Updated my PC a couple of weeks ago with these parts
Asus X570-PRO Motherboard 16gb Fury DDR4 3200 MHz RAM Ryzen 3700x CPU Samsung M2 SSD 970 EVO 500GB
and my GPU which I didn't upgrade is Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB.
Heres the problem: I've been getting daily BSOD with the error code CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION. I've googled around for answers and most have pointed out to faulty memory. I've ran Windows own memcheck and I even ran Memtest86 one night, both gave 0 faults in memory. I've also checked the HDD/SSD's for any corruption/issues but nothing comes up.
There isn't really any specific thing that triggers this BSOD. I've had it browsing the internet, gaming and while being away from my computer.
Has anyone had similar issues with these parts? I did read an article about the new ryzen processors not being compatible with Nvidia stuff and that could be the issue but I'm not sure.
>Asus X570-PRO Motherboard >16gb Fury DDR4 3200 MHz RAM >Ryzen 3700x CPU >Samsung M2 SSD 970 EVO 500GB so you pretty much built a new pc and reused your old case psu and gpu
did buy a new case aswell, just didn't think to mention it.
Jack Jones
install gentoo
Christopher Morales
James Fisher
What does the event viewer say?
Jose Reyes
what kind of windows install did you do?
Ethan Stewart
Fuck me. I'm about to do a near identical build to you. Same Mobo same cpu. Same ssd. Except I'm using the Corsair vengeance DDR4 3200MHz. Did you fuck with anything in the bios?
installed windows 10 from USB stick, activated later with a key I bought from eBay. Think it's one of those windows versions that big corporations/schools hand out for students etc. since it was so cheap.
Lots of Warnings from DistributedCOM and WHEA-logger
>"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID "
>"A corrected hardware error has occurred.
Component: PCI Express Endpoint"
Errors are always Kernel-Processor-Power
>"Performance power management features on processor 0 in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware."
This goes all the way up to 15. (16 total).
Critical errors Kernel-Power
>"The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."