Rice help

I’m trying to emulate the look and feel of Mac OS Mojave on Ubuntu 19.04. I have everything down but the dynamic wallpaper.

I have 16 images of the dune at 16 different points in time in the day, reflecting 16 different amounts of sunlight shown onto the sand. I would like to:
>A) (Primary option) Make GNOME select a wallpaper given the amount of light in my city such that my brightest wallpaper is selected after the brightest reasonable daily threshold is reached, my darkest wallpaper is selected when the lowest possible brightness threshold is reached, and the other 14 wallpapers are selected according to the amount of sunlight in the area relative to staying confined between my upper and lower bound wallpapers
>B) (If the above is too hard) Set wallpaper 1 (darkest) to display from 12am to 1:30am, wallpaper 3 for 1:31am to 3am, ..., wallpaper 9 (brightest) to display from 12pm-1:30pm, and so-on.
Any tips, help, directions, install gentoos, or even a straight up program that just werks would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for indulging in my autism.

Attached: C1F97FDE-2D0A-44A3-9507-1FCE96A5A2EB.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

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>Linux user caring about aesthetic
Woah. How does your system preferences and spotlight look? Never saw a Loonix GUI emulating these well.

I'd be really surprised if there was no program for it. Sounds like such a simple functionality, back in the day even my dumb phone had a sort of live wallpaper.

B makes the most sense and would be easier. Do you really want to use processing power for wallpaper?

..... what does rice mean in this context.

There's a default GNOME wallpaper that does the same exact thing. It's basically just a .xml file. Check out /usr/share/backgrounds/gnome/adwaita-timed.xml and try to figure out how it works.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-28 21-35-22.png (1366x768, 133K)

work in progress pls no bulli

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-28 11-46-01.png (5760x1080, 2.54M)

Honestly given that it's sunny every day where I live, light generally fluctuates in a predictable manner. I couldn't really see wallpapers changing in anything smaller than a 60 minute interval. Shouldn't be too rough on my machine.

I've tried this with disco.xml to no luck. It yielded a black screen in the past, but check out adwaita-timed.xml to see if I have any luck.

Lels, what do you get when clicking on itunes and word? Fake icons for these seems like a bad idea.

Unfortunately it appears that Ubuntu 19.04 does not come with this file. It is likely that disco.xml is its replacement, which doesn't work. Would you mind pasting the code in this xml here? Perhaps with a little modification, I can get this thing running.

Don't think it even uses notable resources. If my Core M can pull it off without a hitch, anything should be able to.

disregard that I suck cocks
disco.xml does the same thing. I'll tinker with this until it works. No need to paste anything. Thanks!

I would like to know how you got it set up since i tried to do the same on a VM on ubuntu 18 and kinda got mixed with many things since it was my first time trying it and saw so many themes to use

Niggerbuntu aka ApartheidLUnix...
If you want the look and feel of an iCrap, just steal one...

>actual apple icon on top left
going for the look is one thing. but straight up fanboying this trash company to the point where you try to 1:1 replicate is just plain braindead consumer drone tier

Here you go, user. This should have everything you need, assuming you have Gnome Tweaks installed and can use it accordingly.

That's the running joke. I want mac users to mistake this for their operating system.

says i need the key bro


my bad homie

also pardon the bloat, forgot to removed the .tars and .zips

just install hackintosh if that's what you want

Thank you my man, did you follow any website tutorial?

No need. It all can be done on Linux™.

So basicly:
>download gnome tweaks
>activate dock and themes
>put the folders in the respective places and choose the themes

There was a fucking retarded video that cut out portions of its own tutorial. I used it as a launchpad but pulled things from other themes, as you can see in my bloated .zip.

You can find the video here: youtube.com/watch?v=nj3JKL1lJuw

Just about. Still working through this .xml though.

UPDATE: Got disco.xml to reflect this, but it's treating the current moment as if it's midnight in spite of it being in the middle of the day here. Any way around this you think?

>how I would do it
Find a weather provider for your country, get a cloud cover parameter using combination of curl, sed, grep and awk, create switch statement that sets correct file path for use with feh. Combine with date for time of the day setting. Complete functionality in probably less than 20 lines of shell script. It also works with any desktop environment and requires only minimal/standard programs. Use cron to run this script every few minutes.
So much bloat + it will probably break with next gnome update.

I'll look into this and give it a shot. It'll be babbie's first shell script. Thanks!

it can't

Linux can do anything you can imagine™. Whatever you're thinking of, it can be done in Linux™. Why would you ask for any other OS™? Are you a fan of garbage™? It can all be done in Linux™.

There's a gui application to make dynamic wallpapers like the default one. It's literally called dynamic wallpaper editor.


Attached: laughing santania.gif (498x278, 1.69M)

Why the hell would you want your OS to look like a damn fisher price toy retard.

If you want your system to look like Mac, why not bite the bullet and deal with the fuckery that is Hackintosh?

Turning GNOME into homOSeX is harder than KDE. KDE has a global menu and an application title that can build a somewhat close approximation to MacOS' global menu, and latte-dock can be made to look like the dock.

The future is dockless/taskbarless

is2.Jow Forums.org/g/1566876420908.webm

Doesn't work. 'File not supported'.


For the memes!

Honestly I'm 97% the way there, and it wasn't too hard. This is the final nail in the coffin.

>is2.Jow Forums.org/g/1566876420908.webm
Why would I want my computer to look like a phone?

>mac theme with no global menu

you're like 25% of the way there

a very bad ripoff of macOS