Why haven't you taken the Hackintosh pill?

Why haven't you taken the Hackintosh pill?

With the right hardware, it's a joke to set up.

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I prefer using my MacBook Pro instead of stealing software like a nigger.

But that's where you're wrong, my friend. I also have a MacBook Pro. That's how I made the installation media.

I just wanted a powerful and upgradable desktop to go along with it. One where I don't have to saw through adhesive to add a hard drive.

looks like he activated your trap card huh

Cause that shit got no hardware support.

Stop embarrassing yourself

>it's a joke
you answered your own question.

>I have to go through 15 pages of drive preparations and kext setups and patches in a specific order just to make it boot
nah, call me when I can copy a mac installer on any usb thumbdrive and get it up and running on any pc/laptop in 8 minutes like I do with windows/linux.

Hmmm, what did he mean by this?

This except that setup takes one minute instead of eight.

Desktop computers are for children, you can have a laptop and a server but desktops are zoomer tier

That's already the case.

Here's a guide for brainlets

>Download the Application from the Mac App Store using your Apple ID on any of these specific Macs
>you need to disable vt-d and usb 3.0 in bios
nigger cant you read?
I said call me when I only need a $2 thumbdrive and a pc, I'm not going to cripple my hardware and spend hours preparing drives because those fags cant create a sane installer.
iso-thumbdrive-pc or fuck off.


Because there's no advantage to using a Mac over a PC.

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>With the right hardware
Yeah, a Mac.

Why would I want to run macOS unless I was using a MAC? :/

Because the last good OS X was Lion.

>with the right hardware
That's why


the only reason I bother with macOS on my macbook is battery life
should have bought a Surface


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Why would you literally cripple your PC?

youre meme image isnt gonna change my moral outlook retard

So obtain OS X legally

the purpose of debate is not to change your opinion, but the audience's

Some of us have real work to do, not sit around on the couch all day watching capeshit on a laptop. Have sex.

Explain how it's crippled.

>having to use intel processors
>having to use an OS that doesn't even have window tiling
lmao no thanks

but I am, OP
ask a hackintoshchad anything

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I have High Sierra on an old SSD, it's fun to mess around with but I'm fine with Windows.

>having to use an OS that doesn't even have window tiling
you mean like this?
tiling is gay anyways

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Real work is done on servers, not virgin desktops. Stop playing video games, get a job and lose weight faggy reddittard neet

You mean workstations. How are you going to do real work on a machine with no real video output?

>having to use "just the right hardware" or else your system breaks
>no support except for a few WiFi/bluetooth modules because lel Apple
>MacOS generally performs worse than Linux or even Windows on the same machine
>shit power management and thermals because of hacked together drivers
>shit graphics performance because hacked together drivers
>in the end you will still end up with a locked down OS

I did Hackintosh once when I was 16, used it for a year then realized how much of a waste of time it is. You will too.

Not OP, but i have a macbook pro and a hackintosh. Everything works, everything. And I didn't even make this to be a hackintosh, it was meant to be my gaming setup, but it happens to be 100% compatible. Shit's cash, I only boot into windows to play games a couple hours a week now.

Feels good to be using the best desktop OS without buying an iMac

Why haven't you taken your poo to the loo?

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There are no advantages to using OSX. Windows has games and proprietary professional programs for creatives. Linux has everything casual users, programmers and server owners could ever need. What niche does OSX fill?

good joke


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>What niche does OSX fill?
it's called homOSeX for a reason

>What niche does OSX fill?
The 100x programmer

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I have one but don't like the window manager and image viewer

I don't have a mac so can't setup a USB in the first place

Macs are PCs though

I think you added the letters "home" because OSX makes you feel like home

I don't have a mac to get a install

why the fuck would you do a hackintosh instead of just gnu/linux? is the driver support trash or can you just use ones from linux distros?

>because OSX makes you feel like home
Yeah, because you got people going in and out your front and back doors constantly.

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>Download a .vmdk with High-Sierra on it
>Run it from VMWare
>Insufficient permission to access the file
What do?

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street shit

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I love MacOS, it's more advanced than GNU in almost every way.
I just hate the fact it's not FreeSource. If OpenMac became a reality, I'd use it immediately.

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I don't understand how you can have such shit taste. I used to provide in-depth support for Chromebooks, Windows machines, and Macs when I was service delivery manager, and now I'm a Linux system administrator. Darwin and OS X as a whole are such fucking shitheaps.

Change the permissions on the .vmdk.
Would you like me to hold your hand while you learn how to do it?

Look up Darwin.
Then slap on some sort od DE.

dont know what you're doing wrong but I was about to say that just about any mac OS runs really great in vmware, I dont know why you would go through all that horse shit to create your hackintosh.
like literally get any desktop i5 paired with a ssd and you get great performance in vmware for common daily tasks.
I dont know where all the excitement for mac OS is coming from tho. this is literally a polished retard proof linux distro.

You really don't know a single person with a MacBook? Jow Forums really is full of poorfags.

I want a Hackintosh, but I fear frustration.

Mac doesn't have the windows driver problems

I was really happy when I got most of my hardware working with macOS. For a brief moment I had nostalgia for my old iMac that got the screen smashed. Never got the wifi card working but it's a desktop so it's not a big deal, and I don't use wifi that much. Having to disable VT-d meant no 64-bit VMs, but that's just the price of homOSeX I guess. But the real trouble started when I went to update it.

It literally shit itself on the first point update released after I got installed. Probably wasn't too important, but it wouldn't install, and I'm not about to run unpatched software on my machine. So I wiped my Mac partition and installed GNU/Linux, much better on the hardware front. Everything Just Works™. Freedom is a side benefit. Eventually I even removed the Windows partition/drive and turned it into a storage drive for GNU/Linux. Couldn't be more happy.

Macs have mac driver problems.

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>How are you going to do real work on a machine with no real video output?
Imagine thinking that servers don’t have video output. Embarrassing.

>the right hardware,
I'm not buying a new PC just to pander to that

just call it a computer like a normal person stupid faggot

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ahahaha nice proprietary software faggot

>have sex

>Still proprietary software
>Still garbage
>Still no package manager
>appearance can be replicated and improved with pretty much any flavor of GNU+Linux or BSD.
Lol why would I?
If I wanted /anything/ apple I'd put netBSD on a 68k mac.

I don't enjoy the prospects of having to shield my computer from OS updates on the off-chance apple goes out of their way to break my OS just because they can, and they will, because they do this shit all the time.
Perfectly working drivers get hard-coded logic to STOP WORKING if they're not running on official hardware.

>"no real video output" = "absolutely no video output"
Retard detected. Most typical rack mount servers aren't equipped with a serious graphics card

This picture makes me hate those companies even more now.

Opendarwin was a thing. Died.

>What niche does OSX fill?
The ability yo write software for Apple users

eg the only users that actually spend money on software

>With the right hardware
It's nothing more than a pretty GNOME 3 at this point. I'd rather a nice KDE distro. It's not the 90s anymore Linux works and is easy to install without hoops.

Thanks, I don't like the taste of dick in my OS

wtf I love macOS now

Sure thing pal, it suits you better.

Windows users are mentally retarded desu

MacOS is an operating system and a PC is a PC no matter the operating system you spam posting retard fucking brainlet.

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I can do all my work on my MacBook. lol what the fuck are you on about? My 9-5 is all web based garbage, photography in Lightroom, video in premier pro, music in audition.

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Fuck that. I've gone through that before and you can shove it up your ass.

Yes, and it’s a joke even after it’s set up

>Hours to disable vt-d and usb 3.0
Nigger please tell me this is bait

Can I hackintosh the T61 easily?

Most likely, yeah



Here's the thing: Hackintosh works more than fine on my computer, I have no compatibility issues and I know how to work around most issues even through updates.

The problem is, it's too goddamn limited. It makes my already anemic system feel even more useless. I don't browse facebook and listen to music all day. I do more shit. I play games also.

Literally no hardware acceleration whatsoever

>it's an itoddler manchild thinks he or his manchild fruit toys belong on Jow Forums episode

T61 is like 30 years old you fucking ape


Interesting, I might do it then just to have a macOS machine.

i did, its good at first but once you use it for a while you start realizing all the shitty things the os cant do that should just work

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No mac or VM required, just ethernet and a flash drive.

who even uses usb interfaces anymore

I would like to use it on my laptop but can't. I don't want to use it on my desktop

>With the right hardware
that's the rub. And it seems like they're going to make it even harder in the future with their custom chips

What are the actual advantages of MacOS

it's UNIX so you get more control but you have to kind of "hack" the control out unlike on Linux.