>use trusted purple skull torrent
>press exe like a fucking dumbfuck
>exe says it's corrupted
>the rest of the files in the exe folder disappear
>lose access to desktop, downloads, and documents folders
>thumbnails disappear
>reinstall windows
Any other horror stories, Jow Forums?
Use trusted purple skull torrent
I use rutracker.org and have never encountered shit like that.
That's just a retarded story
>not using GNU/Linux
Serves you right OP
>OP downloads torrent
>relies on a shitty AV
>AV starts deleting files with no warning
>AV immediately starts a full scan of all drives, slowing OS to a crawl and thumbnails are slow to load
>OP panics and wipes everything
I haven't gotten a virus since Limewire times as a kid, and I torrent shit on a daily basis.
>torrenting on windows
why do people do this
>discovered Jow Forums
>my brain
Avast 2019 by b4tman?
Just buy software, poorfag
Also never just randomly click illegally downloaded exe files, are you retarded?
Nope, I only download from green scull, otherwise it's a no deal
>Use Linux
>Propose it as the solution to everything
>bUt WinDoWs iS bOtNeT
Are you implying it's not?
You can do everything perfectly fine on Linux these days, including gaymen and it's a billion times more secure
>winlets can't sandbox a exe
no one is this dumb
not using VMs and sandboxes and not giving a fuck
This isn't Jow Forums, tourist.
no sandbox, VM, or even windows defender and I still haven't gotten pozzed
>Jow Forums.org/g
>it's redirect to 4 channel
nice try
>I use rutracker.org and have never encountered shit
>trust purple skull torrent
>finally found a win10 autoKMS.rar
>opens the rar
>23MB of a text file saying the word nigger
Fucking hackers
>even the website tells you you are a fucktard via redirect
you've been roasted.
This. Not sure what these cunts are doing wrong.
oh god I might have to start doing this shit in my spare time
>not using windows 10 built in sandbox
No, I'M this dumb
>Use GNU/Linux
>stop caring about shit normies suffer from, because it's none of its problems anymore
This, but unironically.
I installed the free VPN Pirate Bay has ads for
It was 9 months ago, all files hosted (whatever they are) on tpb was changed by rar files with texts saying nigger. The file index was ok, but when you try to download you got the nigger rar text file.
Apparently it's not on the news.
>torrenting in 2019
why do people do this
Why do people do this
>horror stories
more like complete retard stories
That's fucking hilarious, can't believe I haven't heard of that. Sounds like Jow Forums and Jow Forums fucking teamed up.
It's 2019 user come on. You have to always make sure people know that it is the current year at the present time.
>public tracker
there was your problem.
>redirects to 4channel.org/g/
this is mywebsite
Hilarious to a child maybe
Before hitting on a keygen exe file, you can make a registry backup. If things go wrong, you can then restore the registry and the machine should be fine again. Just don't download whre you see 770 seeds. Those are very often dodgy.
Pix related!
Back to r*ddit, retard.
>Used TPB for 10 years
>Never had this problem
Guess who is retarded.
I use rutracker for FLAC exclusively. I've only encountered a couple rips that were trash. Those Russians are surprisingly autistic about the quality and source of their music torrents.
You are lucky. I already saw retards getting ransomware'd on TPB.
That's actually hilarious, go back to plebbit please
>based russian chads stealing stuff from virgins private trackers
even ur comeback is childish lmao
>ur comeback
Nice try buy I'm anodafag
still childish
But it doesn't actually redirect to 4channel it redirects to ownwebsite.com
>Look at me I have a pass from 2014 I'm a true oldfag not like these plebbit newfaggots
Well what would be the preferred method of piracy in the current year?
>horror stories
>"I'm too retarded to determine what is trustworthy and what is not"
The horror.
ow my feeelinngs im telling mom