All you need is 2 gb of ram if you give up the web browser

All you need is 2 gb of ram if you give up the web browser.

Attached: 1554378042410.jpg (1080x600, 173K)

/v/ would like a word with you

2gb of your mom

Web browsers and more specifically, fucking web "apps" should be more efficient.
Browser and web developers should not get a free pass to 4+GBs of system resources just because they're a markdown renderer. Especially not when people are making electron apps.
It's not impossible to do that correctly, as evidenced by technology made before it and made today that run with way less than the competition.

I was actually pretty damn comfortable doing everything with 4
upgraded to 16 this month literally just for Minecraft modpacks

>he doesn't use w3m
fucking pleb

But I'm using a web browser right now and I have 2 gigs of RAM.

all you need is 2 GB of RAM if you give up the operating system

Attached: chrome-os-640x249.jpg (640x249, 11K)

What the fuck am I supposed to do without a web browser.

The usual.
- Watch anime
- Drink piss
- Dilate

You only need 0 gigs of RAM if you never turn the thing on
Checkmate faggots

>needing 2 gb of ram to have a decent web-browser and os running

the absolute state of windows and mac

>manchildren words

Attached: 10-of-the-most-menacing-bugs-alive-today-2.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

I can save an entire thread on Jow Forums with 250 images expanded in 200mb, why the fuck does it eat 1.2gb of ram?

Chrome expects every page to be mountains of JavaScript so it preps for it on every page

bullshit. the sub 8 gb ram chromebooks have slowed way down

just torrent your media bro
wow what a redpilled madlad

fucking ricers

Yeah but how do I find the torrents without a web browser. Legit question, that's literally the only reason I use one. Also, someone should make a CLI client for browsing libgen.

all you need is 0gb of ram if you give up using computer

My 4GB 100USD Chromebook works just fine browsing several tabs at once. Usually at 2.3GB usage out of 4GB.

> 2 gb
> = 256 MB

What did he mean by this

The correct amount of ram is..
the maximum the system supports

I use Librewolf happily under 2GB.

How did you post this???

same reason why compile on runtime stuff is so bloat, it includes all of the libraries and what it "might need even if it doesn't need it" shit constantly

There's no getting around the internet bloat.