do you ever feel like it's all hopeless like no matter what you do you'll always be a ugly depressed outcast and that no one will love you? do you ever try to do something constructive like working out or studying and think to yourself "what's the point"?
Do you ever feel like it's all hopeless like no matter what you do you'll always be a ugly depressed outcast and that...
Fuck off back to retard
No. Do you ever feel like this post offended someone?
no because im not an ugly depressed outcast and people love me
>this post offended some one
that's their problem maybe they should grow pair
I'm none of those things. I'm just guy who gets bored a lot.
Sometimes, but talking with people helps, like, immensely
Plus if you're one ugly mofo you still be charismatic
And finally, inaction will always make it worse. While you're young you still have a chance for whatever you'd want to do in life. But eventually you do reach a point where you could as well just kys
Nah, not for years.
I have no one to talk to I'll and everyone on Jow Forums hates me
> do you ever feel like it's all hopeless like no matter what you do you'll always be a ugly depressed outcast and that no one will love you
Most of the days tbqh. Worst part is that I dunno what made me a social outcast or why I haven't got even a single gf by the age of 22.
>do you ever try to do something constructive like working out or studying and think to yourself "what's the point"?
For me the point of those activities is to just take my mind off all of this depression crap.