What the fuck should I be learning? C++ or Python...

What the fuck should I be learning? C++ or Python? Which one is the most useful in the long run as far as being hired as a programmer?

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if you are an absolute beginner, like you have no idea what a variable is, learn python

Python, Java or JavaScript will be your most useful options for getting a code monkey job.

These languages are all hated by programmers but they're also the most useful for employment.

Start out with Python and JavaScript and be a masochist with C++ once you're ready to put on your big boy pantsu.

Lisp. The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.

Unlike most languages today, which are focused on defining specialized data types, Lisp provides a few data types which are general. Instead of defining specific types, you build structures from these types. Thus, rather than offering a way to define a list-of-this type and a list-of-that type, Lisp has one type of lists which can hold any sort of data.

Where other languages allow you to define a function to search a list-of-this, and sometimes a way to define a generic list-search function that you can instantiate for list-of-this, Lisp makes it easy to write a function that will search any list — and provides a range of such functions.

In addition, functions and expressions in Lisp are represented as data in a way that makes it easy to operate on them.

When you start a Lisp system, it enters a read-eval-print loop. Most other languages have nothing comparable to `read', nothing comparable to `eval', and nothing comparable to `print'. What gaping deficiencies!

While I love the power of Lisp, I am not a devotee of functional programming. I see nothing bad about side effects and I do not make efforts to avoid them unless there is a practical reason. There is code that is natural to write in a functional way, and code that is more natural with side effects, and I do not campaign about the question. I limit my campaigning to issues of freedom and justice, such as to eliminate nonfree software from the world.

You can learn any language, they all have the same difficulty, just that C++ has a more strict syntax that takes more space and you can do low level manipulations easier in a C-like language while in Python you are stuck with high level problems(poo poo speed) and it's slightly less worse for libraries and other stuff.
General types can be bad since you're inevitably going to want to force unsigned *number* bit integers/IEEE754s at least once in your life in order to comply with other people's standards. Typeclasses are OP tho

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I wonder if this kind of statistics take account of all the recent "Full-Stack" job ads bullshit

I assume it's just a sum for all jobs imaginable, as even Scratch made it to the list, which is only used to teach programming to very young children.

Maybe those job openings are for teachers that teach children Scratch?

Attached: 3C06965A-DC70-4B45-9CF8-3A439DD6D44C.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

2019 is the year of Scratch on the Desktop?

learn python first, its easier to focus on the programming logic only. it also forces you to not be an inconsistent retard.

you should learn more than one language

It doesn't matter, just pick one. In my uni we learned the basics with python and then moved onto c++. You can do that. Or whatever the fuck you want really, your first language doesn't matter since you're going to be learning about loops and if-else statements anyway and those concepts are shared in every language. Once you learn, say python, learning another language is much easier since you don't have to learn about loops all over again, just the basic syntax in the new language. But it doesn't matter which you choose first as you probably want to learn both of them at some point anyway. Stop wasting time on meaningless shit and start coding.

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If you are new to programing go with Python. It's fine for peoples who are trying to get all that stuff around and it's pretty comfortable for making some quick prototyping. This should give you some good starting point and get along with programmer thinking it's not really about if you learn tag it's about if your thinking is at the point you know what are you doing and have some idea that you can break down to simple task that will computer perform. Then you can switch to C++ or different that are easy to learn but hard to master actually, it might not be right for you if you get comfy with your Python.

1. Don't think about yourself as BIG-DADDY-DEV you are not going to do anything super amazing or useful in next like few months. Yeah it sucks you will have some hard time but that's fine.

2. Give it some time, and go with simple projects even stupid calculator is something that will help you to build some knowledge then you can try add functions to it and more and more... that's how you learn don't expect to make any big project.

3. Don't be an asshole and don't think that just copying code is enough actually write it... you want to be programmer not copy and paste PUS so you will write your own solution to the problem and when it's fucked and you are stucked go and find something on the internet, don't open FUCKEDoverflow only because it's easier. NEIN NOTHING IS FUCKING EASIER DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ? DO YOU ? FUCKING WRITE THE SHIT DOWN YOU F....

ok i'm going to take pills right now...

>you want to be programmer not copy and paste PUS so you will write your own solution to the problem and when it's fucked and you are stucked go and find something on the internet
This, challenge yourself to find a solution to your problem before looking it up, even if your solution turns out to be shit. Learn how the online solution differs from yours and use that knowledge down the line for other problems you encounter. That's the main way to improve at programming, just trial and error find solutions to problems and learn how to improve them, and eventually you'll be able to come up with your own not-shit solutions.

Stop learning programming because you want a job, learn for the sake of learning at first so you make sure you're not miserable later.



Python if you're a beginner.

If you're not a beginner, then we need to know more about what you're actually planning to do with your career. Either one of these languages is useful for a wide variety of different types of problems, and either one can get you a job.

I consider C++ a badly designed language and Python a well designed language (or at least, better-designed,) but that's not always the only consideration.

But where is Haskell?

Python is garbage, C++ is a good language, but if you want a job learn JS.

Start with HTML++, then HASKALL and finally RUST for the ultimate ENTERPRISE experience.

Wait a second... Why is this even in the list at all?

Wait a second... Why is this even in the list at all?

learn js and react, python is a meme here

It's funny. How much Jow Forums likes to shit on Python it's been usefull for me. I started of programming last year in uni with Java and I don't like it. Coming period I'll get Python, so I started of learning it during summer. I do have complaints about it like not being able to use funcrions as operators but there's still something to it. While it's not as versatile or powerful as Lisp (I can't write it yet but I know how powerful it is), it's still worthwhile.

Python aparantly also allows you to apply lots of functional programming concepts. Since the language is easy the barrier to learning all those concepts is really low. I've learned concepts by now that would make the jump to a purely functional language way easier. It's not an end all be all language and there's a lot of things you shouldn't use it for but for learning programming instead of just a language it's fine. And that's what a beginner should aim for, languages are tools, being a programmer is the goal.

Cute old hag

Js and python takes the spot now gramps

>Python aparantly also allows you to apply lots of functional programming concepts.

he should learn c++ especially if he doesn't know any basics. He will just get bad habits from Python

ur retarded and this post is bad



i would give her fuc


Since functions are objects in Python you can use them as arguments, return types and in whatever way you could use an object. This allows you to make higher order functions, curry, closures, monads and more. While the syntax for these might differ a lot from purely functional languages is does work. There fortunately are a couple of immutable data types. Unfortunately the Python community seems to think you should write as "Pythonian" code as possible which is imperative and OO. But while the language isn't made for FP and the community doesn't like it it's still possible to write functional code in Python.

Let's just say you can definitely use Python to learn a lot of different paradigms and concept. It's not the end all be all, but that's not important when learning programming.

Since functions are objects in Python you can use them as arguments, return types and in whatever way you could use an object. This allows you to make higher order functions, curry, closures, monads and more. While the syntax for these might differ a lot from purely functional languages is does work. There fortunately are a couple of immutable data types. Unfortunately the Python community seems to think you should write as "Pythonian" code as possible which is imperative and OO. But while the language isn't made for FP and the community doesn't like it it's still possible to write functional code in Python.

Let's just say you can definitely use Python to learn a lot of different paradigms and concept. It's not the end all be all, but that's not important when learning programming.

>Since functions are objects in Python you can use them as arguments, return types and in whatever way you could use an object.
This is true in basically any programming language no. Nothing disposes Python to functional programming any more than Java or Go. In fact it's significantly worse than those languages since lambdas are crippled in Python.