The C64 is being re-released in december. Looking forward to it. Going to buy one. Would be neat to write some BASIC programs again.
Commodore 64
is it actually going to be a 64 though, or just a Windows 10 PC in a le retro quirky case
use templeos instead
this temple os is already a better version of it
Why didnt they make a C128 instead
stupid fucks
ehh, that would be retarded. more likely a rpi running linux and an emulator
Put it this way, nobody makes chipsets anymore.
they could use an fpga
It is an actual C64. It is slightly modernized with hdmi ports instead of serial ports. You have the option of booting into C64 basic Vic 20 basic or their game pack of 64 games. Here is a link with more info. They choose the 64 instead of the 128 because the 64 is a classic and still the best selling computer of all time.
Can you add a floppy DD and play old games you happen to have or just the 64 they picked?
>It is an actual C64.
>It is slightly modernized with hdmi ports instead of serial ports.
no, it is not an actual C64. Why would you replace serial ports with a video port? I dont think you know what youre talking about
If you want to split hairs i meant the took the old ports out for the dot matrix printer and floppy drive and have a hdmi port to plug into your tv to use your tv as a monitor.
Why not emulate it?
It looks like the same people who made the mini so I would say no it's probably some arm board with a emulator.
boring as fuck
too bad the 6502 didn't see any real usage in microcontrollers like the Z80
Hipsters want a superficially authentic experience without actually having to learn anything new or interesting.
The sad truth is that no one but the most autistic nostalgiafag would tolerate the slow load speeds of an original C64 for more than a few minutes. But they are never content to just add a touch of speed and leave the rest as it was. This will be like the Nintendo minis where you can play their pre-loaded games and that's it. It'll be soulless and zoomers will consume it for a moment then move on to the next gimmick.
>oh neat a thread about the commodore 64
nope just a bunch of autistic faggots shitting up the joint.
never change Jow Forums
>locked down ARMshit with a pre loaded emulator and a cool retro logo only le 80s kids will remember
>commodore 64
oh my bad, let me fab up an all original commodore 64 in discrete logic like it's fucking 1982 all over again because that's totally feasible. fucking brainlet moron.
I just wish these faggot grifters would stop trying to re-hash the boring shitty beige cases and actually try to revive the ideas behind them that made them actually interesting instead. Just polish up a cheap slimline keyboard, embed an eZ80, 68HC11 or some other microcontroller with retro heritage + I/O, a monitor and some interpreters, plus the ability to seamlessly work with MicroSD cards and flash drives for storing data and programs.
Does it matter? It's not even close to a real C64, it's just another one of those throwaway cash grab repro consoles for casuals and basedboys, that like all the others is utterly inferior to just emulating it on your phone or PC, and probably unironically more expensive than just buying the real thing. C64s are fucking everywhere.
keep your eye on the spectrum next. looks promising and defiantly a lot better than the C64 though it better fucking come out
>what is an fpga
This looks like more than just a cheap FPGA implementation in a hipster case too, interesting.
Once again splitting hairs. I meant from outward appearences it looks like a c64 yes im sure the hardware inside is modern. Man, my first day on Jow Forums thought it would be fun like the old days of IRC but I guess not :)
my main issue with it is that they're going with a design similar to the 128k spectrum and the keyboard is utter crap on that one (the keyboard is shit on every sinclair made model). hopefully these guys made it comfortable to use
Who cares about some shitty old beige brick? It’s the hardware that made these machines interesting. There’s no reason to buy this thing when you can emulate a better system.
I have access to a C64. What can I do with it? I've honestly never messed with it and it's been sitting in my basement for ages.
If only someone would try to revive the QL design. Shit, you could probably try for some dual-function DragonBall+eZ80 combination to add Spectrum compatibility, of course clocking the whole thing at 20+ MHz. That’d kick ass.
fuck this shit. might as well be lighting our homes with gas lamps. i hate this regressive bullshit. we're making such amazing progress in computing. a consumer level system can render 4k video in real time. we can play video games in immersive worlds that were previously unthinkable. one processing core of any CPU on the market today is the computing power of entire buildings from the 50s. why would we want to go back to an inferior system? do we just want to ignore the amazing leaps and bounds everyone can enjoy in favor of running old, shitty games?
if you want a C64 just get templeOS in a VM, or better, figure out how to install it on bare metal.
Give us a C64 that allows us to make homebrew games. Most I'm gonna expect out of this is just a Nintendo-in-a-chip like box that uses CCS64 with bare minimum specs for windows 10. Probs a NUC inside hardwired within the keyboard.
BASIC is fun to mess with, could even play with assembly too. If you have it set up complete with a 1541 you could get a little pack of disks for it to save your shit and actually do something semi-serious, mess with I/O and try using it for control applications too.
Shit that primitive always feels closer to the fundamentals, great excuse to learn some new things and truly understand how a computer operates in ways that messing around with Linux or virtual machines will never really teach you unless you have a lot of drive.
Idk, maybe it's because we could learn what it was like using a C64 in modern day?
Simple systems are easier for one person to understand and encourage creativity. Think beyond mindlessly consuming shitty video games and media.
don't reply to obvious bait
There really are people that ignorant and close-minded out there, my man, but you’re right.
Damn, I was hooked by total fucking retardation. Sorry user.
well that could be accomplished with an emulator on a modern system, minus the "feel" of the old box and hardware. but there is some utility to learning older systems. especially if someone has to do hardware stuff i guess.
not really. pen and paper are pretty simple, but don't really encourage creativity by sitting there.
Nothing really new but oh do they try
Honestly I'm there just for the modern C64 experience and see if it's just an emu-in-the-box.
even though i'm hating on it, i wish it isn't just an emulator, because an emulator in a box would be kinda lame compared to going all the way.
But pen and paper do indeed encourage creativity in the hands of the right person, just as a simple computer system does. Obviously if you have a shitty attitude and only care about computers as an escape into porn and video games, a system like that probably is not for you.
Yeah, this thing is fucking dumb and just a cash grab. It half-asses the already mediocre looks with none of what actually makes a real C64 somewhat interesting.
I just expect the worst and hope for the best.
a modern computer that lets people use CAD, write music, and explore weather patterns in depth is pretty damn impressive. you just have to want to do that before you sit down i guess
No modern computer can run the canadian dollar, it's completely random
I wanna play this again. Was so much fun back in the day
just emulate it then retard
If there's no way to play games other than the 64 they picked then it's useless. Not just games but the old software that is most likely all abandonware at this point and could be freely traded online. I have no issue with a USB drive in lieu of a floppy drive, so long as it's an open system where you can revive some of the more obscure stuff they won't be picking. Imagine downloading one of the cool D&D Gold Box games and playing it on there. There was some great stuff that you know they won't be building into it. Heck, I'd love to have people create new games from the old game engines. Not to harp on one particular game series, but those D&D games for the C64 were really fun to play and I wish they'd made more. If the system was open I'd even be willing to work on making new ones.
They don't even need an FPGA, C64 chips were so simple they could put them all together inside a single very simple ASIC. Maybe more expensive than FPGA, but has the "real" factor.
Yet another quick cash-grab based on some retro machine you can even emulate in a web browser. Just get the real thing, they're not that uncommon. At least there you're getting the actual historically accurate experience.
You can load your own software from usb stick on the c64 mini tho. I have a C64 already but i'll be getting one of these as well. I know it's an emulator but the UI is kinda slick and the keyboard has the proper layout which other emulators don't. It also has hdmi so won't be a pain to setup on a modern flatscreen tv like a real c64 is.
I heard rumors they were using an AMD soc
Never implied otherwise. My retrocomputing interests lie mostly in workstations for this reason among many others.
This, but ppl wont take this advice serious.
QL had a fatal design flaw: 68008. The 8 bit bus strangled all performance. A 68060 would have been nice.
I have no clue why would anyone give a shit about something that has no real purpose whatsoever.
It's as retarded as buying that pink-haired girl's bath water in a jar.
is this basically just a full-sized c64 mini?
>Would be neat to write some BASIC programs again
you act like executing basic-programs is some forbidden knowlege and not achievable on modern machines
It’s definitely an aesthetic more than an architectural reasoning to me, the QL has a nice and timeless look to it that could be readily modernized, and with a 68000-derived microcontroller with a full 32-bit address bus you could hack together a pretty overpowered home computer-like system with 64-128 MiB memory, sane mass storage and all of the other conveniences we sorely lacked. Add in a really nice and polished application/developer stack with a selection of interpreters for new and old languages and I’d buy the shit out of it.
True. It was designed to be a Commodore 64-like system for learning.
Hopefully it has judicious improvements rather than being just a case of putting a generic device in a C64 breadbox and calling it a comeback.
That you can save your stuff on a USB is good. I get retro, but it would be ridiculous to put out a device where you'd need a real vintage cassette tape unit or floppy drive to save stuff. I hope the keyboard switches are much improved also. No need to make the keyboard crappy just for the sake of "authenticity", whatever that means in this context.
But will it run Commodore OS?
>pen and paper are pretty simple, but don't really encourage creativity by sitting there
Back in the day many games were written in machine code on paper with a pen before typed into a computer.
when the fuck will we get an atari ST mini or amiga mini? I'm so fucking sick of the 8bit micro's getting a re-release literally every fucking month. come on move on to the 16bit computers already, they're fucking hard to find.
just buy a raspberry pi and shove an emulator on it, it’s literally what this garbage is.
I'm willing to waste my money on an emulator in a fancy case. I'm literally that pathetic
yes. it is not real hardware or even an FPGA.
for what they will charge for it you could probably spend the same amount of money and get a real machine with some patience
The Model T was the best selling car of its time. Why don't we build them anymore?
This is the stupidest idea ever.
I’d drive a repro Model T with a few modern conveniences tacked on.
>That you can save your stuff on a USB is good. I get retro, but it would be ridiculous to put out a device where you'd need a real vintage cassette tape unit
Then you don't actually get retro. You get phony hipster retro. I wrote a pretty cool game on a vic-20 with tape, in assembly, which meant that any time it crashed it was several minutes of reloading, and retyping whatever changes weren't on the tape. It was fun, I guess.
>I’d drive a repro Model T with a few modern conveniences tacked on.
another phony hipster reporting in.
An honest to god model T reproduction would sell decently
They reproduce most of the car already for hot rodders and the like
>An honest to god model T reproduction would sell decently
I get the impression you don't know very much about an actual Model T.
Nah, he’s right. Stop projecting.
Why don’t you just start reading Wikipedia to us already, daddy?
>wants a modern reproduction to use shitty old unreliable storage mediums nobody liked even when they were current
>”you’re a hipster”
just lol