Which is the best?
Alot of these examples don't match...and some of them are dead as fuck.
Do you not know what "eco system" means?
Its different things actually actually working together for the greater picture.
What you posted is prorpitary garbage specifically designed to cause incompatibility and prevent the bigger picture from working unless you conform.
You posted an ant colony and called it an "eco system".
its wrong.
Creating my own ecosystem from my main Linux Debian 10 while having inter-connected Raspberry Pi's using Raspbian powering the entire ecosystem,
No government snoop cloud, but a secured home NAS accessible by ME only
Unless by "ecosystem" you mean your privacy is "government accessible" sure
This is like asking me which puddle of vomit is the most tasty.
these "all-or-nothing" ecosystems are shit and very un-unix
no self-respecting Jow Forumsent would use any of it
Windows. It's the ecosystem for the productive man.
Office 365 fucking destroys the cloud offerings of the competition in every regard, Windows' software is the only option for professionals and you're not locked into overpriced shit devices, but can buy whatever the fuck you want instead of having to buy SSDs that cost $1000 / TB.
Windows is for office monkeys. There is a reason programmers avoid it like the plague.
you mean code monkeys?
if i were forced to pick one then prob apple, but realistically none of these "ecosystems" ever work out, you just mishmash a bunch of shit together and make your own
I didn't say web developers.
Hipsters avoid it, not programmers.
Do you really think programmers avoid an OS that impedes their work simply because they are hipsters?
How do you self-host? I'm a complete noob at computers, but wish to learn
>windows phone
underrated post
Purism, if it wasn't based in US desu
set up a server
run the program at startup