Let that sink in for a moment
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Brave haterz...
Your meme coins are worthless.
My brave balance is still 0.00 in spite of clicking a shit load of ads, sorry Wikipedia.
I hate this particular shitcoin, but this is false.
oh no no no, guess wikipedia won't be eating tonight
Imagine trusting Jewpedia
Imagine using Cuck.. I mean.. Brave..
What is brave and why should I care about brave and brave verification?
Who in their right mind still uses Wikipedia in the current year? Redpilled people moved on to Conservapedia years ago.
No thanks, I want neutral explanations with all racist shit left as a reference. I'd never allow my daughters to visit that website and it's blocked on AdGuard DNS anyway.
*hits pipe*
Oh, an epic zoomer response.
kys braindead
neck yourself
wtf, this is based as fuck, I've had similar ideas to this before on how the internet could be funded without advertising
>.0001% of the website is pozzed why even use it.
Grow up .
have sex
"neutral" in the case of Wikipedia means "sanitized for public consumption" and does not necessarily mean the views or sources hold no bias.
I guess wikipedia's yearly donate ad didn't work out so their starting to put real ads, supported by (((brave)))
Wikipedia is just a blogging site at this point, it's useless especially with infogalactic now.
Whose the retard now?
Literally anti-science propaganda. There is no good replacement for wikipedia yet, and there likely never will be.
Which one is the anal slut?
Science is not dogmatic like you are.
>sciente isn't dogmatic
True. That doesn't disprove the extreme bias of Conservapedia against sceintific theories like evolution. Look for an unbiased replacement, not one who's biases align with yours.
They deny evolution? What a bunch of retards. Admittedly, never been there.
>Look for an unbiased replacement
But that doesn't exist.
Whether you are on Wikipedia or Conservapedia or metapedia or rationalwiki doesn't matter for a politically sensitive topic, it's most definitely heavily biased.
If you are a regular liberal voting person you will find Wikipedia articles written by liberals like you, if you are radical liberal you will find rationalwiki articles who are written by people like you, if you are a neo fascist or white nationalist you will find a metapedia article written by someone like you and if you are a conservative you will find a conservapedia article written by someone like you.
>if you are a neo fascist or white nationalist you will find a metapedia
They don't deny evolution, wew.
You know shit is fucked when even fascists/white nationalists are more rational than conservatives.
I use uMatrix and uBlock Origin in Brave, mad?
any of them, all of them
Gonna need some proof of that, preferably video
What the fuck is supposed to be wrong with this? Wikipedia is free and they ask for donations nobody gives. What did you expect niggeR?
What's the point of a cryptocurrency that you can't cash out?
trading for bitcoin so you can cash that out instead
>Let that sink in
fuck off back to Jow Forums and keep your retarded memes there.
fascists are the ideological descendents of futurists, it'd be weird for them to be anti-science. even the gounon/evola traditionallist fascist types had no real love for the past.
Laugh all you want, soon you won't be able to access any site since everything would be behind a paywall thanks to your superior uBlock Origin
Wikipedia is literally hijacked by Zionists, and they don't even make a secret of it.
Zionists explicitly and publicly talk about how they edit wikipedia:
>inb4 go back to your containment board
go back to fucking r*ddit, kike.
Let what sink in? That a company partnered with a company to do things companies do? Oh the horror.
Conservapedia is explicitly ANTI-racist.
And anti-evolution.
Redpilled niggas should go to Rightpedia. They have a very good article on Google. AFAIK, metapedia was the goto before they went Zionist or something.
>Based mods deleting "have sex" posts.
>No longer have to hear r*dditors tell to me have sex.
Maybe mods aren't so bad after all.
tl;dr nigga.
>You know shit is fucked when even fascists/white nationalists are more rational than conservatives.
It's even more fucked when you consider we're literally more rational and more funny than conservatives, liberals, libertarians, anarchists, communists, and literal anyone else.
>tfw ZipRecruiter.com starts looking for high-ranking podcasts to advertise on.
>tfw they find your podcast and try to establish an advertising relationship with you.
>tfw nazi podcaster.
proof: archive.fo
>tfw the shit show that ensues, results in you receiving TWO YEARS worth ad revenue in a single week.
Funny as fuck:
I just want encarta back.
>I just want encarta back.
Redpill me on encarta.
Offline, had documentary videos on some topics, 360 views of historical places + other interactive stuff.
>Offline, had documentary videos on some topics, 360 views of historical places + other interactive stuff.
Can you post archive.is or google caches of good webpages from that site?
please don't donate to (((wikipedia)))
they are spreading disinformation, censoring writers
wikipedia is a huge propaganda tool, a paradise for zeteticians/(pseudo)skeptics
>wikipedia is a huge propaganda tool, a paradise for zeteticians/(pseudo)skeptics
Redpill me on zeldaticians
What's French fag saying?
>the internet could be funded without advertising
>by watching ads
they're only skeptical about what doesn't go along well with the system, using shitty arguments to discredit people
I wouldn't be surprised if some were big pharma shills, as they are always shitting on anti-vaxers, homeopathy
Does anyone SELF-IDENTIFY as a zetatician?
>they are always shitting on anti-vaxers, homeopathy
I'm not a vax-shill but I'll say this:
Acupuncture should be looked at with caution because you never these those guys use fucking gloves when they needle you.
R*ddit was big on shitting on chiropractors. I've had personal experience, where they legitimately made arm stronger by bending my body so that connections are stronger, but my understanding is that they are generally more dangerous and wreckless than proper Physicians.
My Chiropractor had free cookies in the lobby and they were delicious until one day I noticed a piece of glass in one of the fucking cookies, so this anecdote adds to r*ddits credibility in their crusade against chiropractors.
That and the fact he had me standing infront of a "cold laser."
I'm not a scientist, so I have nothing to say about the rest of homeopathy. I don't necessarily see a problem with herbal treatments and the first several thousand years of human evolution worked pretty well WITHOUT vaccines.
I don't remember the whole video but wikipedia deleted his french page although he sold millions of books, for shitty reasons (not enough sources about him)
wikipedia are also claiming Delavier is racist (it's obviously not true)
and of course a lot of zeta have a wikipedia page having done nothing really particular in their lives like being born with noble blood, being a shit writer, he takes Bernard Henri Levy as an example.
Imagine being an autistic Jow Forums fag
imagine complaining that Jow Forumsentoomen have autism.
>wikipedia is a huge propaganda tool, a paradise for zeteticians/(pseudo)skeptics
>of course a lot of zeta have a wikipedia page having done nothing really particular in their lives like being born with noble blood, being a shit writer, he takes Bernard Henri Levy as an example.
Are you just making up meme-words?
Where the fuck does this word "zetatician" come from?
yes, but the term zetetician is maybe only used in france, and skeptical is also used
kek by the way, I found a video of zeteticians that are apparently shilling for wikipedia on youtube
>What's true is false
>What's false is true
>Things are right or wrong because of my feelings
zeta = zeta male
zetetician = I shittily translated "zététicien" from french, they are calling themselves "skeptical" worldwide (although they aren't)
>yes, but the term zetetician is maybe only used in france, and skeptical is also used
Are you french?
Could you define Zetatician or is nothing more complex than "skeptic" branded shills? You mentioned that some Zetas brag of noble blood, which makes me think its more complex.
(I appreciate the videos, but I do not speak french.)
>zeta = zeta male
So like lesser than an alpha male and a beta male and even lesser than a gamma male?
Translated wikpedia article: translate.google.com
>tfw the whole point of this discussion was "fuck wikipedia"
zeta has nothing to do with zetetician, I meant zeta males/people, I'm just saying that you only need noble blood to get a wikipedia page
And zeteticians are not really complex, they are just shitting on every edgy theory while leaving institutions in peace
but I don't know why they are doing that, as I said some are probably big pharma shills
I once noticed a skeptical on wikipedia pointing directly to her skeptical group website as a source
>I once noticed a skeptical on wikipedia pointing directly to her skeptical group website as a source
On the internet no one knows your a dog, but I can still smell your rancid pussy. :^)
And nothing of value was lost.
>he believes in homeopathy
It's literally just water.
How young are you, zoomer?
>please be part of our pyramid scheme so I can get rich
Why do you want to know?
Join our Chrome-based shill force for webpack browser monopoly :DD
>reputable online entities such as Wikipedia
top kek
Kikes are fucking evil and repulsive.
who are you talking about ?
>Science is not dogmatic
Oh, but it is, user.
>you can't sell your coin for money
>only donate to approved content providers
>there's literally no way for you to transfer the coin to an an account that doesn't belong to an approved content provider
>approved content providers can sell coin for money