You guys still alive?
What happened to all the South African bros?
Christopher Perry
Cooper Davis
I'm concerned for King's wellbeing. I think of him highly, and I think he's a good dude.
Levi Brooks
I haven't seen King Nigger post on here in a while either. I hope he's doing alright.
Connor Baker
he's fine, whites being targeted for violent attacks in south africa is a racist conspiracy theory
Jace King
hm look at that
Parker Foster
nice id, though
Michael Cox
Rabbi pls
Josiah Collins
It's not funny anymore user.
Jackson Anderson
why is this allowed to continue?
where is the boycott and protest like there was under apartheid? racism like this was never seen under white rule and yet nobody says a thing..
Aiden Thomas
this party isn't in power or the government
that's why you shouldn't be worried about them saying 'kill white people'