Forgot to stop seeding torrent

>forgot to stop seeding torrent
>share ratio 2.988

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what's wrong with seeding torrents?

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If I left my computer to seed for 8 days id only have 6GB uploaded
being an uploadlet hurts

Do you seed? You will.

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>not seeding until you've shared at least a terabyte on each torrent
what are you afraid of, disney sending you a mean letter? >:(

formerly bleed

It bogs down internet infrastructure for other customers with legitimate bandwidth needs

sneeding bogs down your own bandwith too

so don't download "illegitimate" files then. That way you won't have to worry about "legitimate bandwidth needs" of others.


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I scarcely torrent anything, so when I do torrent, I shut down my seeds to get the ones I'm downloading in a reasonable amount of time

my internet is slow but i'm trying

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I know that feel. I can't break 1.3MB/s.

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>had a share ratio of 50.2 on private tracker
>forgot the password years ago and lost access to the email for the same reason
I miss being able to download anything I wanted without receiving death threats from the admins.


Imagine living in a country where your infrastructure is so fucking bad that this makes any difference.

Imagine living in a country that you have to care about those issues

it makes the fbi come knocking as you're now distributing copyrighted content... you do use torrents for piracy, right user?


>he downloads content copyrighted in the country he in downloading
btfo forever, learn to torrent

topkek, good one user

The best is the best.

nice numbers bro

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my download speed limit is 1.1 mb/s and i pay 83 canadian loonies per month.

>browses Jow Forums
I actually welcome the doomsday for once

>browses Jow Forums
>is scared of basic technology

Do you use a vpn? Just curious.

formerly chucking

I'm paying for it.

nice numbers bro

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if you don't know how to do it don't do it

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Imagine being upset over legitimate usage of your ISP's bandwidth


Just call a script after every download and use the client's API to remove it.

>t. Mutt

>50% more local traffic is a problem
Upload limits are usually much lower to mitigate this so this isn't really a thing.

what a selfish cunt

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pump it


genuinely made me cringe

Just uploading 1mb/s 24/7

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The only true and accurate unit.

see here's the thing I would seed but after a while my ISP catches on that I'm torrenting and throttles the shit out of my internet. haven't got any threats or nothing though so I can live with that

>when you upload something to a private tracker and don't even get a 2.0 ratio
>upload the same thing to public tracker and get ratio of 250

Default I share 120%. Except on certain private trackers, then it's there till the torrent dies, because everyone is overseeding like idiots anyway and I need to get every possible bit uploaded I can too, if I don't want to lose ratio.
Sharing it the whole idea behind torrent, if you don't like it, then go to usenet.

>legitimate bandwidth needs

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What shit hole do you live in that this is even a thing?

You do realize that seeding relieves other infrastructure?

nice ratio bro

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relieve my infrastructure, sucka

This does literally nothing you total mongaloid.

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shit i cant remember when was the last time i used torrent
probably in highschool for video games
what are you mostly torrenting these days? is it all about tv shows and movies?

midget on dolphin porn

hi limewire

>I seed torrents

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>bog it

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>mom forwards me copyright notice for Shemales In Heat 8
>tell her it's a scam

As if basedtards are smart enough to use torrents

Why the fuck is s o y based? Absolutely disgusting.



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Just go back to where you came from.

Please seed


Who here public tracker chad and deletes torrent as soon as it finishes?
There are literally millions of Russians with their Gigabit internet who are seeding all the torrents you need.

Read 'em and weep queers

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>There are literally millions seeding
Hahahahha no
You normie retard

You need to pump those number up, those are rookie numbers

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What is the best torrent client?


does Jow Forums not like seedboxes or something? you upload for two weeks and blow through your bandwidth, then you can leech for the rest of your life.

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daily reminder to leech and fuck seeders

t. banned from most major private trackers due to having leeched 100TB in total
>and rising

Excellent bait

you're scum but hats off to you for being able to leech 100TB

I really have no idea what you're talking about.
Where does this happen?

seeding is what raises the red flags with your ISP

what red flags, you retard? your ISP doesn't give two shits if you torrent. the only way to get one of those meme letters is if a copyright troll nabs your IP from the swarm and contacts your ISP.

>Xfinity: you have used 97% of your monthly data total

This. As long as you're paying, your ISP couldn't care less what you do.

Name one torrent I cannot download from public trackers?
No degenerate shit like faggotry or weeb shit.


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Jesus christ I couldn't comprehend the second half of what you wrote due to broken grammar

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Connections do, not traffic. If you have a few connections, you don't affect anyone.

I seeded one hentai game to ratio 27.

I don't get it

My torrent client doesn't even count such statistics, kek.

Imagine being a ratio slave. Private trackers are a scam.

I'm lucky if I ca get past 250kb/s.

which one?

I think, it's not ISP, there are just too many cia niggers among peers that leech at 5b/s. When I find a legit leecher, he leeches like mad that my CPU even overheats.

Private tackers are infested with seedboxes, you won't get any ratio there.

you can always use exploits. if you're smart they won't notice
t. leeched over 300GiB from seedboxes on

> not seeding to 5.0

>does Jow Forums not like seedboxes or something? you upload for two weeks and blow through your bandwidth, then you can leech for the rest of your life.

Seedboxes are a retarded way to spend money. It doesn't scale (if everybody tried to seedox then nothing would be seeded), and you're spending money on a transient service when you could just buy permanent storage yourself.

Why spend money to steal other people's ratio when you can buy storage, have terabytes of content at your fingertips 24/7, while gaining legitimate ratio?