What personal projects did you make that helped you land your job

What personal projects did you make that helped you land your job

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i landed my first job after i programmed an application server from scratch.
this program was unironically the third thing i ever programmed in my entire life.
i only started applying for jobs after i finished it.

That is really impressive user!

I changed my github avatar to a cute anime girl and changed my first name on my resume and pretended to be transgender to get past HR, I dropped the act during technical interviews and didn't have any awkward moments later because it turned out the company I work at subcontracts HR hiring to a 3rd party company.

What the fuck did you read

Very good story. I want more

>I changed my github avatar to a cute anime girl and changed my first name on my resume and pretended to be transgender to get past HR, I dropped the act during technical interviews and didn't have any awkward moments later because it turned out the company I work at subcontracts HR hiring to a 3rd party company.


the bible

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Varg would not approve.

i was 27 when i stumbled upon programming. never thought i would like math and computer science until that point.
until then i did odd jobs like construction work landscaping etc... i even worked as a garbageman and factory worker...

i started with math.hws.edu/javanotes/ and read a lot of standard cs books. many are mentioned on this site regularly.
my first language was java.

programming actually changed my life and i still love it to this day.
i would also like to add that a cs degree isn't a meme. you learn lots of useful things. i know there are people on this board who talk bad about cs degrees but it's really worth it. it deepened my understanding of everything.

Where are you located, user, burgerland?


>actually reading books
>defending uni degrees

android gaming apps

:0 that sounds amazing. Please tell us more!

Well thats why I suggested burgerland, compared to the rest of the population he would seem like an actually motivated/capable individual.

Made a clone of a popular website back in 2009, posted it on sourceforge.

Jow Forums get me a fucking job already

Started an wISP. Got a job with BT Openreach.

I'm curious user, from my experience most of the wISP workers are complete brainlets that can do only the most basic networking stuff and even thats only thanks to the courses they had to attend. Is your own experience any better? What kind of people work at wISPs?

Where I live in Ireland up until about 2 years ago you could only get wISP or 3G coverage. I have always been interested in networking, and at 17 I started the WISP.

I actually posted on Jow Forums about it warosu.org/g/thread/S52185870.

It was fucking great because as you say most people in wISP's are fucking brain dead. I did relatively well for myself. Moved to Liverpool and paid my own way through Uni, just finishing up my degree now but got the job at BT Openreach first day because of my experience and contacts I made running the company.

Glad I got out though, there is FTTH in most of the places I covered now.

Would you recommend starting an ISP? (Wisp at first)
I have a passion for networking and sysadmin stuff and I've been looking for business thing to do. The goal would be to have my own ASN, IP transit and peering to a local network exchange, renting a fibre and go from there. I don't know how profitable it would be though.

If you are doing it for fun yes, profit no.

>2nd year
>have no "big project" , but I still tell people in working on stuff just in case
>no internships
Who here can feel the noose tightening aswell ?

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Where can I get the initial funding to get into it? Or should I just offer a garbage service and build up?

don't lose hope user, you got this!

I wasn't being serious, I am too high on prescription meds and too occupied with mind-numbing Uni work too think about my future

Attached: dungeonmaster.gif (720x480, 2.45M)

>1.5 years since last job
>every place i talk to ghosts me
>running out of money
i can feel it literally

how advanced are you in mathematics? did you self-teach yourself mathematics? if so what courses, books, etc did you use? also, what are all the programming languages you know?

Lol, I really sucked at tech, I'm old as fuck, didn't have a single internship and I have a 6 figure job now. You're in tech. You're a fucking shoe in for a job as long as you at least try a little bit.

what job

I ran 24U worth of linux servers and networking gear. A financial firm offered me a job because they use linux on the backend and this is a 99% windows town. They gave me an insane offer. My education is 1.5 years of community college.

That is amazing and impressive! 24U?!

not exactly a personal project

another company had me do a take-home sql project, took me fucking 5+ hours, they never got back to me.

I showed it off to demonstrate my sql skills at another job interview, my current job

Here's a list of some of mine:

I created 4kev.org (sent from my Lambo)

>24 yo
>finished a master's
>some 3 years of internship/junior experience
>still no projects at all
>dead github
>no skills gathered from those 3 years
>can't even make myself do a hello world type of project
you better start

I had sex with HR grill.

>do BS+MS in aero engineering
>do none of the extracurricular projects (DBF, etc) basically fuck around in the student center playing pokemon in my free time
>zero summer internships
>now work at one of the biggest defense companies as a propulsion engineer

wtf is up with the computer/software engineer job market? Why do they expect so much out of you guys?

it became a meme and now everyone's trying to get their fair share of slaves who are ready to trade in their lives for muh modern apps and SV money
god I wish I could've seen this coming, or at least did some more research, should've went for mechanical engineering or some shit but now it's too late
someone get me a noose

Defense companies are notorious for hiring any idiot with a STEM degree, which is probably why they hired you even though you're a self-professed brainlet with no work ethic. Most likely why American military tech sucks in the modern days. Software companies want competent people and many compsci grads are frauds with no knowledge or skill so they're extra demanding with hiring.

How long did it take you to make it? :0

video games

can someone explain to me why HR is needed?
do companies like to burn money?

i'm gonna end up giving one of these interviewers a piece of my mind

I have friends

Cute cat, OP!
I once got a job by writing a library that allowed you to connect to a running Qt application over HTTP and inspect all of its QObjects in a web interface.