Imagine gaming on a 3+3+3+3 core processor

imagine gaming on a 3+3+3+3 core processor

Attached: 4L_d0LU5IKc.jpg (640x480, 57K)

imagine gaming

Attached: 142205454031.jpg (579x567, 387K)

The infinity fabric gives it stutters in data transfers between dies. My 3900x was unusable in gaming. I returned it and bought a cheaper 9900k a REAL none chiplet shit CPU and no more stutters.

Instead I imagine running Keyshot on a such CPU


imagine spelling "twelve" as "3+3+3+3"

I have 0 stutters on my 3900X, you're full of shit shill.

Imagine gaming on a 4+0+0+0 core processor :^)

there's no countries


they're used to lots of +'s

and yet none of the like 10,000 tech youtubers or review sites experienced this issue when they reviewed and tested the CPU on a multitude of games.

Go suck intel's dick somewhere else, shill

I came to this board for the first time today.

Are you guys usually this mean?

Imagine gaming with me, everything looks real just like watching pornography, not available completely top secret.

That's not even what you would experience in the worst case. You have no idea how interprocess latency works do you? 0/10 bait

Jow Forums is Jow Forums's biggest critic. It's why I keep coming back.

>built to perform
>designed to win
That's a really cool slogan

>more core is bad

We know your stupid ass is from Reddit.
Don't ever come here again.

>roommate buys ryzen 3600k system
>Has good cl15 ddr4
>At 4K it preforms identically to my 8 yr old 2600k when paired up with a 1080ti.
Thanks AMD.
I was gonna buy a 3700x, but there doesn't seem to be a point.


yes, now get out nigger

Now apply the s security patches and quit playing on a meme resolution.

Attached: meme.png (1000x745, 548K)


>he doesn't get it
typical clowned punk motherfucker

What would you expect? A 1080 Ti is going to bottleneck hard at 4K in any moderately demanding game. You are right, you don't need anything better than a 2600K if you want to run games at

Where is 1440p in this graph?

t. punk motherfucker who got clowned

Sandy didn't get any security patches.
I don't have any I/o slowing patches installed
Those patches also have zero affect on Gaymes.
I honestly don't care about exploits that have yet to be seen outside test environments.
It's just AMD cope at this point.

Sandyvagina is slow as fuck compared to modern Ryzen CPUs, patchtes or no patches


>this post absolutely not brought to you courtesy of Intel

>2700 crashes at 3266 RAM
I'm buying a 9700k, sick of this fucking shit.


Attached: ACO_Ultra_1080p.png (1370x1412, 82K)

Attached: 990.png (480x340, 58K)

i wonder if you can

fuck off retard

>2700 crashes at ram that 2700 usually crashes at
Wow, what a surprise.

Why don't you show the whole picture guy

Attached: Stock.png (1382x2535, 126K)



wow you can get 5 more frames when you already have 360+ FPS. amazing. buying intel right now, who needs vastly superior workstation performance anyway.

because the other games don't matter
I have a 3900X and 7700K and my 7700K is already enough for almost every gayme but assass creed
also nobody plays gayme at 1080P with a 9900k or 3900x

>Stop showing cpu gaming metrics!!!!


Attached: haha.jpg (1920x1080, 529K)

>at 4k
no shit sherlock. minimum frame rate will be much better on the ryzen though

With my i7 i never went over 140FPS in Novigrad
Also why is 2700X better than 3700X?
Looks fake

>Also why is 2700X better than 3700X?
It isn't. Look at the readout.

I have a 5ghz all core i9, I get some pretty insane frame rates going over 200fps a lot of the time.

I use a 9900k and I am happy. No need to worry about minor things. It just works!

I ran a 6900k with 1080ti sli back in 2017 and novigrad was hitting 160+ fps in a lot of areas.

My 6900k is like 20 to 30% lower fps than my 9900k in most games with a 2080ti so it checks out.

Yes it is, before it went down

Attached: Untitled.png (549x301, 155K)

Turn on Hairworks you pansy.

>Graph uses the old perception of 'noticable' rather than the IEEE findings of Masaoka et al
Are people who use this being intentionally stupid?

imagine needing a professional grade chiller to play your games

imagine being a gaymer

T. 2700x

Attached: Untitled_0.png (680x357, 68K)

im sure that happend

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

>gpu at 100% usage
>cpu at 10% usage

no one called out AMD's bad frame times for a decade until one group did and now testing for frame time is the standard.

Mr.Anderson, nobody ever got fired for buying IBM.

Attached: IBM sales force.jpg (625x417, 46K)

>6% slower in gaymes
>50% faster in everything else
>and more efficient in everything else
Ok user, buying AMD now

>CPU limit

Attached: 1559669268822.png (456x465, 444K)

This kills the shitposting Intel shill

Attached: Faggot.png (698x2151, 296K)

>autistic amd poorfag thinks it's one person

>6% slower
>while beating the shit out of it in nearly every workload scenario
>far less security vulnerabilities
>consumes less power hence also cooler

Attached: intel.png (552x661, 288K)

It's pretty comfy desu.


Lurk moar

Just finally found a 3900X at around-MSRP price, after waiting for like 1.5 months. I think I'm going to get it, fucking finally.

What website is that?

Why do you ignore the games where AMD loses by 16%


>be me
>have AMD cpu and GPU
>constant driver crashes, freezes, stutters
>radeon software constantly fucks up
>overclocking software is broken
>bios was broken for the first month of owning it

don't fall for these retards anons. AMD just doesn't have the same kind of budget as nvidia/intel and it shows in their quality.

Because they are shit coding and lean heavily on Nvidia gayworks.


Attached: Copelet lake.jpg (780x405, 136K)

the cope is real

>over 9000 lvl shillery
Nice try faggot.

You're not supposed to use your dads semen as thermal paste.
