This board sucks

This board sucks.
Ama and Normie abuse thread.

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Other urls found in this thread: dad/username/Normie/

When are your tour dates for the (B)east coast

Going back to Discord tour when?

2020. 2019 is for the west coast babs.
Never. I went from here to discord and came back. I'm only in 1 server which is my own so I don't find any appeal in discord for recreation.

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And it not like you really go in to that server I think it been a few mouth for the last time yo7 was in there

Yeah. It's easier to just post here to talk with most people. The bois are great and I love them but this has been a nice break. Gotta get my normie life in order before I delve back into internet life.

I think it all so that in here there more too talk about then real life and and gay sex. Most of the time that all the boy talk about and that get kind of old. But Jow Forums be shit so not like there much to talk about In here.

why are you such a degenerate? I know all normalfags are gross but you take it to a new level

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At least sometimes people have good convo here.
That's a complex question space. I guess it was a combination of being raised traditionalist Mormon and having an unspoken no touch family policy. My mom didn't hug me until I was almost 16 and my dad NEVER gave me the sex talk so I learned everything from personal experience or the internet. Then there's losing my virginity before I was 13 to a boi and a couple years later to a girl. Everything about my life growing up was that human intimacy was wrong, gross and shouldn't happen until you're 30. To rebel against my parents I watched tons of porn and had sex with anyone I could. The real problem started when I realized sex is a great way to feel really good about yourself and be happy. To feel someone close to me treating me so delicately, giving me the intimate loving attention I so desperately craved and doing everything I could you reciprocate their affection is what would propel me like an addiction to the point where if ANYONE flirts with me I'll flirt back.
Fast forward to late HS and I'm regularly having sex with at least 9 people a week and masturbating 5 times a day. Once you fall into a habit like that you get into weird fetishes.
Just scratch the surface of what you look at to get hard. You'll get into some fucked up shit. I was involved with nasty women just to fuck them once to get it out.
After I became an adult I realized it was too late for me. I'm a broken man addicted to physical and emotional affection at anyone's hand (even if it's abusive) because I'm so deprived of intimacy. I eventually said fuck it and embraced it. I may get down in crazy ways but at least it's fun.
I'm a hedonist. Enjoy whatever gives you pleasure regardless of what people say.
It's not like their opinion matters anyway when you're the one getting laid.
Good question. It's a shame I'm on my phone.

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Holy shit bro there is more to life than sex and feeling good I mean I have lived with it for 18 years and I'm still alive

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