Why is everyone freaking out so much about phone companies taking away the headphone jack...

Why is everyone freaking out so much about phone companies taking away the headphone jack? Is it really that big of a deal to buy a USB type-C adaptor for 50cents and hook it up to them? What am I missing here?

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what's wrong with phone jacks anyways?
Its better than bluetooth which gives you brain cancer.

None is making you buy wireless ones.

apple and the phone companies apparently are.

can't charge and listen at the same time, also adaptors are gay and come loose. Another friction connection for no reason

>can't charge and listen at the same time
Why on Earth would you do that? I bet you are the type of person that buys overexpesive phones, fucks them up like that and then blame the company for faulty product

>Why on Earth would you do that? I
Unlike some people I can only charge my phone here and there and I am always on the go with my friends and gf (who i have vaginal intercourse with)

so since I don't sit at a desk or neet in a room all day getting in 30mins of charging might be at a time when I am also listening to music on my corded headphones, sorry if this is too complex for you to grasp

Fuck you, I do that all the goddamn time.

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Your phone's life span doesn't care about how "busy" your day is user, neither the fact that you buy cheap Chinese phones and battery can't last one day. Is wireless technology that complex to you?

Bigger chance of the usb-c port failing over time as it will be used much more... Also many wireless headphones still have delay because no low latency aptx support.

OP asked why people would like a simple headphone jack, i answered, you became confused

it's not complicated

>buying a shitty USB-C DAC for 50 cents and getting the shittiest quality possible
no thanks
>buying bluetooth headphones that are always inferior when it comes to sound when compared with normal headphones
no thanks

You don't get dual USB, you just get a single one which is strictly worse
I don't think latency is that much of an issue on phones. There isn't much people do that requires the audio to be responsive.

You really can't think of a situation where someone would charge the phone and use the headphone jack at the same time?

It isn't a DAC, it's an adaptor. USB can be configured for analog output. The dongles bundled with modern phones are way too small to include processing equipment.

>dongles bundled with modern phones are way too small to include processing equipment
Apple's lightning to jack adapter is a DAC
>USB can be configured for analog output
it's not as simple as you think

You're missing the fact that your phone's USB C port will wear faster with that bullshit. It should be only used while charging and connecting to a computer

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The principle. Companies use the "muh DAQ is too damn big" argument, yet they're able to sell a tiny adapter cable with a microscopic DAQ on it that could easily fit in the phone like it has for umpteen million years. It's just another feature they've taken away so they can sell wireless earphones whose batteries can't be replaced once they go bad and which are infinitely more loosable.

Qi charging has been available for a couple of years now. Modern phones doesn’t need to connect anything physically anymore.

I dunno, I have a BlackBerry lmao


Samshit phones have fast wireless charging, so I can't even remember the last time I plugged it into anything

>wanting to be dependent on an extra dongle that you'll have to carry around always and are totally fucked if you lose instead of just retaining the god damn headphone jack

>non-ionizing radiation gibes you cancer

Don't most phones support Qi now? Like, even budget phones?
Even if they don't, you can still use a splitter.

Because they’re removing functionality that has always been there. They give you a hampered piece of crap, then demand you pay more for it. I fucking hate consumerism, and the mentally deficient normals who drive it.

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The USB type c adapters start breaking after like a week its fucking annoying

There is potential for electron excitement, though probably too rare to document.