ZeroNet General - "Seething Glowies" Edition


We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors.
Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere.
Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable.


Real-time updated sites
Namecoin .bit domains support
Easy to setup: unpack & run
Clone websites in one click
Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times
Anonymity: Full Tor ntwrk support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses
TLS encrypted connections
Automatic uPnP port opening
Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) supprt
Works with any browser

>How does it work?

When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them.
Each visited site is also served by you.
Every site contains a content.json file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash and a signature generated using the site's private key.
If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the site, then he/she signs the new content.json and publishes it to the peers. Afterwards, the peers verify the content.json integrity (using the signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers.



What WILL happen in the next posts:
>glowies will flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling with CNN talking points
>FUD with no source on why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Attached: 1566532215152.png (1182x726, 198K)

>Easy to setup: unpack & run
Where's the Linux appimage then?

Probably needs to be changed to Decentralized General and add other techs to the OP (freenet, ipfs, twister...), zero is not big enough to keep it alive, discussion of competing solutions might

realities of zeronet:
> needs uPnP
> uPnP is known security problem, zeronet devs thinks it perfectly fine
> TOR rarely functions without issues
> zeronet programmers so incompetent that some users are forced to reboot their machines just to get zeronet to work
> no simple way of transferring identities to different installations
> no simple way of configuring sites
> relies on command line for everything, even though it has a GUI accessible via your browser
> relies on .JSON
> deleting a site can break your entire installation
> everyone is a glowie that points out the fact that zeronet is STILL a load of fucking garbage.

let us know when zeronet doesn't suck on AIDS infected cocks and functions without crashing or destroying itself, you sad and pathetic shill.

90% of that is bs, why don't you post the other bs about how easy it is to track userids over tor and don't forget to mention cp

>90% of that is bs
it's 100% factual and if you don't like it, you should pop a loaded shotgun into your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. imagine trying to defend such a lousy decentralised system such as zeronet when it's painfully obvious that the developers put as much thought into security and quality control as they would lifting their obese tranny legs to let out a fart? LMAO

At least it fucking works, go make a logo

> it just werks... when it doesn't.. and that's most of the time
bug riddled and broken software is now classed as working, is it? you should get a job at microsoft or amazon with that level of retard logic.

It scaled automatically from 3-4 peers to over 5k when 8 got banned, reeee harder

you gotta download it, duh.

Compare that to voat that gets ddosed whenever big leddit community gets vanned just by interested users, add tor and decentralization on top, yeah a working solution reee harder

what's wrong with UPnP?

> the number of peers means the software just werks
computer illiterates, everyone.
if you have to ask that than you are dumber than this dumb cunt ->

you could post anything to just explain why UPnP is bad, but this just makes you look like a faggot trying to talk tough.
don't be blowhard faggot, just say what's wrong with UPnP.

Then explain cunt, my router automatically discovering ports will rape your soul or what?

>Network where people are free from censorship that is ddos resistant when all alternatives have been ddosed is bad

It's a glowie with copy pasta, .json is bad and evil now, if o ly they used xml, doesn't work on his machine and too stupid to use --user to have easily transferrable installation, all bad and evil, has prpblems configuring own site.. Like rtfm

wats the eightchan site url?

Just installed it and am using it with tor browser

What now?

make a website.

no. I am not tech literate enough for that and have no reason to really. Maybe an image board someday when decentralization gets even better

Enjoy censorship free internet, browse, maybe contribute, it's still in its infancy but you might be the 0.01% that enjoya tech before it's infested by normies

Just do something simple to get started. Here's how to get a web server going on Linux:
root@hostname:# apt install apache2
root@hostname:# reboot

The home page is at /var/www/html as index.html. Just replace it with something of your own making:

Test Page


Easy as taking a shit.

ZeroNet already works out of the box and has a decent population, all other solutions are not normie friendly.

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Yes, but last general died at around 30 replies, previous I managed to push to post limit as was drunk, without it we might get better results by incorporating the whole decentralized tech as a whole, trying to stop drinking and the tech is relevant whether I manage or not

Who cares? Even if every thread raises awareness to just 1 person, its working.
Giving too many choices that dont "JUST WERKS" like ZeroNet does will only damage decentralization reputation as a platform to normies.
Unless something better comes along, there is no point in promoting other alternatives, if you care about the subject enough you'll do your own research about it.

Ffs if this thread dies out of no 'glowie' pushing cp bait etc it's pretty clear having more than one tech is better in the long run, as people uaing other decentralized tech might keep it alive longer, good luck

>peer based
No thanks. I have no intentions to host your CP you sick fuck. Nor would I expose my own IP.

Pedophobe roasties not welcome anyway. Kill yourself

There's a snap. Hard to make it easier.

>send the client to virustotal
>detected as greyware
Fucking lol

>believing this

>Even if every thread raises awareness to just 1 person, its working.
Doesn't really work if the thread dies because of lack of participation, does it. If you included technologies other anons use or participate in development of then you have a bigger base that can discuss tech issues, pros and cons++. But pretty sure you're just 8 leftover that is pushing that one single zite and doesn't really care about the tech behind it:
>Unless something better comes along, there is no point in promoting other alternatives
This is Jow Forums retard, go make a logo, if that is the only thing you can contribute, we discuss tech here, not wait for something to happen, we make it


fuck zeronet but what about i2p?

Attached: .jpg (506x744, 126K)

> no idea how UPnP is bad
> being this retarded they can't in2 research
an unsurprising and interesting turn of events.
> everyone is a glow in the dark agent who points out the obvious and dangerous flaws in such a poorly programmed decentralised system
zeronet is fucking garbage at all levels and you need to get used to it instead of crying like a bitch. stop shilling garbage software that is programmed by amateurs that give zero fucks about your security.
> hey zeronet programmer here, just use TOR! it just werks.. barely..
> oh wait, it's broken again. TOR doesn't function at all! lel. update coming soon, goys!
> *updating introduces more amateur hour errors*
>we discuss tech here, not wait for something to happen, we make it
>noooo! you can't discuss tech and have opinions that differ from my own!! rreeeeeee
>we make it!
you don't make shit. most of this board is computer fucking illiterate, much like yourself.

zeronet makes i2p look like the best shit ever invented.

>> hey zeronet programmer here, just use TOR! it just werks.. barely..
>> oh wait, it's broken again. TOR doesn't function at all! lel. update coming soon, goys!
>> *updating introduces more amateur hour errors*
oh great, another: I didn't manage to read the fucking manual, json bad! fucking retard, somehow it works for most that are just able to read instructions

>you don't make shit. most of this board is computer fucking illiterate, much like yourself.
says the guy that still cannot install zeronet after weeks of trying, cry harder shill

>oh wait, it's broken again
I love how glowies went from: there's cp, run! to: there may be installation issues and raising a bug report to an open source project is bad, don't touch, buy all your tech from amazon

Can I use databases for my website?
Can I use PHP/Perl/Ruby/Python/etc. for my website?

If the answer to any of the two is no, go fuck yourself with your worthless technology.

>Hard to make it easier.
Appimages are easier. It's just download and double click.
>faster to open
>don't require root
>don't require snapd

> being this retarded they can't in2 research
pot and kettle

Go back to /b/
Make your own thread promoting sekrit neckbeard clubhouses that no one will ever use then.
Remove the space and add it after your localhost address, retard.
>fuck oranges, but what about potatoes?
Go back to /b/

>Make your own thread promoting sekrit neckbeard clubhouses that no one will ever use then.
guise you all need to use that zero thing to get on my new 8pol thingy, no more fragmentation ok, fuck the tech, just die in a fire retarded heilhitler

can you stop shilling your retarded honeypod?