Easy headphone cable replacement

Headphone cables are almost always the first thing to fail.Is there headphones that allow to easily replace the cable? Something like having another port on the headphones and connecting by an aux cable or similar. I've repaired a few headphones in the past but depending on where the cable is broken and how the headphone is built it can be hard.

Attached: How-to-Repair-A-Headphone-Cable.jpg (900x600, 137K)

>wired headphones
Go to sleep, grandpa.

Go to hell, tech illiterate non-paid Apple shill.

Every decent headphone comes with a detachable cable

Yes there are.
Any high end headphones that are supposed to be faluable enough to care about come with a detachable cable.

Enjoy your music before the battery expires

>listening music
>headphone's battery dies before phone
That hypothetical scenario is enough to keep me away from wireless headphones. But I also don't like the extra weight from the battery or even having to also charge the headphones aside the phone. To me it seems like too much inconvenience just to save one wire.

Can you recommend me any specific model or brand? I just want to have an idea of what to look for, to be honest I have never seen this feature myself.

I used to blow through headphones all the time. What helped me was to get headphones with an angled connection. Pic related. Have been using the same pair been for months now, almost a year.

Attached: kenable-3-5mm-right-angle-stereo-jack-to-socket-headphone-extension-cable-0-5m-b00--14783-500x500_0. (500x500, 19K)

AKG, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamics, Audio Technica. They all have models with detachable cables. But only Beyerdynamics is so retarded that they only put them on their higher end models.

New guy here. Get a bluedio. They are both Bluetooth and wireless. It connects with a usb- c cable, with a 3.5 mm jack. The rubber is a bit more softer, but less prone to breaking via bends.
This user also gets it.

Attached: DAB782B5-0726-47FE-ACCF-14F297AFA7ED.jpg (1923x2046, 749K)

Encore rockmaster OE

Attached: encore_rockmaster_oe_11[1].jpg (1500x1000, 249K)


All of them.

Attached: sodder.png (320x320, 36K)

get ATH m50X. industry stabdard. comes with 3 cables in the box. have a few haedphones here, all high end. this one is the best of all.

What do you usually listen to? Just music? Do you play gaymes? Budget?

Just open them and solder a new cable

jack is really shitty invention. TTL of headphones is 2-3 weeks and they dead.

Make it detachable from the base and solder the jack directly to the speakers. This way, the only thing that would break is the external 3.5mm male-to-male cable, which can be bought for $1.

Attached: $_10.jpg (1000x1000, 37K)

Even chinkshit earbuds have CCMX connectors now. Just get some Tin Audio T2 off Amazon or Aliexpress.

>shitty socket breaks
nothing personel

That's never a point of failure though. It's more often than not the jack or a break in the cable.

Buy Bose or Beats if you’re not a virgin.
Preferably Bose.

Based bosechad

Attached: 632E0889-FD87-449E-9DF2-A2B8BBD03443.jpg (3024x4032, 2.68M)

This is specifically why wires are being phased out.

>Enjoy your music before the battery expires
Thanks, I'll enjoy staying awake for days on end listening to music until the battery dies for some reason.

Anyone know some cable with ~6mm wide connector that would fit these thats sold on german amazon?

Attached: MH 751.jpg (500x454, 19K)

Look up "mmcx" or "2 pin" headphones on amazon and choose one.

Attached: for me, it's the TIN HiFi T3 headphones.png (752x748, 427K)

search "3.5mm breakout board" or "3.5mm terminal" OP.

>he has to charge his headphones

kys zoomer faggot.
You are producing RF pollution with your wireless mice/keyboards/headphones and is making wifi useless.

SHP9500 is decent quality, cheap, and has a detachable cable.

>tfw when phones aren't coming with built in jacks more and more.
Try harder faggot

Attached: lXSWGjR.png (1092x1037, 65K)

>Bluetooth and wireless
Bluetooth is wireless you faggot, or do you have a bluetooth cable you use?

>headphones that allow to easily replace the cable?
take the AKG Pill
>implying their tank of a cable will ever break

Here’s how it works. When plugged, you use like a wired headphone. You can detach the cable from the headphones, and the headphones run on their own batteries. That when Bluetooth activates. Even with a dead battery, you can still use the headphones normally. The USB-c detachable cable comes with the Bluedio, that’s its feature.

they just break at the internal joint after putting them on a few dozen times

I'm making fun of you saying Bluetooth and wireless instead of saying that it's both wired and wireless you fucking autismo fag

is this retard seriously asking if detachable headphone cables exist?

Many high end headphones and even some cheap ones have replaceable cables. Monoprice 8323 "DJ-Style Over The Ear" headphones for instance are only $17 and have a regular 3.5mm jack so any old aux cord can be used as a replacement wire.

Right angle connector and a properly made strain relief - two things that used to be common but Apple popularized straight ones with crappy strain relief so everyone had to copy that

Didnt apple also have some ridiculously thin hole so that a regular connectors wouldnt work?

Was that them or people making cases for their stuff who couldn't imagine that someone would use it with a non-Apple earphone? Only Apple mobile devices I've had are an iPod Shuffle of the clip type that someone gave me, and an iPod Classic 160 GB that I bought when they were pushing iPod Touch but I just wanted something to play music that had a big disk. Both have normal flush jacks and work with any 3.5mm plug. When they sold me the Classic, the Apple Store was also pushing 3rd party earphones for better sound and I recall choosing between Etymotic and Shure, both of which had bigger plugs than Apple earbuds.

I have a pair of headphones with an aux plug.

Yeah it works, but it'll probably mean the aux socket in your device is first to go instead.

It's usually the other end of the cord that develops problems.

Sony, Philips, Bose, ...

you're doing something extremely wrong if that's the case

Do you mean 1/4" plug or what?

Well yeah but if your headphone has a plug you can just replace the cable.

The thing has proprietary locking mechanism 4mm deep/6mm wide. So a replacement cable needs a narrow connector.
Whats problematic is that most cables dont specify how wide the connector is, so you have to eyeball it which causes stress when trying to decide what to order.

I own AKG K430 headphones and had to replace the cable after about 5 years

This desu, my cables last over a year with daily pocket use.
The one thing that still gets me is that AKG still tries to force straight jacks instead of right angled and they always break eventually thanks to their garbo strain relief.

>Was that them or people making cases for their stuff who couldn't imagine that someone would use it with a non-Apple earphone?
1st gen iPhone required an audio adapter for regular headphones because the plug was too narrow for most headphones. It wasn't until the iPhone 3G that they changed it around.

It doesn't get remembered as negatively because it was also the era when other phone brands required audio adapters.

This. Somebody I know actually gave me a pair of "broken" M50Xs a few months ago, all it took was $25 or so from Amazon for a new cable and new earpads and they're as good as new.

>buy wireless headphones to listen to music without a wire.
>Plugs in in wire to recharge "wireless" headphones.

wireless mice are worth it now that you can run them for months without charging.

wireless headphones are still absolute shit with 10 hours at best.

>use a 3.5mm socket
>plug is still proprietary because it's 15 feet long

I fucking HATE that shit.