If I made a debloated and privacy friendly version of windows 8.1 would you Jow Forumsuys and Jow Forumsirls (males) use it and promote it on the site? I use Linux on my laptop and im planning on creating my own windows OS for gayming.
If I made a debloated and privacy friendly version of windows 8...
Bumping for that interest? Everyone is constantly crying about wangblows I just wanna feel useful.
If theres one person I trust not to put spyware on my computer its you user
Boi I don't even know where to get spyware. Plus its meant to be privacy oriented. I could careless what shit you're beating off too.
>If I made a debloated and privacy friendly version of windows 8.1
sign me the fuck up, win 8.1 is my fav windows
You got it user ill be posting v1 in a few days. Gonna start tonight. You got any suggestions?
W10 AME already exists, what do you need 8.1 for?
Windows 8.1 is better than gaydos 10.
Made? hahaha
based on windows 8.1. the fuck?
creating my own windows. kek
aight but we need something to scream whenever you inevitably fuck something up
No shit. Windows 8.1 gui is shit. as long as you can change their UI I would change my mind.
I dont get whats so funny. Im genuinely working on it right now.
I could try injecting classic start menu? I could do that in a special version.
Most people who make debloated isos of Windows are underage and/or have no clue about technology. You saying and proves my point. If you really cared about privacy, you would modify Windows yourself or more likely not use Windows at all.
Don't waste your time OP, I can promise you that nobody will use it. You're probably 15-16 and this is a lesson you need to learn.
Absolutely. But I very much doubt you can make a debloated and privacy version of windows 8.1 without rewriting the entire OS and kernel from scratch.
What version of the source code are you using to compile?
stop shilling your shitty hacked iso
Why is this Polish jew so cute
OpenNT 4.5 is the most logical choice.
Might be a starting point. Better spend energies on a linux distro, though.
Reality doesn't work like that.
Certainly more realistic. Much better support, open-source code, plenty of free examples in real-world use.
>zero backcompat.
FTFY. You're welcome.
As I said, reality doesn't work like that.
you and what source code are going to create your own windows os? None is this retard unless underage
yeah I would totally download and install a keylogger. thanks OP.
Maybe your reality doesn't. I've probably been in the industry a lot longer than you and feel I know what I'm talking about.
>Jow Forumsirls (males)
post a picture of yourself so we can promote you to get you scull crushed