Thoughts on this book? I want to learn programming using C++ and this one seems to be THE best possible choice.

>inb4 other language suggestions:
Sorry but for the time being I'm obsessed with C++, maybe I'd take a look at PAPL which uses a weird python/haskell mix to teach CS concepts, iirc. I'll learn some C afterwards so don't worry about that one.

Also recommend a follow up book, thanks.

Attached: c++book.jpg (408x500, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a huge fucking book.... If you're young or a student go ahead and read it. If you're a professional, learncpp.com + watch cppcons + practice C++ from 98 to 17 to "understand" the need for improvements.
The former will take you 2-3 months and net no real experience. The latter will kickstart you into a junior C++ position in a month.

I really wouldn;t recommend it
it's bloated with information you will literally never use

Accelerated c++ is superior

I'm a CS freshman.

It's one fucking tedious read. Also for being a book also aimed at absolute beginners, it stops with the usual "theory -> practical (working!) example -> exercises" far too soon.
Call me a brainlet, but the calculator chapter is a chore to work through. And the GUI chapters are even more pointless.

Very based book.

Just go for the professional's approach.

Stroustrup is not a great writer. Also the book is quite tedious, beyond the normal tedium of C++.

>professional's approach.
So the first reply?

Yeah who the hell wants to sit down and read engineering books? C++ is a tool. There is much, much better literature to read. Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Aristotle, the Bible,.....

Kek, yeah I guess I'll learn the algo part with my upcoming classes/other book then.
Also the best Bible is DRC.

Use Bjarne as reference book, instead concentrate on real programming. Life Hack: drinking cum increase brain capabilities.

What's DRC

No interested on the cum drinking aspect, that seems more related to the Rust userbase. However, what does "real programming" encompass? I hope it's not cum related...

Douay Rheims Challoner.

Just write code:
You need to make a game? Google how to do it.
You don't know how to make a loop? Google it.
Practice practice practice and drink a lot of tasty white cum!

Yeeees OP don't read books and lectures by top universities and people with dozens of years of experience. Just google all your problems away and copy off indians on stackoverflow.

You forgot about drinking cum..
( But seriously, my boy.
Fail, but fail faster. We know how real life works, right? You start to read a book.. you lose motivation because C++ is becoming routine.. you start to procrastinate and then you masturbate watching your mum. A classic story, right? Do the think I said and I'm sure you will be able to become a great programming language )

>Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Aristotle, the Bible
t. someone who just googled "famous books"

>drinking cum
>masturbate watching your mum
The fuck wrong with you

I always recommend famous books because how can you care about Grigorious, Schlemm, Przewsky and others, while not having read the basic shit?

Sorry, I sniffed some rust a hour ago.

you what

Has anyone read pic related?

Attached: 41AoUQujOCL._SX387_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (389x499, 24K)

Yeah there was nothing concrete to take away or remember for life. It's just..... a collection of philosophies, and not even very realistic ones, just wishful thinking of what computers could have been and should be.

Sounds like you havent read it.


We used the 2nd Edition. I thought it was great as far as we got.

I recommend Herb Schildt's books for beginners. Somewhat simplistic examples, but very clear writing style. Easier to digest than ((other titles)) out there...

Even though I hate C++, if I had to learn C++ I would use this book only because it goes under the hood and explains how things like vectors are implemented so you are just using libraries blindly as a black box. It also has other practical stuff like how to make a parser and how to use the FLTK graphics library which is very low level and creates widgets as allocated linked objects on the heap.

fuck that read
Tour book -> Effective STL -> Effective modern C++, then look at the c++17 and 20 features
