What's the best browser to use in 2019?

What's the best browser to use in 2019?

Attached: chrome.png (650x300, 43K)

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>pic unrelated
user, that’s the best browser if you want to be used in 2019

Ungoogled Chromium, presuming you can hack it.
Otherwise, Iridium, Pale Moon, IceCat, or LibreWolf.

Firefox and Tor Browser

Vivaldi you dumb niggers

Pale Moon + Pentadactyl until Qutebrowser gets jblock/jhide/jmatrix fully implemented.


Chrome, everything else is a waste of time (for now).
It all depends of the severity of your schizophrenia and autism to tinker with a browser

Firefox + user.js, or GNU Icecat if youre to lazy for that.
Dont give the satan browser total control of the internet.

Chrome with full botnet extensions

Attached: zuckerbergmouths.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

chrome is only right answer

kys reddit trannies

kys and livestream it, normalfag piece of cancer

Blink browsers are all the same aids with a different color

Pale Moon

This is the only answer

Beta autism ware needs be sent to the stupid room.


is there even a choice besides Firefox

Pale Moon, Seamonkey, GNU Icecat

Chrome dev + add-ons

Ungoogled chromium +add-ons if you're a botnet faggot

Chrome with Google's own privacy extensions is fine, like "Google Analytics opt-out". Then uBlock Origin, Ghostery and HTTPS Everywhere and you're set even though autists on this website think otherwise.


It's bright in here; somebody's glowing

>>trusting google to make an extension that would get rid of there analytic
whatever you say shill

Why would they even make something like it if it's not gonna work properly?

It will work exactly as they intend to it, and in that sense it works properly.

Worst b8 I've seen in years.

I think hes just stupid

>different approach well supported by facts

>different approach
what are you talking about

Different approach to browsing the internet? Are we talking about something else?

just wanted to confirm your stupidity. Ghostery is confirmed harvesting your data and selling it to third parties

Ghostery is open source you dumb freak

literally no one cares they all do the same thing

Open source doesn’t mean it respects your freedoms

Attached: CIA GLOWING.jpg (569x797, 283K)

any with hardware accelerated video decode

It means we know exactly what freedoms it respects and it's not selling my data, now go and rice some distro pedo freak

>using open botnet browser with extension that sells user data
>throws around terms like open source to hide his normalfaggotry
Man you sound like a leet haxor. Say hi to r/technology for us.

Attached: lynx.png (980x726, 821K)

>watching video in the browser like a dumb nigger
lmao, use youtube-dl + mpv

>using open botnet browser with extension that sells user data
Guess you have trouble reading
>throws around terms like open source to hide his normalfaggotry
Wow you caught me LARPing with these insane technical terms!

>It means we know exactly what freedoms it respects and it's not selling my data,
>Though Ghostery claims that the data is anonymized, patterns of web page visits cannot truly be anonymized.[20] Not everyone sees Evidon's business model as conflict-free: "Evidon has a financial incentive to encourage the program's adoption and discourage alternatives like Do Not Track and cookie blocking as well as to maintain positive relationships with intrusive advertising companies," says Jonathan Mayer, a Stanford graduate student and privacy advocate.[21]
>Since July 2018, with version 8.2, Ghostery shows advertisements of its own to users[22].

Unironically brave

Chrome but put all Google domains on your hosts file, each pointing to either or The former one is faster.

>Guess you have trouble reading
>t. Normalfag blatantly ignoring his compromised "privacy" extension

How did the original poster solve the CAPTCHA iframe in Lynx?
