Professor calls mac and osx an arts degree technology and tell us out in the real world...

>professor calls mac and osx an arts degree technology and tell us out in the real world, professionals use Microsoft Windows™
What did he mean by this?

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Sounds like he meant iToddlers BTFO

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sounds like gabu is the best dropout and satania a shit

based retarded academic

Sounds like your professor has smelled too many of his own farts.

He mean anime is for degenerates.

>mac and osx are an arts degrees technology
Lost it.

You mean Vigne

Attached: vigne.jpg (2480x3507, 1.48M)

Weird, because every tech company I've worked in has used Macs and OS 10. But programmers have always favored Unix for obvious reasons. You must be in a business course or something mediocre like that.

he meant that he's parroting popular opinion without ever using macos for extended period of time

>gabu is a /v/ermin neet
>satania is a retard with bad luck
>raphi is a sociopath
as said, vigne is the only sane option


>Macs and OS 10

Yes. OS 10 is Unix, as were its predecessors, Raphsody and NeXTStep.
I write it as OS 10 so people don't get confused and pronounce the Roman numeral X (10) as the letter X (ɛks).

>OS X is Unix

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Uh, yes it is. Do you know what Unix is?

She's the kind of girl to make dinner and give you a peck on the cheek after a day of wageslaving. What more could you want?

I think he meant to sound well-informed and in the know when it comes to technology practices.

Nice selfie, retard.

>Uh, yes it is. Do you know what Unix is?

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>i use memes to cover my stupidity and avoid making an actual argument

Just admit you don't know what Unix is.

>Just admit you don't know what Unix is.

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>santania a shit
i know you don't really mean that

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GNU stands for "GNU's Not Unix" and look how that ended up.

>What did he mean by this?
He meant that professionals use Windows, how fucking hard is it to understand?

Apparently theres this whole trademark with "The Open Group" where if you give them some money they'll come out and look at your OS and decide if it fits their standards for what gets to use the Unix trademark. macos fits those standards despite being a bit far removed from the original Unix operating systems (less so that linux i guess since linux is built from the ground up while macos is derived from BSDs which derive from Unix)

He meant he was too much of a loser to work in the private sector so he's making less pay with shittier benefits as a teacher



Means he's an out of touch boomer

The operating system is just a set of tools, you should be intelligent enough to get your work done with whatever tools are available, but hopefully be wise enough to select the bests ones for the work you're doing.

so many seething iToddlers itt

>high quality operating system
>POSIX compliant, UNIX (tm) certified, Unix derivative, perfect for dev'ing
>plus a high quality and extensive GUI on top of the darwin core for easy use of your computer so you can focus on what you want to
>no messing with configs
>no messing with drivers
>high quality construction
>everything just works, you can immediately get to whatever it is you want to
Why do we hate apple again?

Vigne is best!

BSDs do not derive from Unix. That is what the lawsuit was over, you moron. To be classified as Unix by The Open Group, the trademark holders, an OS only has to meet POSIX standards and pay for the license. Apple does both of these for OS 10.

windows 10 now has unix tools and better than itoddlers since they are up to date. Checkmate

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Anime snout is so sexy.

professional software developers use macbooks more than anything

Are you too stupid to update GPLv3 software? All BSDs use the latest GPLv2 versions of software. Apple is no exception.

A loving embrace after the meal. Perhaps more.

pretty much true. i work in publishing since 2005 (1999, if education counts) and back then mac was the way to go. windows xp was the first one who tapped into these waters, but it didn't even native support pdf back then, so apple reigns supreme into the tiger era, until adobes cs-port got more widespread on windows machines and the tco became more attractive for bigger studios and publishing houses. apple nailed his own coffin with rising hardware prices and refocusing to the customer (a process, that was due since 1998, but they never forgot about those who kept their boat afloat, the professionals). when they didn't bother to upgrade their workstation for years, literally everybody jumped ships and now you have one macbook pro in every studio/ph for compatibility reasons, since the only ones using macs are independents, mostly illustrators and photographers.

at least in europe, microsoft won this.

one of my professors told me that brainlets who aren't able to do anything practical and join the industry become professors
seems like he wasn't wrong


>My professor uses arch Linux on his Dell laptop
>At one point MATLAB broke and he had to switch to octave to continue his lecture
What did he mean by this (except that he was incredibly based)?

>professor told me only NEETs use Linux
what did he mean by this?