You have ten seconds to explain why you are not using fvwm

You have ten seconds to explain why you are not using fvwm.

Attached: 2019-08-25-191454_1024x768_scrot.png (1024x768, 71K)

I'm not a faggot.

Because I use a comfy distro of Windows 10 called LTSC.

this looks like shit

i like tiling

not a wayland compositor

Attached: usingxorggigachad.jpg (749x1200, 264K)

Like ur mom

like ur sister

It didn't look anything like that and i'm too lazy to spend hours configuring it

Just use another guy's dotfiles.

Because XFCE is simpler to set up and use

Bloated and gay

Because I'm using the chad WM+DE.

Attached: rice.png (1919x1081, 793K)

Openbox+xfce4-panel chad reporting in

it's a hassle to configure

The problem with the F(?) Virtual Window Manager is that it's old. You're probably thinking, "so, what?", "don't fix what isn't broken", "new things are bloat", etc., but you've got to understand just how much the Xorg desktop has changed over the years. At its core, FVWM is TWM with hacks and extensions to do two things: provide motif-style window decorations (which was super cool back in the day), and provide advanced window controls. Now, here's the thing: FVWM was implementing its advanced controls in its own way, because many of the standards used for application-to-xorg communication just did not exist at the time. Over time, FVWM has adopted support for these standards... but it also avoided removing features, and the standards evolved, so configuring FVWM is now an awkward mix of setting conditional commands with quirky behavior, toggling the abilities of applications that want to control themselves, and toggling various aspects of the EWMH standard.

And the worst thing about FVWM is that despite allowing for a lot of customization, it has limitations that won't be apparent until you've wasted weeks or months with configuration and studying the documentation, examples, and code. You could just use Xfce and be happy with a working desktop which can be supplemented with external EWMH control tools, or you could study the actual Xorg libraries and write a window manager that does exactly what you want, but you choose FVWM, the most Jow Forums of Xorg window management softwares.

This was my experience using fvwm for 4 months or so

It's gay

Shut up Jordan

because I actually want to work on my desktop

>kde with i3
>almost 2gb of ram
off yourself fag

I do agree on the RAM part desu. It's all the other stuff on my 2 other monitors + a small mem leak in plasmashell. I have 16GB on my workstation so who gives a shit

It's comfy though.

didn't read lol

>explain why you are not using fvwm
Because if I swapped my WM every time some new meme came around I'd never get anything done.

>new meme
>released in 1993

I don't know what it is.

Because to make fvwm looks like that you have to spend a month if you don't know how to do it, or you have to use the configs of someone that spent a month of his time.
I don't want to waste time nor I want encourage someone else doing it

cos i got xfce ... i like xfce

Because I've never heard of it and I don't know what it is.


no one on unixporn uses it so why should i?

like ur cousin

gnome 3

Im happy with my bspwm setup

looks cute, tell us more about it.

I am happy on DWM

Is there a tiling window manager without any status bars, no title bars, etc.
Should I just get DWM and remove the aforementioned bloat?

>meant for commercial use
user, you can't lie about contradictions like this.

bspwm doesnt even come with hotkey support, everything is separated into different projects. bspwm, sxhkd and lemonbar

Sounds pretty good. Just bspwm and sxhkd might do the trick. Does bspwm run on Wayland in the near future?

I don't know what FVWM is or does sorry

Holy fucking zoomers.

Honestly the only reason I use Windows 10 is for Visual Studio. There is no IDE better than that.

Because I'm don't love cock like you so clearly do.

You're joking I hope??? Visual studio is so badly written it will freeze if a tooltip has too many lines, Microsoft tried to fix the big repeatedly to apparently no avail.

Runs fine on my machine, and I only got a measly i7-2600


I haven't heard anything about bspwm on wayland, but i'm pretty sure the bar for sway is optional

I use it, it can do anything so its comfu.
This still needs tweeks but its what I've been working on and I like it.

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cause I got shit to do, including but not limited to:
telling you how much of a monumental faggot you are with your meme WM


i3, just comment out the statusbar in the config and set borders to pixel 0 by default

Imagine wasting that hardware on Gentoo of all distros.

woah gentoo looks like THAT?

Attached: kikis-delivery-service.jpg (613x380, 42K)

Looks like shit senpai.

>Is there a tiling window manager without any status bars, no title bars, etc.
literally every single one

i3 and openbox are way easier to setup

Don't be fooled by the waifu wallpaper, the rest of it is a headache and a half

share config fren?

the last one is a reference to the gnome developers newfag

Attached: gnome-cancer1.png (678x757, 55K)

i3 pretty much just twerks out of the box and tweaking it is easy

sweet home alabama

documation is too fucking hard for my tiny brain
you are retarded, fvwm can look just the way you want it to be.
cringe, use bspwm which is the improved version of i3
tfw there's this one dude who farms karma using fvwm on unixbepis

at least share your config files REEEEEEEEEE

Attached: pop.jpg (228x221, 15K)

I would but man it's a pain to configure also after reading this thread, zoomers need to burn in hell. luke smith dick sucking i3fags need to burn in hell.


cause I'm not a wank

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I didn't think people would want my configs. I'm flattered. If this thread is still up when I get home I'll post them. Otherwise I'll dump them in the nearest desktop thread. And for the record Gentoo isn't a pain its unironically my favorite distro.

Because I'm using i3.

thank you, ill guess ill have to try it out in a vm for starters