I just added the option to "sponsor" me on my github page. Am I going to become rich Jow Forums...

I just added the option to "sponsor" me on my github page. Am I going to become rich Jow Forums? Or those fuckers just donate money to fat slobs who play videogaymes?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-07_06-22-00.png (389x303, 12K)

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what have you already made?

two JavaScript libraries and a Pyhton script. The rest is personal projects, but you can learn from them.

With libraries you could earn some money (as the people using them would depend on you maintaining it), otherwise will be hard to win money in github

I got 170 stars on my project, where else could I shill it to get more attention?

LMAO, you are still going to be poor my guy

In here i think that is against the rules. Try to speak about it in programming/topic-related forums

No such rule.


Posting a software repo is not advertising or begging. Just make a new thread saying what it does or whatever.

So we can sponsor ourselves in here?

That's a good start. Modify the npm install script so that it doesn't go further until the user starts following you on twitter and instagram. Then proceed to circlejerk inanities for about 2 years on there to gather sizeable nu-male following. If you do this right, you'll have >10k stars on github & patreon for 500 bucks a month.

Also, no specialized libraries. The library should do something banal, yet commonly used, so as to achieve sizable demographic coverage. Popular topics include webserves, promise dispatcher, string manipulation like removing whitespace...

I'm not sure about sponsoring/donor shit, begging for stars has never gotten anyone banned at least.

well, here we go, this is my repo.


It creates a radial menu for your web app or web page. it's highly customizable and well documented. it does't require any other library and it's in vanilla javascript so, no footprint.

oh shit, thanks a lot for donating user. =)

refrain from breathing, thank you.

Attached: 3822139.jpg (400x400, 51K)

Bah guri, quanta estrela.

I'll upload a new picture if you become a patreon

bah, ajuda espalhar meu projeto

Don't you guys have a fire to put out?

I tried to help in brumadinho, amazon is way far from where I live. =(

I'm closer to the Pacific than the Amazon, yet I don't give any opinions on how Chileans should fish. Fuck the amazon, the people who live in it and fuck you too.

>rreeeeee leave Bolsenaro alone

kek, but seriously though, maybe don't deforest so badly that everything catches fire. I mean, BR is a shithole that has maybe one big asset, and you're wasting it lol.

we also have drinkable water and good coffee

The water I know nothing about, but the coffee is good for sure. I'm sceptical about the meat though, but luckily most of that goes to burgers and not here.

we have good meat too. both goias and Rio grande do sul are great producers


they usually sell the good things to Europe and the crap things for ourselves. but corruption here is infiltrated everywhere. shame, it's a beautiful place with beautiful people

since I'm here, you should take a look at this project I did and didn't share


I'll leave it public until midnight