He unironically bought a 5700xt

>he unironically bought a 5700xt

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A reference 5700xt + cooler, or an AIB, is better price/performance than any 20xx GPU.

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legit what's wrong with the 5700xt?

I bought it ironically

I want to buy one but AMD and now the board partners keep fucking up. First I had to wait a month for non-blowers to come out. And even then they apparently make them by hand one at a time as a part-time cottage industry, because they all sell out within seconds of restocking. Getting real sick of this shit.

i'm playing mainly battlefield V
best buy i ever made

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some websites let you buy while out of stock and will automatically ship you one when they restock, that's what I did

broken drivers, unstable enhanced sync support

I'll just continue to use my 980 Ti in every future build if the processor doesn't have an igpu. I don't game anymore so it's my go to until it breaks and I buy the next super cheap POS.

Ironically didn't purchase

Shit drivers, run hot AF, overpriced, lackluster performance in a few games. Not worth unless you get them at a discount and pair them with a good FreeSync monitor.

No raytracing

>no goy tax

>try to fart cause all the gases in your body make you dizzy
>shit yourself
today was a good day


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retarded frogposter

I bought it ironically.

well drivers could potentially be fixed, does run hot but could be acceptable with a good cooler

Except when you use cuda.

I cant believe you poors would buy amd over nvidia to save 100 dollars. Youll surely regret it

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Can someone explain to me what major advancements in game development have occured in the last 5 years to make it so that newer games have higher and higher requirements?

I can't believe you retards would pay 100$ more for nvidia over amd for le raytracing which actually works on every gpu ever not just on nshitia's proprietary garbage. You'll surely regret it

No shit, but if you need CUDA you're not going to consider the 5700XT at all.

Please stop posting such disgusting pepes.

Only hipsters spend more than $20 ironically.

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I don't know who to trust anymore.

I have money to blow but not enough for a 2080ti which is double the price of every other card.

Which one is the best?

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It depends on what you want out of it.

>You'll surely regret it
I'm using AMD cards only since the HD7970 came out, never regretted it. I'm planning to upgrade my RX480 to RX 5700.

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>he unironically posts reddit cartoon frogs

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unreal engine became popular

Upgraded from 480 to 5700xt ref, all the memes about muh heat and muh drivers are retarded and false in my case. I get double the frame rate for the same power in almost all games.

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sucks with unreal engine 4 games, sucks with emulators

>everyone votes for integer scaling to be added to AMD's drivers
>adds some console tier scaling
>adds sweetfx/reshade
bravo AMD, now fuck off and stop taking up space on the market.

Best gaming performance. That's pretty much the only thing I do that is gpu heavy.

wii and ps2 emulators? I remember all emulators passed that generation being shit anyway.

Just watched a yt video, it seems to achieve 60fps in cemu and citra. It should also destroy ps2, wii and older emulators.
So what emulators are we talking about?

emulator performance is tied much closer to CPU than GPU, especially more complex systems like PS2/N64/Saturn. Any mid level card will do fine in emulators with hardware accelerated 3D support

My 2080 runs like 60 degree at overclocked. With mem +1000

I believe you.

I unironically bought a 5700 and I'm regretting it. The drivers suck.