Turn on computer for first time in the day

>turn on computer for first time in the day
>it shuts off a few seconds later
>press power button again
>boots normally, everything is fine

why does this happen every morning? does it have something to do with static electricity building up or some shit? how do i remedy this?

Attached: pc.jpg (683x907, 174K)

why don't you check your cables stupid?

what cables exactly? everything is plugged in completely

asus motherboard
what ram are you using
is the chipset compatible

all the components are fine i'm like 99% sure. this issue only popped up when I moved houses, the PC was running for 10 months beforehand. whats oddest to me is that it only happens the first time i turn on the PC in the morning. for the rest of the day no problems

here is the hwinfo anyways

Attached: components.png (894x708, 91K)

Give timestamp and show feet

Sounds like RAM training, but that should only happen after a CMOS clear.

don't buy amd

Reseat all your power connectors

it's cold boot memory training
fucking idiots

feelin cute might delete later i dunno
literally nothing i own is AMD
my OCs aren't getting reset so i don't think the CMOS is getting cleared everytime

Attached: dsc00205.jpg (2816x2112, 1.89M)

defective power supply stop forcing it or i will shortcut your motherboard. just buy a new one.

fuck off you disgusting obese tranny

I was thinking update or some software is prompting restart to finish installing.


>turn on computer
>no ethernet connection
>repeat 7x
>wifi finally boots
>mfw this is my life every day
never buying another gigabyte motherboard, ever, never ever fucking again, this is my third one I've RMA'd and each one is worse than the last. fuck gigabyte, jannies, and the fucking poo in the loos that answer the phones at gigabyte

Attached: 1529809821016.jpg (770x800, 78K)

so unstable RAM then? i only enabled XMP and it set everything automatically (1.35v etc.)
i think the PSU is fine to be honest

im not a foot fag, but i can say with absolute certainty, these are the most disgusting feet

mobo is asus prime z390-a actually, only the 2080ti is gigabyte

shut up tranny no one is talking to u

XMP is a fancy name for factory memory OC, it's not a JEDEC standard. If you set everything in uefi to the absolute optimized defaults it'll boot normally. You have nothing to worry about, it's working as intended.

msi doesnt have this problem :^)

they literally don't. thats what i get for buying the cheapest option with integrated wifi. learned my lesson.

on the plus side, XFX customer service kicks fucking ass. i know someone will call me a shill, but within 3min of calling i was on the phone with an aussie that had me taken care of in less then 10min. it was crazy, ive honestly never experienced customer service that good before.

cmos battery is probably dead

i bought an XFX 5700xt and the warranty sticker was on the backplate with no screwholes underneath, even matched the color of the backplate for the reference card. XFX is the most based AIB company under AMD along with sapphire, and for mobos asus, and asrock (msi too but only sometimes)
Also, is it just me or am i the only one who hasn't had a single issue with AMD parts lately? dropped in my 3600x and the 5700xt and nothing went wrong, i feel like all the spergs here are bad at computers imo.

intel housefire at it again

nice case shit feet kys

It's always the /v/tard case owners who ask the brainlet questions on here.

the xfx product i have is an rx580, and yeah nah my 2600x survived an entire system burn(my bad for putting my computer on carpet kek), my psu mobo and gpu all got toasted. gigabyte was the worst company to deal with by far, XFX and EVGA were both great to deal with, but xfx takes the cake as far as painless and actually seeming like they really give a fuck.

UPS actually shipped my mobo to XFX and my rx580 ro gigabyte on accident because they're retarded(i had an RMA email from gigabyte on the box how do you fuck that up), and XFX called me as soon as the got it, offered to send it to gigabyte, just had to email them the shipping label. Got the label from UPS and it was on its way to gigabyte by the end of the day. Gigabyte on the other hand, wouldn't even acknowledge they had my GPU for about a week, then said they would ship it out, then (((accidentally))) closed my RMA ticket and sat on both packages for a full month. I had to call them and un fuck it, then, they don't RMA your board, they just send you a refurb board, so of course that one was fucked, then they sent me another one, and now THIS one is fucked, I honest to god have zero clue how the fuck they're still in business. if you're reading this gigabyte fuck you i hope your offices all burn down

i would just shell out the money for a decent board imo, i have an x370 msi board, runs fine but i swear i was so fucking close to turning it into a server board because it really hated LTSC + my 3600x, i had some fucky issues with it to get it to post and then it wouldnt want to have the 5700 in the second slot in x8 mode, so i had to put away my networking card and stick with my USB card instead, which is annoying but fine i guess.

yeah next board im saving up and buying something that isn't a piece of shit. i recently found out my gpu will fit in a thermaltake corev1 case and i think i'll go that route with the next board, ditch my mid tower case since i don't really need it. if i could just ethernet i wouldn't care that this board is so fucked, but im a college cuck in a rent house and can't set up my shit how i'd like it, stuck with wifi

Rerseat everything and see if that helps

>i think the PSU is fine to be honest
feels like a decapitator not holding charge do.

If you have the 2600x, you should get an MSI gaming pro x470 board if you want to spend less, spending a little more will net you a great Asus strix x470-f at 200 burgers, and the asrock taichi ultimate is top tier, no questions. Ive tried all these and they all work great.

might i add that i help others build computers at college. Everyone i help always buys ryzen, AMD is true zoomer choice nowadays it seems