Ok i give up

ok i give up

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Homosexuality is a sin.

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im straight

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it's ok friend i'm sure you will find the right person eventually

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do you have any video games that you like to play online



unless you have monster hunter world (pc)

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i don't
do you think i should get it
it's only on steam right?

ummmmmm don't get it
and yes it's only on steam

ok. you don't like it?

i like it

um so why should i not get it

umm it's not cheap and it's hard to run at a decent fps and i don't want to tell you to buy a game just so i have someone to play it with

no i was considering playing it anyway it seems like an interesting game and i have extra money from christmas. if it doesn't run good i could just get a refund
i might get it after i finish ocarina of time cause that game's getting kinda boring i just want to get it over with lol


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ok bye have a good day also cute eevee gif

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who is who

lol, op is the original

prove it

um idk how

fuck my big black ass NiggAfrican American individual