/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Beginner Roadmap and Overview
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap (don't be overwhelmed, ignore the later parts and go step-by-step)

>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
javascript.info - curriculum providing a strong basis in JavaScript

>Further learning resources and documentation
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
hackr.io - crowdsourced collection of tutorials (ignore sponsored stuff, look at upvotes)
learnxinyminutes.com - quick reference sheets for the syntax of many different languages
pastebin.com/gfBPg24A - Collection of PHP links.

>Need help with some HTML, CSS or JS?
jsfiddle.net - create an example here and post the link
codesandbox.io - or here if you're using React/Angular/Vue

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Other urls found in this thread:


There should be a section in the OP with info about landing your first job and freelancing.

should you ever pass php variables to javascript code directly? it works but it feels wrong and dirty

Why wouldn't you? How else do you pass database stuff into the javascript?

that's what they told in uni to my comp-sci minor buddy, he still did it in his web project, I don't know what's the alternative 2bh

Cant decide what I should you on the backend. Wont program in php anymore, nodejs is shit, ruby is dying shit, python is disgusting and rust/java too.

just kys then

Zoomer Golang or boomer .NET Core, see what's more in demand, and what pays better in your area

Yeah, .NET seems like an interesting option, thanks.

do some research, because some technologies arround .NET are abandonware, and others are bleeding edge, you wanna be in the bleeding edge, generally, not like I know shit, but just from witnessing the continuous stream of memeing here...

>implying there's any jobs in golang

>200k starting
he might have been memeing, but I doubt it

So where's your 200k then nigga?


So you're saying you're talking about shit you yourself don't do? Sounds like you're speaking out your ass then.

I'm talking about posts I've seen here

>Wont program in php anymore
you problem
>nodejs is shit
subjective opinion
>ruby is dying shit
so is C
>python is disgusting
subjective opinion
>and rust/java too
these ones actually suck massive dick

NodeJS is fucking awesome, sounds like he wants a more advanced language than PHP but doesn't wanna learn something new because brainlet.

C# is almost always the final answer to "what's the best backend langauge"

Does Linux even run C#? Like 90% of servers run Linux.

there's a dotnet sdk for linux

Sounds gay as fuck.

just to chime in, I recently had to learn Android app development for a job, trying Java, Kotlin and Dart/Flutter and I can say with 200% certainty, that JavaScript libraries, documentation and package/module management is so many fucking lightyears ahead of that shit at least.
I have no idea wtf people complain about in that regard. You can meme all day about [] + {}, but JS definitely has one of the most amazing "ecosystems" as you call it, of probably all the languages out there.

Being used to having NPM, its package stats, package.json, amazing documentation right in the packages Git repo or on some dedicated site and not some absolute dogshit tier javadoc page...

I spent the last few days learning more Kotlin, playing around with data binding, LiveData, 2-way binding, Observables, and so on. I thought I was going fucking insane.
It's like people in Android development are utterly unaware of the concepts in Vue or React and are just coming up with some solutions that look like they are from 2010. I almost can't believe it.

Attached: AndroidDevsWishTheyHadThis.png (512x354, 11K)

>el: app

Stupid Mexican vue user get off my board. THIS IS REACT COUNTRY AKA TRUMP COUNTRY! WEIGHTS!!!!!!!

.net core

Microsoft made it open source and multiplatform

to add some more, Flutter widgets and Jetpack Compose in Kotlin are definitely a step in the right direction, but the way you write their layout is absolutely mental.

Want to Center your widget?
lol, just nest it in another Center() widget bro

Want to add padding to that widget?
lol, just nest it in another Padding() widget bro

Attached: 1_RNOof30wEFXsbUsQ0Jof7Q.png (1838x551, 143K)

so im using a photo i took with an iphone for my portfolio and its pissing me off. when i put on the page i have to rotate the image 90 degrees because apparently iphone photos are store sideways so rotating fixes it...however when you view the site from an iphone it is rotated on its side because it rotates it again

how the fuck do i get rid of the data that does this and make the photo a regular png?

can't you just open it in GIMP, rotate it (do some size optimizations while you are at it) and save without EXIF?

i havent used gimp in a while, ill give that a try

there are some add-ons that help you navigate flutter apps.. pic related.

Also, not a big fan of dart either. It's supposedly similar to js and can compile to it, but so many stumbling blocks.. For example there are so many different ways to write constructors. Promises are Futures. The "new" keyword is optional...

But on the other hand, it's fun learning something new.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-28 at 15.30.53.png (1256x344, 74K)

what's the best static site generator for documentation?
I'm currently seeing gatsbyjs and vuepress, any suggestions?

also, to make variables private, you add _ infront of the name. Genius. Why use a keyword like "private", when you can enforce rules via naming convention.

I bet dart was created by a woman.

el -> element

double faggot

>what's the best static site generator for documentation?

Whatever you say, Paco.


I live ~8000 KM away from South America
try again

Okay Pedro

Okay Juan

nice mate

based intelliJ user

You're the VUEHUEHUEHUEHUE spic using spanish in this pro-Trump react thread

never used Vue in my life
i don't know Spanish either

you're running with that joke a little bit too far


Find me one react maintainer who has the balls to proclaim that he is pro Trump.

No wait, lets go further. Find me one react maintainer who has balls.

>find one react maintainer who has balls
I'm actually an Angular user. I'm just having a laugh at the react drama autism and didn't think anyone would not get the original joke here

Attached: file.png (489x241, 40K)

>that pic
i thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant?

>I'm actually an Angular user.
React is better. Prove me wrong!
>no messing around with html
>typescript is optional
>easier to learn

Guess you weren't in on the recent drama.

>Satanist autist css teacher (yes really) in pic related posted that tweet
>creator of react came out and defended the community without getting political
>same autist points fingers at Ken Wheeler as a sign of toxic masculinity or whatever
>Ken Wheeler posts a picture of a fedora wearing fat guy complaining about lifting weights implying the only one with a problem with it are cringelords (actually fucking hilarious and accurate tweet)
>same autist css teacher again opens his retarded mouth and claims Ken Wheeler is a white supremacist and shows him doing the okay sign below the waist as proof of him being white supremacist
>Ken Wheeler calls him out as a liar and tells him about the finger game, everyone points out that Jow Forums made up the white supremacist sign to troll the media
>css autist retracts statement and apologizes
>shit flinging all around
>some poorfag special snowflake named Tatiana mac who does nothing but posts about race and white privilege tries to make it about her by saying she's quitting tech community
>Dan and Ken leave twitter
>people whine it's because of their white privilege they can do that
>Dan and Ken come back to twitter a few days later
>people still whine they can do that because of their white privilege

>shows him doing the okay sign below the waist
I remember the time when we were conceptualising the idea of "OK sign being synonumous to white power - WP"...

I was thinking to myself, this wont work. Those retards on Jow Forums are just delusional... Yet here we are. OK sign is racist now.

yeah, it's just a pic from Google.
In my current project I enabled the guidelines as well.
The automatic fake widget comments may actually make it worse though.

I mean Dart itself is quite alright.
It's almost funny how fast you can pick it up coming from JS and at least knowing rough Java or C# basics.
I would probably still consider Flutter for something UI/animation heavy, but if you need to interact with the device hardware a lot, then it's really tedious to maintain the native bridge to communicate with various APIs.
If I have to end up writing a lot of Java/Kotlin code anyway, then I might just as well write the whole app in Kotlin.

Since the Jetpack Compose guys pretty much copied the Flutter layout API 1:1, there is little reason to still go with Flutter in cases where you only need to develop for Android.

Google is kind of weird in that regard, where they sometimes have 2 separate teams who seemingly develop 2 competing solutions and possibly even have some kind of rivalry going on?

Attached: myflut.png (728x751, 96K)

>The automatic fake widget comments may actually make it worse though.
You should disable them. They annoyed me so much.

For me, coming from react-native, flutter was really easy to get into. Don't know if I have the time and energy to get into full android dev right now, and I have a feeling it would take me longer than getting familiar with flutter.

do I actually need to know the html/css stuff off the top of my head? Can't I just bring up a cheat sheet/google search?

is it worth getting good in Illustrator

>is it worth getting good in Illustrator
It's for logo design and icon design mostly. You can use SVG's in modern web, even animate them and create some cool effects

But I doubt current illustrator is capable of exporting code that does animated SVG's. You probably need another tool for that, or mess around with JS, css and SVG xml data yourself

>svg in the year 2019 of our lord and savior canvas

That video reminds me of the Apple keynote presentation? Did they just copy apple or were there plans to implement declarative UI before Apple came up with their version?

Svg is an image format, whereas canvas is an drawing/rendring browser api.. Both have their purposes.

true, but in the long run it's more forgiving. also, those huge nesting trees ...

>went to uni
>did a portfolio
>applied to a gazillion jobs
>no jobs
>26 and third worlder

How the Fuck did you even began with this 100k starting meme? I can't even find offers with average wages in my country

come to the US

What are some frameworks or CMSs that one can learn in order to sell templates/plugins online and that is not WordPress? I know PHP (Phalcon, Wordpress, Laravel), JS (React), Python (Flask), C, and SQL. I was also thinking of going into game dev to sell simple games to zoomers for phone gayming. Any lucrative niches that are worth looking into?

try upwork

What country are you from?

> upwork
> competing with millions of other third worlders for any job
> high fees

You really want him to get even more disheartened?

Don't. Upwork is crap.

Well then go around to local businesses or on local marketplaces on Facebook and offer your services.

Do you guys without degrees get nervous when thinking about long term future?

I get nervous about it and I have a degree

Once you have a job, nobody cares about your degree anymore, all they want is "Commercial XP", if you're a grad you don't have it anyway.

The only thing being a grad really gets you is grad jobs, which are usually junior dev jobs anyway.

Swings and roundabouts, grads don't usually have real world projects or exp with modern tools like React, if you do, you're ahead of them in that way, then you just have to pass HR that cuck you if you don't list a degree, which depends on where you live and the jobs you apply to.

If you’ve got a killer portfolio and can talk like a normie, why wouldn’t you be a chance at any job?

I was thinking about the ever increasing number of people trying to get into web dev, like a bubbles gonna burst with no other career options for degreeless people like me.

Web dev won’t die out for years, longer if you’re good

I mean, I guess not? But it's not like there a whole lot to memorize to begin with. It doesn't really shout of competence that couldn't even be bothered to do that.

What are some stacks? MEAN, LAMP, what else?


each part of the stack is interchangeable so you can just throw technologies together into abbreviation form.

do I have a better shot at getting my foot in the door as a non tech race minority?

you're more likely to get pushed past the initial screening by a recruiter but they'll interview you and hire you based on merit.

MERN - mongodb, epxress, react, node

it is very popular, but people don't like the abbreviation since it associates with "men"..

Well, IT sphere is cancer

imo all abbreviations are going out of style. its much cooler to imply you have a lot of different technologies. like the "our application server is mostly written in node, but our deployments are in python. we use react for the front end and mongodb for our datastore but psql for some use cases. oh and there's some typescript in there too"

>i thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant?
They're actually highly intolerant. That's what they're winning.

I just started learning React and I love it. Easily the best time I've had in my year of coding. It's just so sensible and beautiful and so far actually seems kind of easy. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that tells me I'll soon be actually be making my project.

Also, fuck everybody who says learn VanillaJS before a framework. Like I want to spend weeks fucking around with DOM manipulation like a jackass. I get how it works, I could eventually do whatever I need to do if I took a lot of time. That's good enough.

Should 720p be grouped with tablets for screen layout?

>That's good enough.
yeah, learn as you go. It's a good strategy.

I was actually joking. But honestly, I do use MERN and I would guess many others do as well. But I've never seen that abbreviation.

These are sad times, when people can't distinguish between jokes and SJW mental illness anymore.

That can't be cooler than a four letter acronym

There are sites that give you an overview of the scaled pixel width of many of the popular devices, so I'd check out that.
I think it was mainly apple devices when I checked it, but shouldn't matter really.

I literally am not an expert, but it seems to me like you should do enough work on your own that you eventually don't need to look up CSS stuff. I'm finding that as I learn JS there's enough incidental contact with CSS that I'm getting it. Still haven't written a site from scratch, though.

Seems to be consensus that you're not gonna make money selling apps unless the stars are connected. I can't comment on selling plugins, but React is an awesome framework to learn.

That's nice to hear, since this seems to be the stack I'm naturally developing.

people should learn vanilla in the sense, that they know that there are eventListeners, how to do the usual ES6 .map(), .reduce(), etc. stuff, how to work with objects, arrays and so on.
Don't need to build a whole site with a bunch of vanilla only files.

it only gets painful, when people jump into a framework and then post dumb shit where it's clear that they have no clue how scope works or how to loop over the entries in an object, etc

Makes sense. I'm glad I didn't waste weeks "mastering" vanilla, as was my original plan.

Oh shit, there almost was a conference with only white male developers.
Good thing it was caught quickly enough to be canceled in time.

Attached: pppppppp.png (555x1165, 380K)

Why the hate for PHP?

they are too problematic, unlike the C++ community

Attached: k4xkTbK.jpg (1080x1118, 501K)

Anyone have a... superb linter for English language?

>Why the hate for PHP?
It's made by jews. Jow Forums is closet Jow Forums

I dont want to have to suffer to work with php but good shit for those who don't care about working with it, enjoy the pay

I learned jquery before I learned javascript years ago. After Jquery started going away I was already good enough to know how to do shit anyways and times changed enough that modern browsers basically include everything Jquery had anyways.

What is the most redpilled language?