The chad labour guy vs the computer fag

the chad labour guy vs the computer fag

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Few people who work construction look like that. Besides, what's stopping you from working IT and going to the gym?

Chad labour will have a broken back in a few years
t.did manual labor for 10 years and body is broken.

Something tells me that labour guy hasn't actually done a single day of labour work in his life.

nice muscles fag
maybe you can help the nerd lift all that cash

that's cause you didnt take care of your body properly

I work in high paid labor.
Literally 30% of the people complain about bad backs.
Although I'm beginning to suspect that's more of an excuse not to help rather than an actual professional trauma rate.

>drop a terrible office job for a labor job
>get free time after shifts
>try and get fit
>do cardio and diet
>literally nothing happens
>fuck, ok I can't keep a diet but I can fast
>Fasting on cardio got so week I begun dropping wheels and couldn't lift a battery (big one not a car battery)

Cant move due to backpain at 35, heh nothng personell programmers

possibly the worst greentext I have ever seen

Did you ever try stretching? I swear most construction guys that bitch about their bodies never stretched, never practiced proper lifting technique and drank/smoked their entire careers.


also, use your legs to lift the heavy things, not your back. Squat to lift, instead of bending your back.

I use to not, but I stretch all the time now, it doesn't really help.

is this your first greentext, fellow redditor?

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I'm in the military and tons of people here get their bodies rekt too. Not talking infantry or anything, I'm talking about mechanics and the like.
That's the thing nobody tells you about labor jobs. Your body literally gets used up.

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And use the buddy lift system, also keep the payload close to your center of gravity. Never remove out of service tags from broken equipment. Put wet floor cones out. Help your coworker to the eye wash station. If you give CPR to your coworker, you still can't look at or touch her bobs. It's better for you if she just dies instead

I think the construction worker is gay. Any guy that goes around without a shirt like that at a place full of sex starved men prolly wants it in his poopykins.

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Does labour destroy spine worse than programming? I am 23, spend all life in front of computer and I already feel constant discomfort in my spine, it may get worse with time

Get a high end office chair or a standing desk.

stop sitting upright in chairs
use a study couch like the romans did

I don't have money for that, I sit on exercise ball because its cheap, today visiting kids took out ball to play with It and i was not able to learn programming

you can literally buy a commercial quality powerlifting gym for 2 grand or just go to one for 40 a month. you don't need to ruin every joint in your body to get fit. and most construction workers are either or fat or dyel anyway.

You only have yourself to blame imbecile, cardio will never make you get fit/lose weight as fast as et you didn't even calculate you tdee

Friendly remember photo stock persons are models aren't workers,managers or actual X announce people

What is a study couch? Nothing comes up on a search.

It's probably the wrong term
it's where you sit lengthwise on a couch
no back problems

most blue collar guys get the dad bod or just look like shit because they don't get enough time to recover from physical strain. half of the ones you meet suck down energy drinks, goody's powder, and cigarettes every day.

Except its super fucking common nowdays for people in office job to lift or do normie shit like crossfit, because they sit on their asses all day and crave exercise.
Blue collar workers have no energy left to expend.

t. white collar bank analyst who lifts.

Programmers have bent spines in their 20s.

smile for the Jow Forumsgreentext screenshot, kind stranger!

left: works is ass off for jew boss, makes 30k a year, goes home and jerks off to blacked
right: works very little because he can automate everything. makes 100k a year, goes home and jerks off to hentai

worst cope of the day
also hentai is as degenerate as blacked

Anyone ever work out in the real world? If not you would be surprised to see the two working together in harmony until a woman appears.

It usually seems like shes never doing it on purpose. The males self destruct on their own most of the time.

Not if they're gay. This is why we need gay communism.

>work IT
>backpains from moving PCs and batteries around

Your weak cuck genetics are being filtered out
It would have happened anyways

I agree though I don't like working with gay coworkers . They're great until things get sexual, personal or anything that isn't work related.

Its down hill once they're comfortable spilling personal information at work.


Do you even know how anything works? This is quite possibly the most moronic post I've seen so far today.

This is true, I'm 24 and I already have constant lower back pain along with bent upper spine.

I swear most of you are complete idiots if you think we are working hard all day... I'm an electrician let me tell you of a basic day and career progression, some of the other trades are a bit tougher but none of them have hard work everyday all day.

>20 minute stretch and lay out the crew
>20 minutes to get everyone to their areas with their tools on and parts
>work maybe 2 hours take a 15 that turns into a 20
>bullshit with another crew for 15 more minutes
>do a little work until noon
>30 minute lunch turns into 45 minutes
>bullshit for 20 minutes
>work for an hour
>30 minutes to clean up
4 hours of actual work done in a day

career path
>1st year get a bunch of shitty jobs and actually work hard
>2nd year if they survived without quitting we start really teaching them stuff
>3rd and 4th year they are doing the bulk of the work guided by a j-man
>fresh j-man becomes a lead man and wears his tools maybe 50% of the time, just their to keep people on track and take care of little issues before they get to the foreman 2-3 years of this as they learn to actually lead people
>foreman usually starts on small jobs with small crews, pushes a lot of paper work and works OT every week, as the jobs get bigger they become more about dealing with people and customers
>after about 10 years they move to an office position, superintendent, estimator, project management type stuff where 75% of your job is on a computer managing paper and contracts. 25% is people skills and even more OT-55+ hours a week every week.

Sounds like shit.

better than sitting in a hot ass IT closet all day rebuilding computers and listening to karen drone on about her cats.


This. Wagies are so stupid.

What are you a Virgin?

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Ya seethe?

Pajeet is coming for both

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Just had a job where I burned about 4000 calories on a slower day. Eat little during the day because no time to wash hands and eat. Get home every night and binge like fat kid on on his birthday. At least 2000 calories of junk plus dinner.
Now I have muscle but still the same amount of fat. No one and nothing to blame but myself.

>proper lifting technique

Construction jobs aren't like warehouse/factory jobs where you lift/move the same type of stuff everyday.

That sounds more like manual labor even if it's in IT.

>Moving PC's around
You should have worked out. Now you'll have to suffer through the pain until your body adapts to the load.

It doesn't matter where you work people, manual or intellectual, your body needs to work with you. Even a little cardio and stretching every day can save you a lot of pain.

Me on the right

Left is a gay power fantasy; right is what those same gay people think IT people look like.

wonder how that happened

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what? PCs aren't that heavy.

Sounds nice. How much heavy lifting do you do as an electrician? I'm going into my last year of HS (turned 18 in early july) and I want to think more about my future. I have a few things to look at an electrical work seems like one of them.

Don't try to explain this to soibois on Jow Forums who have never worked a day in their lives. Don't expect them to understand if you try to explain.

Fuck you, labor gay! You took all the parking spots in the garage, now I have to park half a mile away. And all so you could build a new parking garage. Have you no shame?

These 100% aren't programmers.

Every programming job I've had sent me a laptop.
The in-office jobs just have you plug it into a docking station with monitors.

you expect me to read all that shit?

you spend all day on Jow Forums reading and that little bit bothers you?
thought you were one of those smart kid computer nerds that was good at that shit

not gonna lie to you and tell you its easy all the time but honestly its pretty physically easy the majority of the time... plus anything that is really heavy is so heavy that machines have to be used to move it around. If you dont think you can lift 100lbs even once than its not for you.

not keen on reading blogs, sorry pal

then go the fuck away and stop responding you fucking retard

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What about gay coworkers who refuse to talk about their gayness at work? I wont deny it if someone straight up asks, but i wont talk about it otherwise