Name a Consumer Tech

That has been actively beneficial to humanity with no downsides. A tech that has not caused any sort of moral/social decay.

Attached: Untitled.png (362x621, 431K)

Other urls found in this thread:–present)–Russian_conflict



Facebook lol

Trisquel OS
> 100% free software
> non profit
> FSF certified
I'll never use it, but I'm happy it exists.

Attached: trisquel.png (1366x768, 776K)

digital watch

Attached: 91JegIxgwML._SY879_.jpg (471x879, 67K)


Gahnoo slash linox

electric chair

this image gives me flashbacks.

Toilets, bidets and toilet paper.
>inb4 someone says India
Their poo problems are cause by the lack of this kind of technology.

>with no downsides
It likely doesn't exist. Items still take materials to create, and even when we exclude things like energy, time and materials, I'd wager every creation to date that has seen enough use to warrant calling it "actively beneficial to humanity" has most certainly brought negative things out of at least a few people.


Fountain pens

Lynx, opera, and gopher.

For all 5 of the people who use them.

wtf is op pic

air con


>white couple
>black sons
>her son

Attached: 1563486787257.jpg (900x900, 58K)

1366x768 screen

>cute babies being born to parents with lighter skin

>oh, heavens! I’m terrified of folks who are different from me, so this is bad!

Get punched, Nazi


Lmao the watch you posted is literally known for being the timer of choice in IEDs.

Multi-purpose. Where are the downsides?


Attached: Eric-Clanton1.jpg (1200x700, 162K)

That's how women first started leaving their small towns to other places. A moral decay going by perceived notions of OP.

makes people sick

>A tech that has not caused any sort of moral/social decay
But that's entirely subjective, some faggot will always find something wrong with every answer.

Firearms. Its a technology that doesn't play favorites and never has. It's what allows a teenaged girl to be able to protect herself from home invaders. It's what allows a 90lb woman to be able to dissuade a 160lb man from raping. It's what keeps governments from going outright tyrannical.

You could say that innocent people are killed by these weapons too, but I would argue that they would likely die anyways, as violent offenders always find ways to be violent, leading to shit like the UK's campaign to "Save a life, bin that knife!" and regular weapon sweeps that include tires being picked up by the police.

Attached: weapon sweep.png (595x1274, 1.02M)

Unless you consider the Internet to be a net bad, I can’t think of anything bad related to Ubuntu. Ubuntu powers a huge portion of the Internet’s servers while being free and open source. It’s just so beautiful.

I also nominate Wikipedia. It’s the absolute best thing to happen to humanity in recent time.

I don’t know if it counts as a piece of consumer tech by the magical Fast Inverse Square Root function. The 3D graphics we have today wouldn’t be possible without it.

Attached: (You).png (244x232, 59K)


I can't even tell if I'm being trolled anymore

Shits fake as aids

Attached: 16C60047-AA83-42FB-A713-5CAA13FBEFC4.jpg (620x414, 68K)

Tell me how firearms decay morality, rather than reinforce it.

You are and you fed it. It will now do it again because of your god damn reply (you) fucking nigger

wikipedia is probably one of the worst things to happen to modern society because it has convinced people that there is a one-stop-shop for basic information that is reliable in any fashion. it has convinced people that they don't have to do any legwork to inform themselves. there is loads of blatantly false information on wikipedia with links to sources that do not contain the information stated. people assume wikipedia is correct, and when it is not, is handwaved away as some form of vandalism rather than poor standards or potential malfeasance that is fundamentally a problem with the entire platform

even with that in mind, wikipedia is still incredible, but i seriously question the motives of the wikimedia foundation, because they are acting as a repository of information and more or less a de-facto encyclopedia for the modern era, and the fact that they have an explicit bias on the content allowed on their website is absolutely morally reprehensible

>It's what keeps governments from going outright tyrannical.
wew... if you think personal arms can even slow that down nowadays I have a bridge to sell you

Firearms allow the rule of the weak over the strong, if that isn't degenerate I don't now what is.

>moral/social decay.
Any such discussion is just fart sniffing without a generally agreed upon definition of moral/social decay

Just imagine if Hongkong had an armed populace.

OP on that post here. I agree with you that information on there is not always correct. And it can be manipulated especially if there are editors on both sides with conflicting viewpoints.

It is the best thing we have for information though. I would argue that the people who blindly trust anything from Wikipedia would do the same with any other platform.

In a perfect utopia of a world, what do you think a better alternative to Wikipedia would be?

the fast inverse square root was a low level hardware hack that allowed for fast software rendered reflections by adding a magic number and doing a bitwise operation instead of actually computing the square root of the input value

'The 3D graphics we have today wouldn’t be possible without it' implies any 3d graphics today uses the fast inverse square root at all, in any capacity, or that it was important in any way besides lowering the system requirements for quake 3

go back to r*ddit

it would be wikipedia except run by a group of people who was operating with the best interests of the enclyclopedia in mind rather than as some kind of social movement with explicitly collectivist intentions that runs contrary to the entire purpose of the website they collect donations to run

>The 3D graphics we have today wouldn’t be possible without it.
I highly doubt that using it today has any significantly performance impact.

Refrigeration, stoves, heating and cooling units, lighting.

But why would somebody lie on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?

nice photoshop skills

>Depending on the degree to which Japanese civilians would have resisted the invasion, estimates ran up into the millions for Allied casualties.
Do you think guerrilla warfare is a joke? An average joe with a gun can kill as easily as a soldier.

>An average joe with a gun can kill as easily as a soldier.
Which doesn't stop the government from becoming tyrannical, just that it can not enforce it's rule by pure force. Something which it also couldn't before the invention of guns either.

the world does not operate in black and white dichotomies and just because the government would wipe the floor with a militia doesn't mean that an active militia is not a significant barrier for tyrranical authoritarian behavior

you aren't being clever or novel by arguing against your own best interests, you are just arguing against your own best interests. seriously think about what you are advocating

Please stop pretending.
I am not against people owning firearms in the abstract, but they have near zero influence on the government becoming tyrannical.

Even more in a HISTORICAL context the invention of the firearm didn't increase the security of a population against tyranny.

You can not rule by force alone, not once in history has it worked.


Legionaire’s Disease and mold.

You'd be surprised how influential it is. Besides being digital it's still a watch, and watches have influenced people immensely.

From a technical point of view a watch displays the time. However, time is a way to communicate for people. We make schedules and have other obligations that are bound to time, this way when the time is communicated to us by a watch it will directly influence our actions a lot of the time for better or worse. That's why a watch is a medium that binds us to time, and being bound by time has both positive and negative influences. An example of a negative influence might be "Crap I'm late", floors the pedal of the car, crashes car, die.

If there was no way to keep the time we wouldn't be bound by it.