Rust shills penetrated Jow Forums mods?

Jannies are allowing Rust shill threads to flood the board but immediately ban any push back.
Is Mozilla sponsoring Jow Forums now?
>> 72449160
>> 72445604

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Other urls found in this thread:


Or maybe people just realized that rust is the future.

Seeth more retard

golang is the future
also avr asm

Maybe it's the future, because in the present nobody fricking uses it, there are no jobs for rustfags.

You can't just ban discussion of a programming language because you don't like it.
BTW if there is paid advertising going on, where can I sign up?

>GC'd trash
>The future

Pick one gotard.

Is that why the jannies have to suppress a copy pasta thread and prop up the rust shill thread? If it's so inevitable it wouldn't need any help. Nice try tranny

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Actually there is.

Nobody has time for manual memory management.
All who have also have time for C and C++.
Just look at Google hiring millions of golang developers.
I win, rust-tranny.

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they literally banned discussion against it, so nice pilpul. The discussion here is why it's being flooded and posts against it banned

Sorry to bust your bubble

Based mods

>searched rust jobs in a city with 12 million people
>only one job
>searched golang jobs
>34 jobs
>searched C++ jobs in the same city
>176 jobs
>searched java jobs
>2662 jobs
>search golang jobs

Rust is a fucking joke

Your city is full of retarded CTOs that's the problem

>searched C# jobs
>searched python jobs
>1101 jobs

>rust jobs: 1

Nobody uses rust lmao

Now searching in France:

>4992 C++ jobs
>8579 python jobs
>11087 java jobs
>4635 C# jobs
>142 golang jobs
>914 scala jobs
>498 kotlin jobs

>58 rust jobs

Not bad for a new language.

Hey i didnt shill rust i asked a question as to why its getting shilled so much.

hmmm maybe because the "discussion against it" in question is actually /b/-tier shitposting?

Rust is as old as golang and kotlin, yet nobody uses rust.

Even Clojure has much more job postings than rust, and it's only 3 years older

there are plenty of Rust jobs esepecially in cloud-native, security and cryptocurrency, they are just not for webshit-tier low IQ retards

The mental gymnastics here
It's amazing, keep entertaining us, tranny.
Do my bidding.

Keep lying to yourself, but I've shown the statistics. Facts don't care about your feelings.

try harder, low IQ retard

I use Rust extensively in my current job retard

Nice anecdotal evidence, but it doesn't change the statistics dummy dum dum

like I care about statistics from a retard on an anonymous board

>like I care about statistics
All rust faggots have a big brain like you?

Go suck a cock, OP.

>also avr asm
Finally, someone else is picking up on the meme

Isn't that a marketing term?

it isn't, most 100M+ market cap startups that were bought last year were in cloud native market

>Manage memory manually
>Coding in Rust
Fucking LARPers that never even watched a fucking Rust video. The compiler does all the freeing, it just doesn't let you write unsane code. Also, double-linked lists are cancer, using arrays fits current highly cached and auto-parallelizing CPUs a lot better

>double-linked lists
name a single use of linked lists in modern software, I've only seen it in practice inside the linux kernel

It's part of a constant exposure campaign like this thread. The janitors are wonderful people but need to lose weight because they fat as fuck.

Lisp general moved to Lainchan because mods started removing them.

>immediately ban any push back
Maybe just maybe the "pushback" you're talking about is just Jow Forums trying to derail the thread to discuss their white-male insecurities. Jow Forums will do fine without that, thank you.

Lisp is less a technology and more a type of math.

All those threads are bait my dude

Attached: rust_bait.jpg (2286x517, 200K)

ignore them.
Rust can't replace C and C++ because trannies can't replace 40 years of programming before they hit their own deadlines.
Trannies are inherently suicidals they won't live long enough to be rust experts and to replace Chad++ code.

well, between trannies they help each other.

>being the meme

Attached: arguments against rust.png (1066x809, 282K)

About 80% of Rust's standard library contains unsafe code.
Rust's documentation states it is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure they are performing safe operations in "unsafe" code blocks, a responsibility I already had using literally any other language.

If the standard library is any indication of how often I must write "unsafe" code, I am better off using a language I already know.

>screenshotting your own post from yesterday
this place is mentally ill

>lisp is a type of math
Very wrong, its still a programming language where you specify the computations for the computer to perform. Its not a math.

You write small unsafe blocks, verify them and wrap them in functions that aren't tagged unsafe, and then compose those safe functions together to make a program you can be confident it.

It's almost as if you're supposed to wrap your unsafe code in types that you then show are safe.

>just dont make mistakes

Perhaps he is equating lisp to lambda calculus

>you just have to write perfect code and encapsulate it within Rust's helpful safety net that relies on your code being perfect

Or I could write perfect code in a language I already know.

>Rust video

>BTW if there is paid advertising going on, where can I sign up?
This. I want hot pockets too.

a false equivalence

Rust is a sysmetms programming language. It's not like flavor-of-the-week web frameworks that come and go every week. New micro services are being created all the time and it's not much of a cost to rewrite it in something else. C++ jobs are mostly on old, large projects. You rarely have to use something like C++ or Rust, and when you need to, you don't really want to risk at such a large scale.

You can't really compare Rust to Go in any meaningful way.

Daily reminder that Carmack is a Rust shill.

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Yet, according to the statistics, there are almost no jobs for rust developers.

he has not talked about rust since February
i guess the honeymoon phase is over and he went back to a productive tool

There are obviously tons of Rust jobs
People are being paid to shill it after all

rust - trannies - corporations - ad money - 4channel - hiro

Yup, but it doesn't change the fact that Rust is a great language.
Rust will not give you job, but so does tons of other languages. It's still nice to learn as it can give you a little different view on safety and systems programming.
You won't easily find jobs for lisp, Haskell and such too, but it doesn't mean you won't benefit from learning them.

Gibe link. I want money for shilling too.

but just because its a great language it doesn't need 30+ threads per day on Jow Forums
there are way better technologies that have been around for longer that aren't shilled as much

clearly something is going on..

>but immediately ban any push back
Is it because your only form of push back is to call us all cucks?

Yes, a lot of the core Rust devs are SJW types.
No, that doesn't mean using Rust makes you an SJW. The CoC isn't a license agreement, just an agreement if you want to participate in the development of certain projects. Turns out other developers are people, not robots, and they need to be treated with a bare minimum standard of respect in order to keep their motivation to keep contributing.

Yes, the Rust compiler is an anal cunt that forces you to be explicit about everything.
No, that's not a bad thing. In fact, that's kind of the point. You are a human, and humans make mistakes. Don't try and pull that "git gud" crap out, plenty of bugs are made by people who think they're the shit. Even the best make mistakes. The problem is, that mistakes don't always come without costs. Sometimes it's just a company losing a few million dollars, but sometimes it's an airplane falling out of the goddamn sky. Rust is not the first language designed to force you to comply with strict typing. Ada was the same, and it was used by the military for the longest time because we don't want fighter pilots to die because of programmer hubris.

Come back with some better arguments instead of spamming the same crap over and over, and maybe you won't get banned. Until then, please pay attention to the following global rules:

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
>8. Complaining about Jow Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

Does anyone other than shills even browse or post on Jow Forums anymore? When was the last time you saw genuine tech related discussion that is not just amd/nvidia/intel/samsung/apple/linux/windows shilling? Even if it is regarding some product from these companies its usally some meme post or twitter post screenshot in the OP or some shill yt link and thats it. Mods having having preferential treatment of some shills and not others really make no difference at all.

>Is it because your only form of push back is to call us all cucks?
Well, that's the appropriate response to Rust threads. Cuckoldry is a technical problem.


vectors have much better performance for both searching and inserting, linked lists are useless, they are just easier to implement on a very rudimentary language like C that provide no vector type

Yes, because it goes a little something like this.
>user A: I think Rust is pretty cool
>post gets deleted

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Rust trannies complained to fellow google trannies that pay ad money to Hiro, and now Google must unironically protect a competing language because of tranny nepotism.

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nice strawman

It is because you don't know where to shill. Why not reddit?

>tranny coc
>bare minimum standard of respect
nice try, shill

>this much damage control
That post was 100% representative of dumb fucking Cnile retards' coping.

>but just because its a great language it doesn't need 30+ threads per day on Jow Forums
I completely agree. These threads doesn't do any good for Rust.

. Complaining about Jow Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
Is this confirmation that trannies are Jow Forums jannies?

i've completely switched(i believe ``transitioned" would be the better word kek) to rust, and i find rust trany threads utterly hilarious. so if your intention is to troll rustfags do something else. otherwise keep at it.

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You can't implement zero-cost vector in Rust just like you can't do linked lists.
But that's not what safety is about. Both can and should implemented in unsafe rust.

but they're fun + rust awareness

Just like attention whoring. It might be fun and increase awareness, but not really in a good way.

whatever on boards is in a good way?

This is the common response to rust as a c++ developer. Soon after trying it for a while you realize it's a good idea badly implemented

>tries Rust and talks about it on his Twitter
>this means he's a Rust shill

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If Rust users like immutables so much, why are they obsessed with changing their gender?

At least most of them get automatically deallocated.

This is just Jow Forums equivalent of tranny/hrt/sissy/pinkpill/femboi/discordfaggotry on Seriously whoever fall for this shit is literal cumbrain tier weak ass faggot I swear to god

Why is it always the mtF retards??

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then you ragequit ...and then you realise that you're simply retarded.
no, rust is genuinely better than seppls in every way. you guys just ragequit because you mind have been cucked by seppls and you can't approach problems from genuinely better rust pov.

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i wanna fug serval

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who doesn't

So it's a marketing term thanks