We /cyberpunk/ now?

we /cyberpunk/ now?

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It would have been cheaper to just type and send the 4 letters words

It would've been cheaper to just use a smoke signal instead.

maybe we will finally be closer to have "neural reality" (like vr, but with direct IO). though something like this being "online" is extremely dangerous

looks like a complicated phone call.

For years. Come on over to and check out the cyb FAQ.

dumbasses. it's proof of concept for direct brain-brain communication without some intermediate format

Thought police. Soon.

remote mind control when? Just infect people instead of routers

Smoke signals can't be seen that far, brainlet

why the fuck would I want someone else's thoughts coming into my head?

Oh, so it's literal trash.

Poo in brain

Ask fb users. They accept anything. And fb would love to inject thoughts into their users as a new form of ads.

brainlet nigger they could just use the internet for free

>why the fuck would I want someone else's thoughts coming into my head?
It's not like your own are anything much.
Odds are that soneone else's will be an improvement.

Nah fuck off I'm not going to deal with literal thought crimes being a thing

nah i prefer typing thanks

Ain't going to happen in your lifetime. We can't even crack the electronic code of the peripheral nervous system; we only understand the signal system of the optical nerves enough to recreate a muddy, blurry, black and white image in which you MIGHT be able to make out a single letter encompassing your entire field of vision.

And that hasn't really changed at all in the past 20 years.

cam someone explain the picture to me thank you

Attached: free.png (125x125, 3K)

this is it. godbotherers call it the mark of the beast, but that doesn't make it any less prophetic. everyone will have one of these in the future and it will be used to crush the individual on every level
pre-crime arrests for thinking the wrong thoughts, etc

>people are now able to send thoughts directly into your brain
They're so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should

Attached: 1554607830760.jpg (584x575, 50K)

We need to learn how to do this stuff directly off the brain because the data transfer rate between human and phone is slow as fuck.

We definitely should be doing it. As Musk pointed out, neurally augmented and connected humans are the only thing we can do to intellectually compete with AI while still being human. Go play chess against a Grand Champion chess AI and see how fast you get BTFO. Do it again with a chess cheating app and see that you will stand a chance. All this neural link shit does is make the app readable from your brain, instead of a cumbersome phone.

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inb4 the french guy felt compelled to take a shit on the streets.

>The majority of the human population, the literal, scientific majority, is Chinese peasants and Indian lower castes who bathe in a river of feces and burned corpses and shit in the streets
>Odds are that someone else's will be an improvement

This can only be a point of view you can hold while not having traveled very much, user. Go to the really shitty parts of the world and realize that the relatively benign stupidity you experience here in the West is actually a pretty high bar by human standards at large. It can get worse. It can get a LOT worse. And in most places - really take that in: MOST PLACES - it is a lot worse.

we botnet now, I still cant believe all the people who support this or will get one down the line to compete in the "industry".

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He says as he posts from his botnet device.

Treating users as cattle is the big business model now. There is no end to how badly you can treat users and they think still that they are valued customers.