RISK thread

RISK thread
Get a trip and put in colour, location and nation name
Starting with 4 people

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Austria-Hungary of Maldazzi


woops lol

Get a trip my lad

Italy, Dark Red

Do i need to get a trip too? rolling just in case

Yes, everyone needs a trip. Forgot to say to roll for next post.
Rolling to advance west

Rolling to conquer Italia

ok done

I need to know where I started first.


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i can still make it

Ok roll to move East

No rerolls

Took too long, using current roll and advancing around starting area

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Fuck trips

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Take all Austria and spill on South Tyrol

Ok that's good, I want to move east.

Waiting for you

Roman Empire took too long, used roll to secure western border. Rolling to advance southeast

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Do the same as before

Continue into the frozen heartlands of Russia.

More Italy

Will you let me take South Tyrol?
I will leave Italy for you

Rolling to take rest of Polska
Rolling to take all of Poland

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that was weird

Sorry I need the whole thing to get the Italian bonus

Rolling to take Hungary, spill two on Tyrol

Gib Italy


But South Tyrol isn't Italy

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I want to go farther East


If you look at the map South Tyrol still counts towards Italy.

But i want to larp as Austria-Hungary, can't we make an exception?

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Lucky bastard Roman, rolling for Polska
Sorry for wait, captcha is being a nigger

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No I want to larp as the Roman Empire and I need Italy and its bonus.

Great Armenia

roll to fill the caucus states. spill turkey

I got a dub before, btw keep taking Hungary and spill on Germany

Added name

Finish Sicily, take Sardinia, and Corsica.

Why the fuck are you moving me west OP, roll to move into Finland

Spills into Gaul

I know right, also he didn't count my dubs before

Also you only gave me five on that turn you little nigger

Sorry lads, I knew I was too much of a retard to start this thread
Added your dubs and extra point

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fill caucus states

Finish Germany
NAP Poland?

No worries, rolling to take rest of Finland and the two white patches to the north of my current territories. If i hit big start moving me down south.

If attacked defend and counterattack. If not take that little island next to Spain and continue Gallic conquest.

The trips man



Roman Empire is scary i dont want to touch it

Ally even lol

NAP accepted
Rolling to expand East

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The Anarcho-Capitalist Republic of Kurdistan

Shit sorry USSR, brainlet mode again, gonna add you next turn just roll

Filling Germany

Fill georgia. spill turkey.

Ok, forgot to add - keep me in Russian boundaries. Rolling to move east to claim more of Russia. Also don't forgot to add 4 to my roll for taking Finland.

Take Switzerland. Continue Gallic conquest. Move into Britain if spills remain. In that order.

Done we are allies now.

Nice, but if you want, can i please have Switzerland?

Rolling to take rest of Ukraine

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Fill Germany

Also, proposition to ally with Hungarian brothers

Finish Gaul, move into Britain, spills into Ireland.

Sure brother

Fill southern Iraq

fill turkey

Can please take the 5 that you misplaced and move them east. Also, roll to move east.

Want to ally?

Sure why the hell not.

Rolling to march north

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>just polish commonwealth
>starting in northwestern poland
what the FUCK could he have EVER meant by this

Finish Britain. Take Ireland. Spill into Spain.

Rolling to take Russia.

finish turkey then secure syria. spill to lebanon and israel

Hoped a Lithuanian would join and I could ally

Finish Germany

into kuwait and if enough west into syria

You want to attack Armenia or do you want to change course of action?

I mean Jordan

Had to take Cyprus, you cant skip your borders. Proposing non-aggression pact with Roman Empire

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Let's finish Germany for once

finish jordan and if enough south into saudi arabia

Northern brother would you ally with your southern brothers?

Moar Russia

Finish Spain and Portugal. Take Belgium and Norway. Expand into Libya and Egypt.

NAP accepted.

invade russia

This additional points thing has just broken the game btw. Roman Empire has already won. It just creates exponential growth.

For that reason, am out. Consider USSR neutral territory now.

damn it, I forgot to namefag