>He doesn't work in the Tech Industry
I feel bad for you faggots. Working as an app developer at a startup is heaven compared to the shit Jobs most of you do.

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i’m in photomarketing. its pretty comfy desu but i’m learning net security as a hobby

Dude, I'm studying medicine, whatever opinions you have are shit and I will get more pay than 99% of anyone from this single board.

>tfw work in tech and want to kill myself
Everyone is a faggot I work 60 hour weeks and get no vacation
Oh god why did I fall for the STEM meme?

I'm part time pizza delivery. Get paid minimum wage + tips. Pretty comfy desu

Attached: pizza.png (785x847, 154K)

>muh bootstraps
>muh mans man
>muh blue collar
>muh trades

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>Mfw I work as an app developer at a startup
>I come in whenever the hell I want(I come in 1pm somedays because I feel like it)
>I leave whenever the hell I want
>Company doesn't care what I do aslong as I meet deadlines
>I play around with brand new phones, tablets and macs all day to "test" my code
>I work less than 40 hours a week usually
>I make 90k+ a year
>I listen to my favorite YouTube tech channels while I write code

>Meanwhile blue collar faggots are knee deep in sewage or getting -10 degree wind hitting them in the face and they're grateful to make 50k a year
>If they show up 5 minutes late they get punished
>Working class faggots are flipping burgers until their wrist Is sore and they get payed 30k a year

Feels good to be High IQ

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>He still works

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>find old tweets from 5 years ago
watch your mouth leaf boy don't want to get fired now do you?

trades do suck
>very unstable work
>got off at 1pm today becuz no more work lol
>poorfag paycheck this week
>other weeks work will break it off in me, giving 70 hours and no weekend off

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