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No just a retard. Listening at high volume will do that


What music do you listen to when giving yourself tinnitus, Jow Forums? It's Carpenter Brut for me.

i pefer vivaldi's four seasons myself

GOD I love that composition so fucking much.
I still remember that warm summer evening when I smashed some animetard's face again and again with my steel bat while listening to this exact song... Fuck, those were the days

This thread again? Fuck off. Sage.

Tell me, you're talking about Recomposed by Max Richter version, user, or I'll report your post.

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But that's not an audiophile

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what headphones gave you tinnitus, Jow Forums?

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that's why you buy stax

Does that look like a phone to you retard

Just Monika background music on repeat

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Are there any more annoying users than audiophiles? Even gaymers don't seem as bad.

feel free to neck yourself, animetard

>He thinks it's anime

>t. 16 yo fortshart champion

Search engines say it's DDLC which is pedo cartoons or so called anime

Literally no animation nor made in Japan

Tinnitus leads a lot of people to suicide. In a related note, a not-botched yet "unsatisfactory" laser eye surgery lead a mother to kill herself. Personally, if I had tinnitus, I'd love it because white noise is helpful IMO and existence is way too fucking obnoxiously loud.

oh the irony

MS SpyDOS 10 looks like a mobile OS tho

That's what you get for using Bose headphones. A lot of other people also reported tinnitus after wearing their noise cancelling headphones.

Kill yourself. Bose ANC headphones are not audiophile grade gear.


I don't see how that buzzing in my ear is any helpful. Thankfully it's entirely ignorable for me.

I have tinnitus and it's not like white noise, it's like constant beeping the same way big CRT TVs beeped while on. It's a shit thing to have because I'll never hear absolute silence.

I wear earbuds connected to my iPhone app that plays white noise plus other sounds based on my preferences, so I can sleep kind of soundly. That's where I'm coming from but I get that the vast majority of people don't have sensitive hearing like I do.

jajaja very funny sirs

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Interesting. See Maybe my hearing is ok for now? (I do hear some ringing when it's quiet though.)

the only real choice

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i've had it after my headphones ear raped me (forgetting to turn the amp down) for a few minutes but if you're hearing it regularly then some damage has been done.

One less incel

You would never hear absolute silence without it either way. It's a scam.

I was at a club in Vegas a couple years ago with Lil John blasting into my skull. I had muffled hearing for 5-7 solid days. Thought I'd literally become an ear retard (no offense to anyone reading this). But the muffled sounds went away and I still hear small shit now that a lot of my family doesn't. Maybe I got lucky? But also, if that's the only time you were exposed to loud noises, either those headphones were military grade, or you're unassumingly misrepresenting the exposure.

>just turned 20
>already tinnitus, daily organ pain & Marie Antoinette'ed the front of my hair

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People who are still listening to things are just as bad as those who willingly expose themselves to sunlight.
Plug your ears and stay indoors people.

I have slight hearing loss in my right ear due to noisy computers from early 2000's and I constantly hear white noise in that ear. One time I started hearing what sounded like mosquitoes and I would look in my room for hours to see if I found the mosquito that was trying to bite me, I would slap my face because I thought it landed, only later did I realize I was hearing it in my head, thankfully it went away.

>hear absolute silence
user, I...

I have it. I normally just run a fan or something so I don't hear it.

... Am a huge faggot

How did you develop it anons?
Is it just loud volume?

stop screaming you deaf

Out of nowhere. For no apparent reason. No doc has any clue, my hearing is 'perfect' as they say. Half a year now, how long can I last? Wish me luck boys.

have you heard of hidden hearing loss?

those fags don't measure for hearing loss outside of the bare necessities for a quiet room conversation. People report music or a noisy bar sounding mushed and distorted and the hearing test gives them a clean bill of health.

Also this topic belongs on /sci/

Is it just prolonged exposure to loud volumes? Why do people listen to extremely loud painful things for long periods?

I got Sugma from a pair of noise cancelling headphones.