Tfw zoomers are so retarded even their music has always online DRM

>tfw zoomers are so retarded even their music has always online DRM

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Hate to tell you, gramps, but that shit's more than a generation old.

Hey man don't use the boomer meme to be a jackass.

smells like summer

the boomer is supposed to be likable and relatable. He wouldn't call zoomers retarded he would just go listen to his AC/DC in peace.

It IS summer.

sure thing kiddo.

>music with retarded DRM
I still remember that sony debacle...

>he listens to digitized music made by other people reproduced over electrical devices instead of enjoying music freshly squeezed from his own guitar


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>tfw boomers are so retarded that they don't know how streaming services let you download as much music as you want for offline listening

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still has fucking drm
why do you put up with this shit?

>feeling depressed because my new job only gave me a phone stipend for an iPhone, nothing else, because "security"
>IT never checks our phones, but roll with it and get iPhone X because fuck you it was a nice "phone allowance" and all the other faggots and barren 30-something sluts had the latest and greatest
>be depressed because iOS
>jailbreak gets released for latest version I was running because dude at the store updated it without my knowledge
I can deal with this.

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I have over 5000 CDs, about 650 LPs, and even some cassette tapes.

t. never tussled with a 'nam boomer
Boomers ain't created equal son.

>streamcuck once again ignores Spotis-o-y only lets you listen and download music allowed on their service
Watch out, he's going to through the "convenience" argument at you.


2006 FORD F-150
[email protected]

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haha retard
how are they supposed to play music that's not part of their service

>>feeling depressed because my new job only gave me a phone stipend for an iPhone, nothing else, because "security"
>>IT never checks our phones, but roll with it and get iPhone X because fuck you it was a nice "phone allowance" and all the other faggots and barren 30-something sluts had the latest and greatest
>>be depressed because iOS
>>jailbreak gets released for latest version I was running because dude at the store updated it without my knowledge
>I can deal with this.

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2006 FORD F-150
[email protected]

OH fuck its crazy how accurate this is

>not recording music directly from spotify

DRM never truly works, you can always mitigate it.

Real men still listen to music on cable. We won't be having any of this zoomy woomy spot it fly whatever garbage here.

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>unironically wanting a downgraded version of the original

Why are you so right, Bill?

Unironically right about streaming services

lol, my 58 year old mother has literally all her music on itunes which she pays for
meanwhile I just listen to love live! music on youtube for free

convenience really, any way to have my music on the cloud and listening on the go?

reminder that the beardless drummer's last name is Beard

FM is the best streaming service because is free.

the point is when an artist decides to pull their music or spotify goes down all "your" music will just disappear even if it's offline
Just lke what happened with microsoft ebooks

Imagine being such a newfag summer kid

>Pass user since 2012
imagine paying actual money for 7 years straight just to shitpost on a taiwanese basket weaving forum

I don't know a single person that doesn't stream their music. They memorize advertisements by heart.

Do zoomers know how to use bittorrent? I'm seriously asking. Is this not a thing young people do? Do they just stream music and watch Youtube?

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God gave human two hands to clap.

7 years and still acts a newfag. damn.

>go to website
>look up album
>wait for it to download assuming it's even seeded
>unpack it because there's a 99% chance it's in a zip file
>add it to music player
>i can finally listen to my music!

>look it up in service of choice
>click play
>wow i can listen to my music already
>i really liked that i'm going to download it too
yeah man it's a real mystery

It is true that streaming is more convenient most of the time. But don't people still like having lossless or very high quality DRM free files that they can access even without a data connection?

>that shit's more than a generation old.
Hell no. Sony gave your computer a rootkit, but you didn't need to be online to play the cd.

>they can access even without a data connection
i'm gonna guess that you've never actually used any streaming service because at least spotify and apple music you can download whatever you want and listen to it whenever you want as long as you have a subscription, also it's not like you can't bypass the drm for those downloads either and lossless is placebo no one cares

>But don't people still like having lossless or very high quality DRM free files that they can access even without a data connection?
Nobody cares, nerd.

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I mean they know it exists, but the only thing they know about piracy is thepiratebay and utorrent because zoomers keep plastering those two logos on their memes about game devs/publishers doing something, in their eyes, "anti-consumer"
From what I've observed, I mostly see people just playing a YouTube Playlist they made if not Spotify.

what kind of horrible trackers are you using?

>paying for music

God fuck Spotify
90% of the time I search something I want to listen to, I find the song, but when I go to play it
woops! it's actually some douchebag doing an acoustic/vocal/metal cover of said song who took the time to copy the same exact title, artist, album name, etc

>pass user since 2012

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7 years is just after Jow Forums was added and Jow Forums was revived. Sounds like a newfag to me.