So this... is the power... of AMD

Attached: awesome 1.webm (800x450, 2.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ryzen 5 3600
RX 5700

Incredible performance

Attached: awesome 2.webm (960x540, 1.06M)

>can't install a GPU
>blames company who sells it

It's literally what I used to record those videos, you retarded poorfaggot amd shill

How much RAM you got?

16 giggybytes, 3200MHz, CAS latency doesn't matter

>he listened to Jow Forums

Attached: 1496091859807.jpg (480x360, 24K)

Forgot the thermal cum huh

>CAS latency doesn't matter

Attached: heybuddy.jpg (480x360, 80K)

Have you allocated more RAM to JVM?

just install optifine bro we all know
minecraft sucks with default options

not op, but it literally doesn't

It completely stops working if I give it more than 6GB

that was optifine

press f3, I bet you left it on default settings with 2G of ram.

This is absolutely hilarious considering stutters can be caused by high CAS latency. Guess we know why it "doesn't matter", kek.

Looks like some punk motherfucker got clowned.

Download Java x64

Long-time craft player here, stutters like that are almost always caused by lack of ram allocation. Bad GPU/CPU would just be low framerate and not stuttering.

You didn't allocate enough ram retard

change/update your java you clown, it'll act like that if you only allocate 2gb of ram

Download Java 14
After that in the Minecraft launcher set your Java path to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14\bin\java.exe" or wherever you installed it.
After that Change your JVM Arguments to "-Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M".
Have fun.

why should minecraft need that much?

Manually install Java 64 and manually select the exe, then you can allocate more than 6gb. Also, if you come from an Intel CPU and you didn't install a fresh copy of Windows, you will probably have more problems like that. It is recommended to install Windows again everytime that you get a different

Also, 3700X and 1080 ti, no problems at all, not even in my i5 8250y laptop with iGPU.

Ask pajeetsoft

Blaming hardware for obvious software problems only shows how much of a moron you are OP.

Allocate more ram to your java vm

>lack of ram allocation
I used to play Minecraft with fucking 2 GB RAM and never encountered such massive lags.

You also didn't play with more than 16 chunks preload.

minecraft is unoptimized and bloated as fuck, guarantee you it's the RAM, make sure you allocate like 4GB
yeah I used to too, every update after 1.9 has just been shittier and shittier performance, the developers are incompetent pigs like most modern developers
because it's not made by people who understand what they're doing, it's really hard seeing something like minecraft get raped because of the fags who own it when there's plenty of people who could do a way better job
this, it's very clearly not a hardware thing, and the GPU and CPU are pretty much irreverent in this issue

Can you stop being retarded for one goddamn second or is that too much to asl?

>yeah I used to too, every update after 1.9 has just been shittier and shittier performance
Everything after 1.2.5 has had shitty performance.

>after 1.9
From 1.8. I know it because it was running fine on a old Athlon with consistent 60 fps at all times but when I tried 1.8 with my usual +50 mods it was going around 20 and never more than 40. Similiar issues in vanilla. Foamfix, fastcraft and a few other things may help but the game itself is shit, cancer and should just burn an die. Fuck Java even though it's one of the reasons the game boomed.

why amd hater so brainlet

With Ryzen 2, it literally doesn't.

all I know is that 1.9 was unplayable for me but 1.8 gave me 100+ fps (sometimes reaching 500 but cherrypicking maximums doesn't count especially in a game like minecraft where you can have 1000s of entities on screen) and I was on 2008 hardware so as far as I'm concerned that's where it started. but even 1.8 was bloated, it's just that at least then it was still running without needing fucking 4GB of RAM. while 1.8 was bad, it's only gotten worse. I'm honestly amazed how much bloated they managed to make fucking block game
while java is one of the reasons for bloat I honestly don't think it's to blame in this case

Are you running Firefox or Chrome? Is the CPU overheating? Is the GPU overheating? Are you running off an SSD?

>he knows how to debug minecraft

Attached: wot.gif (375x226, 1.09M)


kys nvidia shill

even with cl17 3200mhz he will have 10.6 ns true latency

dont pretend to have any idea what you are talking about you /v/ermin brainlet. once when you get to 3000mhz+ range, cas latency literallly doesn't matter. a 14cl 3200mhz pair will only habe 2 ns faster

Why does everything look horrendously collored?

why play the java version

everyone who played java edition know about that

It's literally just ReLive being a piece of shit just turn it off and use Windows game DVR. It's already installed on your computer anyway since you have Windows 10

What are you doing OP?
You wouldn't just lie on the internet, would you?

Attached: 2019-08-28_09.36.41.png (2512x1376, 1.34M)

Looks like OP is using some unoptimized addons and blaming it on AMD


>ryzen 5 3400
>vega card
>only get 130fps in minecraft


It's 2512x1376 on an integrated gpu and 16 chunks render distance without optifine.
I wouldn't call it bad considering how optimized minecraft is.

>java anything

Not Unrelated, but why is my Server laggy as fuck with 10 players on it? Using the startup;
java -Xmx16G -Xms8G -jar server.jar

Attached: MacProServer.jpg (801x634, 111K)

That's your problem, at least install optifine

What's your bandwidth usage?
Check cpu usage as well

Is it 1.13 / 1.14?

With one person connected (Me, via LAN) mostly stays around 9% CPU. 0.02 Network Utilization on a 1Gbps Link Speed.

It's an Old MacPro so I didnt expect perfection, but with dual Xeons and 32GB ram I did expect better.

>old af dual core @3GHz
That's why. Get something from this decade.


now you know why has no replies, because OP is full of shit

It's Dual Xeons, with two cores ea, you'd think it'd run better.
I run a Conan Exiles and 7 Days to Die server without Issues, only get problems with Minecraft.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (403x237, 16K)

MC likes SC performance, a cpu from last decade really does not cut it.

>dual xeon
thats the problem, I know a guy that rents out minecraft servers and he found that a 9900k with fast ram was the best economically. minecraft java is shit

So even my old X2 Phenom 555 would run it better at 3.2Ghz. Something to Consider.

That's probably it
1.13 and newer really suck on the server side
There was a youtube video where the guy said you need a 9900K overclocked to 5GHz with 3200+MHz RAM for 1.13+

>playing autismcraft
Neck yourself.

2b2t runs on that, 5(.1?)GHz 9900K with fast RAM and even raid PCIe SSD.

that's litteraly is point, you illiterate nigger

Tell me how exactly a screenshot shows stuttering or hanging.

Ran it with Java 14, still basically the same results. Wouldn't launch at all with those arguments though.

It was doing that before I turned ReLive on, I only had ReLive on to record it.

>Wouldn't launch at all with those arguments though.
It technically shouldn't even be able to launch without those arguments due to changes made since either Java 9 or 10. Did you press F3 and make sure it was using Java 14?

Minecraft just werks on my 2700x 32gb ram 1080ti system :^)

>java installation is fucked
>its the amd cpu at fault i swear

Works alright with render distance less than 10, but crashes almost instantly with anything over that, even with 8GB allocated.

Besides that, chunk loading is so godawful slow and laggy that flying with an elytra is just about worthless. Half second freeze every other second as the server barely loads in the chunks in front of you really takes the fun out of flying.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (1916x1003, 419K)

>Don't install enough RAM to play Minecraft
>Complain about stuttering.
Install at least 32GB if you're going to use Windows 10.

>allocate 8GB
>doesn't use half of it
>still runs like dogshit anyway
Your post really activated my neurons

Attached: 1547702346170.png (498x449, 151K)

>Works alright with render distance less than 10, but crashes almost instantly with anything over that, even with 8GB allocated.
Strange.. I wouldn't recommend 8GB though since it's going to make garbage collection pretty laggy.
What if you open the debug pie chart with shift F3? What's taking all your performance?

Pic related is what I'm getting.

Also, you've got dual channel memory, right?

Attached: 2019-08-28_02.17.45.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

This is obviously a driver or hardware issue, and not intended performance. Something might be broken. This happens sometimes.

I would boot up Linux and load Minecraft though, a driver/windows problem is very likely.

Attached: kaz_and_paz_cosplay___metal_gear_solid_by_marymustang01_daywxai-pre.jpg (730x1095, 131K)

I started playing Minecraft after like a fucking decade just recently on an i5 4460, 16GB of DDR3 RAM (overclocked to 2133mhz but still), an RX570.

It doesn't choke like this. Surely there's something else wrong. It's not possible for a current Ryzen to choke more than my half assed ghetto shit. Get outta here.

>children in charge of gc tuning

Tried with 5GB allocated. RAM allocation doesn't seem to have any (noticeable) impact on performance or crashing. Render distance is the make or break factor. Under 12 and it performs very nicely, loads quick, fairly uncommon hangups. Over that, like 16 in this example, and it runs like trash (both in FPS and freezing) before crashing outright.

Pic related is immediately before it crashed.

And yeah, running dual channel. Though RAM has such insanely high throughput that I don't think memory bandwidth is really a limiting factor in most real-world applications anyway.

Attached: before crash, render distance 16.jpg (1896x1045, 695K)

>children in charge of gc tuning
You do realize that those are the stock garbage collection settings, right? The only difference is you can no longer use CMSIncrementalMode because
Of course you don't have to change them if you're going to use Java 8.

>AMD automatically cut performance in autism simulator

>hurr durr why does it crash when I fuck around with options I have no understanding of

I wouldn't blame AMD for this. Try , install Linux on an old drive and test the game in it.

It's either java issue or something windows specific, hardware is definitely not responsible for this.
webm is newly created world, not loaded

Attached: output.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

>render distance
>hard to understand

Attached: 1510373209672.jpg (334x249, 20K)

>render distance
I'm talking about the command line args for java, retard.

fell for the AMD meme

I have literally never seen Minecraft perform like that, and I've played it on 3 different computers. This one (Ryzen 3600 and RX 5700), a Ryzen 2600/RX 580, and Ryzen 2400G/GTX 1060. All on SSDs, all with at least 8GB of memory (this one has 16), on fresh and older Windows installs. It has never not frozen for 1/4 to half a second every few seconds when flying around like that.

I said earlier in the thread that the game wouldn't even start with any of those arguments. I was running it bare.

Windows update yo

>I said earlier in the thread that the game wouldn't even start with any of those arguments. I was running it bare.
>8GB allocated
>Tried with 5GB allocated.
ok, kid

Use Java 8

>Under 12 and it performs very nicely, loads quick, fairly uncommon hangups. Over that, like 16 in this example, and it runs like trash (both in FPS and freezing) before crashing outright.
Huh, pretty weird. I tried with an amplified world and it worked just fine 16, pic related. Something's definitely fucked with your setup somehow. Also, your pie chart looks totally different to mine for whatever reason.
>Though RAM has such insanely high throughput that I don't think memory bandwidth is really a limiting factor in most real-world applications anyway.
You'd think so but one retard made a big deal on here about how his brand new build was running some Final Fantasy benchmark at console-tier FPS before somebody called out his RAM.
Going from Java 8 to 14 my lag when loading new chunks went from 85 to 33ms.

Attached: 2019-08-28_02.57.37.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

There must be something wrong with your PC
I have 0 issues even with only 1GB allocated.

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-08-28 11-56-33.jpg (2560x1382, 786K)

whats the reason for these lags? Lack of dedicatem wam? I'm running gw1 on my x230 and it does the same when turning

He listened to advice from poorfags and amd shareholders
Lmao that's what u get for not doing proper research

Learn about Ryzen memory architecture before posting retarded posts.
Here's your (You), enjoy it.

Why AMDrone always so bad english?

i got a 1050ti and a first gen ryzen with 2133 ram
runs +60fps with shaders
nice bait post retard

It's always the same reverse-shill that keeps miming the same thing over and over again as if he ever has a valid point or.

Like his fanboyism zeal has reached rabid fever-pitch, and he has embarked on a retard's crusade against all things AMD as if it will somehow make the world a better place.

Fucking dumbass truly is an absolute moron.

>So this... is the shittiness... of a fucking garbage game made by a goddamn amateur in fucking Java
Fixed, you moron.

i got a 970 and get frame drop in minecraft. its not like it well programmed lol

Faggot why are you using windblows?