Zoomers btfo
Zoomers btfo
you can do both of those things with a blackberry passport
and look cool doing it
I had that kindle model and I'm glad I replaced it with a touchscreen one.
I fail to see the joke here. Zoomers don't read books? If anything, Zoomers are more likely to use Amazon products if they were into books. How about you get an e-reader that respects your freedoms some more instead of getting cucked by Amazon you fucking faggot?
zoomers don't have pmps?
i'm a zoomer, op is a fag
>not buying beat up books for next to nothing
>the pedo rockbro with the Classic is in the same timezone as me
I honestly don't know if I should be afraid.
rude, may not be same timezone thats a photo from a few days ago when op made the same post
>thats a photo from a few days ago
Ah yes, it's right there on the filename. I seem to lose my mental faculties every day at around 00:30.
get a real book, you retard
get some coffee :3
>coffee at 2AM
What kind of madman are you?
A glass of milk, autism pills and a night's sleep, that's what I'm getting.
Fuck off pedophile scum.
I'm a zoomer and read books. Also, Jimmy Benzos is a rich piece of shit that can afford to pay his workers living wages and improve working conditions to a point where they don't have to piss in bottles to keep their jobs.
>How about you get an e-reader that respects your freedoms some more instead of getting cucked by Amazon you fucking faggot?
This, based user. This.
>How about you get an e-reader that respects your freedoms some more
What would you recommend? Currently using a kobo glow without registration in airplane mode but would love an gnu/ereader
>Fuck off pedophile scum.
he hasn't yet realized that Jow Forums is the underground /cp/ board
have a good sleep :3
Well, I don't think there are any e-readers that have been given the RMS-Cult seal of approval. To be fair, there are a LOT of things that probably should be on their list.
Jesus, you're creepy.
Lay off the little girl LARP and pics and go outside for once.
Sure you can but they're better on dedicated devices
>t. Passport user
stop posting pictures of me
I see this pic a lot but he just looks so uncomfortable in clothes that are just too small and tight for him
makes me feel uneasy
I don't get it.
I like to read books on paper because the energy here isn't constant.
His pants are too tight. looks gay. Not even gay supermodels.
And physical space is limited, especially in a bag. Don't get me wrong, i like to collect books but having backlight, decide the layout, font and size and being able to conveniently read everything from books, magazines till mangas on one device with weeks of battery is awesome
nice book good taste!
my dead girlfriend is pretty cool OP
I still use cassette tapes.
E-ink consumes next to no energy, only backlight and refreshing the display by changing pages. In normal light you can turn the backlight all the way down and read it comfortably like a normal book because it doesn't reflect light like a normal display. The "backlight" itself is also different tech and technically displays light on top of the screen instead of projecting light from underneath it.