What the fuck is wrong with this bloated monstruosity?

What the fuck is wrong with this bloated monstruosity?

I installed this on my OpenBsd machine and it pulled something like 60 additioal dependencies. It even installed fucking pulseaudio. What the fuck would it need pulseaudio for?

Fuck Pajeets.

Attached: calibre.png (1024x1024, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bugs.launchpad.net/calibre/ bug/1714107

>t. retard

just use pulseaudio for your audio and it isn't bloat anymore. There, fixed it for you.


Don't know if there is something better but i found that FBReader works and it's less bloated.

flatpak install --user flathub calibre

flatpak override --user --nofilesystem=host --nofilesystem=home --unshare=network --filesystem=~/muhbooks com.calibre_ebook.calibre

Attached: k.jpg (500x332, 99K)

There is literally nothing wrong with this program. It is actually incredibly robust and based. This triggers the Jow Forumsified Jow Forums.

Calibre is the future of all software written in modern shitlangs. Since python2 was deprecated, no one has the dependencies anymore, so it's going to pull a buttload of dependencies on any system.

I remember buying my first e-ink device in like 2011. It was a used Kindle. I wanted to try it out before buying it so I met with the craiglist dude in his apartment so that he could show me how it works and he nearly pissed himself from excitement showing me Calibre. Bought it from him but never found a reason to use Calibre again when I can just drag and drop my pdf files directly onto the device

>I will never use python 3
Don't know if this guy is incredibly based or incredibly insane.

can change formats to .mobi

>I installed this on my OpenBsd machine

Attached: i.gif (450x253, 103K)

E-book container formats are bloated cancer. Epub is technically supposed to play video and audio. Read plaintext.

The pirate niggers who use Calibre to strip DRM always upload malformed shit and I blame the program.

Python 2 support will get dropped at the beginning of 2020. He's insane.

>The pirate niggers who use Calibre to strip DRM always upload malformed shit and I blame the program.
Doubt. I use calibre all the time and it works great for pirating books for college. actually was too good, amazon banned me from refunding books (you buy them, rip and then return)

He'll just maintain Python2 by himself.
bugs.launchpad.net/calibre/ bug/1714107

> exposing other peoples' computers to security leaks because you're too autistic to learn Python 3

I wish I was that much of an alpha male holy shit

Try to be this fucking CHAD, I fucking dare you. Can't be done.

Attached: kovidCHAD.png (916x172, 17K)

>he doesn't have a Calibre library in the cloud
Imagine being this low IQ.

>why yes, I do maintain Python 2 all by myself, how could you tell?

Attached: LMMpnVZ.jpg (1080x1349, 107K)

>using a ereader in 2019


oh no another pajeet h8 thread disguised as an actual thread. concern troll fag/g/ot.
I wish all the tech jobs went to África and India, I don't have to hear whitoids whining about them taking our jobs. face it cumskin you are only good at stitching together libraries and calling it software.
I wish more companies outsourced, than paying these soifaggots inflated rates and feeding their shit egos.

>buy assigned ebook on Amazon
>download with "Kindle for PC 1.17"
>Drag file to Calibre
>"Apprentice Alf's" DRM remover does it's work
>Refund book
>Upload DRM free epub to libgen
Every single semester

Attached: 648C4388-6FD9-41EB-92BE-6C0B081E0601.jpg (351x284, 18K)

Might I say that's very refined sir.

>how could you tell?
You look extremely stupid.


Attached: 1534918360863.png (1054x526, 84K)

100,000% janky ugly software
>Strips DRM with little fuss
>Manages entire library of ebooks for you if you want
>In built e-book reader with tons of formatting options, including setting the colors for night time reading

Kovid Goyal is based.
>Indian that moved back to India post Califronia shitshow to reverse-brain-drain
>Maintainer of KiTTY, OpenGL terminal app
>Calibre chad that (rightfully) hates Python 3

Friendly reminder to donate a fiverr to Calibre.

Attached: MonbQjd.jpg (960x574, 314K)

I'd hate it if there was a better alternative to what it does. Until then I'll use it.

shut the fuck up and fix PDF conversion Kovid

>KiTTY, OpenGL terminal app
That piece of this that can't even render fonts properly?

Here we go again

pay no mind to the white nigger, it's too late for them

This is hilarious, are they genuinely retarded
>t pajeet

Doing God's work, user.

Fight me faggot