucking hell
If you're a suite wearing stiff I agree with this
If you have a non suit wearing job, get a backpack
Briefcases and murses are for stiffs
Fanny packs are for true chads
>non-suit wearing jobs
99% of office jobs that are worth anything requires a suit, only fat-ass """IT workers""" hiding in the basement can get away with not wearing a suit or at least business casual for work.
>Fanny packs are for true chads
People take Americans in general seriously too, don't ask me why.
>grown ass man
>99% of office jobs that are worth anything requires a suit,
What jobs are you referring to? Most people don't wear suits unless they specifically need to meet with someone important
They're fine. The dress codes of most workplaces tend to be more relaxed so its fine.
While this isn't an uncommon sight these days an appropriate bag for a nicer outfit would be better style.
>because carrying a laptop in anything else is just pure terror.
Do you even ultrabook? Surface 2 laptop is well under 3lbs. I guarantee you more of these people are simply carrying iPads now too.
you can't bring them into stores, movie theatres, probably not amusement parks. restaurants only if you live near a college.
One of my old teamleaders ran around work with her backpack always on so she could avoid using her office. She was one of the top tier careerists at the place and that didn't stop the top guys from seeing her as one of the more professional people to promote.
If you have a white collar job and want a backpack, get a sleek and discrete one that has a design that fits in with what you wear. You'll look more professional with that than a manpurse and a star wars skin on your phone.
if you are > 35, you should not wear a backpack anymore
Only at a hipster startup can you get away with not wearing at least business casual or suit here. It's acceptable to drop the blazer in the summer though, but you're expected to wear a light colored single colored shirt (white or light blue) black or brown shoes, dark colored chinos/suit pants (khakis may be acceptable, but it's pushing it). If you're young, you might get away with a cardigan over your shirt.
I've been at pfizer, astrazeneca, and sanofi. Nobody wears a suit on the regular.
Where do you live?
near pfizer, astrazeneca, and sanofi
t. Rajneef Panjab in Bangladesh