What do you listen to while coding?

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Durgasoft tutorials


70s french glam rock and prog
Psych Latin music
Spanish guitar

Classical and surf rock are good choices. I prefer music with no vocals usually.
Pic related is dank.

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Eurobeat, lots and lost of eurobeat

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Cracktros, Devo or John Carpenter movie soundtracks

Prog rock, alternative rock, dad rock, disco, punk, synthwave, vidya and movie OSTs. Sometimes stuff like Metroid ambient music.

That’s super cool

Is this Vapor Wave?

cute anime songs!!

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Thanks. I hope to see them live some day.
I also really like this as well. The anime kinda sucked compared to the OVA but the sound tracks are based.

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When at work either my Cake, my Tool, my Modest Mouse, or my Queen Pandora station. When home, either my Mogwai or my Parov Stelar Pandora station.

Byzantine chant or Znamenny chant, though most of the stuff I do is debugging LaTeX files and making sure obscure packages play nice

What a playlist!!

>Thanks. I hope to see them live some day.
Where do you live? I've lived in several places around the US and have seen them play at some local bar almost everywhere I've been

If it's easy programming, podcasts. If it's somewhat difficult, nothing.

You’re making good money aren’t you?

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Why would you think that? I'm doing well.

Every relatively successful person I’ve met doesn’t listen to music when doing any kind of work that needs concentration. Music is a productivity killer when you need to pay full attention to what you’re doing.

Nothing, too distracting.

Must suck for people who feel music distracts them rather than paces them up. I'm sure, intellectually, they know that mind isn't a zero sum game, but they still can't hear any of it. Must suck.


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The Algorithm, Sithu Aye, or various other djent/glitch metal/prog rock that comes to mind

i listen to nothing for the first 2-4 hours because its distracting. after that im in the zone enough and my retard monkey brain can handle ambient music with no words, like Robert Rich, or the skyrim soundtrack


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