Which one are you?

Which one are you?

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none of them sir.

He's the indian guy.

I'm the facial hair guy.

>tfw short not skinny and cleanly shaven
I will never make it as a programmer, right?

fat guy with a long hair
no ponytail because I'm too lazy to do it i just use fuckton of hair gel to keep hair in place

Honestly neither. Pretty fit and clean shaven though I am not a good programmer at all.

I just have a normal full beard, which I don't really consider crazy. I'm definitely not the other categories

I don't go outside and I am always alone ;__;

>some guy with crazy facial hair

>not skinny
>not fat
>in fact pretty fit due to gym/runs
>not indian/asian
>clean shaved

I'm the CHAD one.

Fat but I refuse to have too much hair.

All of them combined into 1 GREATER PROGRAMMER.
>Skinny white(not tall)
>Short Skinny Asian(not asian, but white)
>Long hair that go far my back
>Long beard
>Italian(from south)

None luckily, I'm pretty normie so I'm probably considered a 'tech bro' by autist.

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tall, lean but strong white guy
I'm pretty good at basketball

Short white man with glasses and a ponytail.

>east indian
what's the difference between west and east india?

fat guy with shit facial hair


>too lazy for ponytail
>not too lazy to gel your hair and wash that shit out
nigger what

>t. fat guy with ponytail
That meme hit a little too close to home

You think he washes it out?

I bet he has greasy af hair as this pig

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skinny white guy with ponytail

>can't be the Asian guy or the East Indian because I'm Russian
>can't be tall skinny guy because fat
>can't be fat guy with ponytail because hair isn't long enough for that

by process of elimination I'm none of them because I'm a physics student not a programmer

The Dong Guy will the Dong Tail.

who said I wash it
maybe once a week/month depending on the season

I work in IT, not dev.

east indian is boomer talk for south asia
west indian was the caribbean

Combo of the fat guy and the beard guy. No ponytail though. I hate long hair on me, gets itchy as fuck (ty seborrhea). My beard can get itchy too but nowhere near as bad unless it's hella long like ZZTop style.

>tall skinny white guy

His arms probably can't reach around to clean his ass

everything desu senpai

I'm South-American, so me and most of my programmer friends are spics that are either tall or short but not average, skinny and wear glasses. They usually give me shit for being the only guy in the group who wears no glasses. Also it's funny how the tall fat white guy with a ponytail is also a thing in my country, it's as if they're omnipresent.

tall skinny fat asian white guy with a ponytail and crazy facial hair from somewhere in east india

I'm the one who have sex aka not a programmer.

The chad soloist vs the virgin pack

I'm a tall skinny Asian guy (6'2)

tall skinny white guy. oh wait i'm 5'10"

Where's the trap guy?

>Implying I could ever have 4 friends

short puerto rican guy with a mustache

the fat guy
do I need to get a ponytail now?

I mean I'm white and skinny but I'm quite short

Skinny Indian guy

Thank god I love in white country.
t. fat guy with ponytail.


i'm gavin t b h

skinny white manlet

>short skinny Asian guy
I'm 5'10 dammit. That's pretty much average. . .right?

5'11" king of the manlets
155lbs lean swimmer build
Clean shaven daily
Buzzed hair

Never gonna make it

>implying my hair is tame enough to put in a ponytail
Fat as fuck tho

fat guy with ponytail
my hair is crazy af too, it makes the ponytail cooler

Tall fit white guy.

They're forgetting the tranny with green hair

Indian (Italian/Sicilian, not Indian but dark skin)
Also I have no friends

>Buzzed hair
Found the autist

Can't be helped, I cut my own hair every 2 weeks instead of paying someone money to touch my head

>t. terrone programmatore di sda

(rapidly shrinking)fat guy with ponytail

>tfw here Grigory meet your coworkers

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Normal height, skinny, white, no facial hair isn't in the list